Michelle Malkin Follows the Money Behind the Open Borders Movement

WASHINGTON—Michelle Malkin, author and political commentator, was inspired to write her newest after caravans of migrants from began piling illegally across the U.S.–Mexico border in November 2018.

The book, “Open Borders Inc. Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?”, is a 500-page compendium that makes the case that U.S. is on the brink of being lost, sold out through endless illegal immigration, amnesty deals, sanctuary policies, the program, and systematic attacks on enforcement.

Malkin’s investigative premise was to follow the money, and this sentence perhaps best sums up her claim: “The open borders conspiracy enabling unrelenting waves of migrant outlaws is a colossal profit-seeking venture cloaked in humanitarian virtue.”

Malkin names hundreds of nonprofit groups and churches, with billion-dollar budgets, that are involved in eliminating America’s borders and creating a . She names corporations, CEOs, and Hollywood elites who push for a borderless America, and the liberal media that she says is complicit. She calls billionaire the CEO of “Open Borders Inc.”

Malkin said billions, if not trillions, of dollars are involved.

“I think what’s shocking is not the fact that you have a single hedge fund billionaire in George Soros—who has now earmarked $18 billion out of his $25 billion to go to these kinds of programs—but I think not enough Americans pay attention to the kind of philanthropy that is destroying America,” Malkin said.

“You cannot underestimate the ripple effect of that private philanthropy. I think what’s going to shock people is the amount of taxpayer funding that is building off and leveraging the Soros piece of it. The refugee resettlement program itself has given billions of dollars to religious nonprofits that I’m sure a lot of churchgoers have no idea is going on.”

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