Daily Show Prep: Monday, May 8

Daily : , 8


Megyn Kelly Exposes Fox Exec. Behind Tucker Carlson’s Leaks

Tucker Carlson Given Job Offer with Salary Up to 3 Times More than He Was Making at Fox News

Tucker Carlson Reportedly Preparing to Unleash on Fox News: He Will Not Be Silenced

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Twitter sleuths find MSNBC gun-grabbing Allen shooting eye witness and well well well, whad’ya know

SUV driver plows into crowd outside a Texas migrant and homeless shelter – killing at least seven and injuring 11 others: Charged with reckless driving

FDA Approves First Pill Containing Human Feces

Hour 2

Proud Boys Found Guilty of Seditious Conspiracy

Berkeley Prof. Sorry for Being a ‘White Person Who Incorrectly Identified as Native’

Report: DeSantis to Skip Exploratory Committee and Announce Campaign

Hour 3


“Consider fake, even if it’s not” – of assisting Ukraine with censorship

Save the male chicks

Jan. 6 rioter in pink beret identified after ex spotted her in a viral FBI tweet

devoted over 2 years to tracking this , and she’s not even accused of any acts of . The feds can’t have you looking all adorable at a riot.

Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 5

Daily : , 5


Title 42 Countdown: 700,000 Migrants in Mexico Waiting to Rush U.S. Border

ATF overstated job tasks to overpay workers, $20M wasted on overpayments, US Special Counsel


IRS’s ‘Non-Partisan’ Pick to Study Tax System Isn’t So Non-Partisan

Legislative Wrap-up and what lies ahead

Hours 2 & 3

Interview: Senator Jonathan Lindsey

Horse Farm Under Investigation by MDARD After Hosting Gotion Rally; State Reps Call for Investigation

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announces departure

Flynn v U.S. – The USG Want’s Change of Venue

Daily Show Prep: Friday, Feb. 3

Daily : , Jan. 24


Classified Documents Discovered at Home of Former Vice President Mike Pence

BREAKING: Indiana School Places Counselor Who Leaked Secret Transgender Policy on Leave

EXCLUSIVE: Rep. Chip Roy, Sen. Ted Cruz Introduce Legislation To Bar Illegal Immigrants From Voting In DC

EXCLUSIVE: Ted Cruz Introduces Legislation To Impose Term Limits For Congress

Ted Cruz Calls For Search Of Biden’s Senate Papers At University Of Delaware

Hour 2

Parody trans account TCMA DROPS media for treating obvious Aretha Franklin parody as REAL story and LOL

Michigan School Board Member Said Whiteness is ‘Evil,’ White People are More Dangerous Than Animals

Discipline Is Indigestable: Health Official Warns Against Workplace Cake, Compares It to Secondhand Smoke



Hour 3

Horowitz: 12 new safety signals showing devastating dangers from COVID shots

The Recycling Religion

California Destroys Its Independent Truckers

With PRO Act, Congress Readies National Version of California’s AB5 Fiasco