Monday, August 27 – Hour 2

President announces new trade deal with .

Illegal alien murders veteran.

seek to make illegal border crossings not illegal. Thereby, admitting it is illegal.

Report: Immigrants aren’t doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

Democrat politician pretended to be an immigrant but was born in .

driver loses sponsor because of something his dad allegedly said before he was born.

admits 3 songs on posthumous album are frauds.


Wednesday, August 30 – Hour 1 Podcast


U.S. Senator Joe Donnelly is selling stock in family business that outsources to Mexico – 95.3 MNC

An senator who is a longtime critic of says he’s finalizing his sale of stock in a that operates a factory in .

Trump Staff Turnover Normal, Abnormal: Too Soon to Tell | National Review

The average turnover rate at the end of each president’s first term is 72 percent, meaning that an average of 44 staffers leave the in the first four years.

Clinton’s Failed First Year As President | The Daily Caller

Harvey’s death toll climbs in Texas; at least 21 killed | Fox News

Crews in Texas have found the bodies of 21 victims of Harvey’s wrath, and warned on Wednesday that the number of dead would almost certainly rise as water levels across much of the Houston area start to recede.

Flood Victim Cusses Out CNN for Shoving Microphone, Camera in Face | Truth Revolt

“We walked through four feet of water to go get them food on the first day. Yeah, that’s a lot of shit. But y’all sit here, y’all trying to interview people during their worst times — like that’s not the smartest thing to do. Like people are really breaking down and y’all sitting here with cameras and microphones trying to ask us what the fuck is wrong with us.”


Daily : Friday, July 14


Rep. Brat To Dems: ‘Name The Statute That’s B | The Daily Caller

During a Friday interview, Virginia Rep. Dave Brat slammed who want to impeach without any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

STUDY: Nets Covered Donald Jr’s Russia Meeting 20x More Than Clinton Uranium Deal

The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) evening shows, in the last four nights, have been dominated by Donald J. Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower – a meeting in which apparently no favors, money or meaningful information was exchanged – but those same shows all but ignored ‘s -Uranium scandal back in 2015.

Stupid Hostile Media – John Stossel

They hate him so much, they leap on every anti-Trump rumor.

Journalism’s Disgrace | The Daily Caller

The headlines on my imaginary Clinton cover are the same: “Red Handed. The Russia Scandal Hits Home.” My highlighted prompts, however, are quite different: $500,000 speech $148 million Foreign Clinton Foundation funding chairman to Putin: “Few could have imagined in the past that we would own 20 percent of U.S. reserves.

BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Used Phony Information Obtained Through Collusion w/ KREMLIN To Damage Trump Campaign

Fusion GPS contracted with Steele, who had once worked as an undercover spy in Moscow. The court document lifted a veil on Washington’s inner workings, with Steele laying out how Fusion briefed select reporters on the material for which it and Steele had been paid to gather.

Pressure Washing is Racist, Says Seattle Councilman, Even Though Poop is Everywhere | Truth Revolt

So, something has to be done. Two superior court judges have been brainstorming on how to clean up the unsanitary environment. Naturally, pressure washing the area comes to mind. But one city council member says that’s racist. No, really.

DoJ Charges Hundreds of Doctors, Medical Professionals with Health Care Fraud | Truth Revolt

y, Jeff Sessions, along with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, announced that the Department of Justice has charged 412 people across 41 federal districts with $1.3 billion in health care fraud; the largest takedown of its kind in history.

Joe Donnelly Sells Stock in Family Business That Outsourced Jobs to Mexico

Sen. Joe Donnelly (D., Ind.) sold stock in his family company Friday after reports that he profited when it shifted jobs from the United States to .

Joe Donnelly Increased Investment in Family Business After Shift to Mexican Labor

senator Joe Donnelly (D.) didn’t make substantial investments in his family’s ink business until after it moved part of its manufacturing into Mexico, and his profits have steadily increased in the years since, according to financial disclosure forms.


Wednesday, May 10 – Hour 3 Podcast


FOX Expert Herridge: Comey Was Fired Because He Refused to Reveal Obama Unmaskers (VIDEO)

FOX national security expert Catherine Herridge told The Five last night that Director was fired because he refused to reveal the Obama administration “unmaskers” to President .

Trump defends firing of FBI director, pledges “far …

“Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me,” Trump wrote in a series of posts on Twitter one day after he fired the top U.S. law enforcement official. Comey had been leading a probe into the Trump 2016 presidential campaign’s possible collusion with to influence the election outcome.

10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing – Katie Pavlich

A number of in Washington D.C. this morning are expressing outrage over President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. But it wasn’t long ago that many of them called Comey unfit for public office, said they lacked confidence in his ability to lead the Bureau and called for his firing.

Democrats Wanted Comey Fired — Until Tuesday | LifeZette

Liberals demanded FBI director’s resignation, dismissal for months — before turning it against Trump

Huh? Nonsensical Maxine Waters Says Hillary Would Have Fired Comey But Trump Shouldn’t Have (VIDEO)

Democrat darling told MSNBC on Wednesday that should have fired James Comey if she won the .

Here’s Who Trump Might Pick To Replace Comey | The Daily Caller

President Trump reportedly set to work early Wednesday to choose a replacement for his first FBI director, James Comey.

Screen shot via @KellyannePolls cell phone- of Huma’s call at 2:30amE….6 months ago. I have on video & will share that in the near future.

Mexico was second deadliest country in 2016 –



Daily : Tuesday, September 6

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Hour 2

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Hour 3

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