Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, April 1

Hour 1

Elkhart County reports second death; State death toll up to 65

Michigan COVID-19 deaths rise to 259, MSU says health care grads can help

Gov. Whitmer reverses course on coronavirus drugs, is now asking feds for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine

Japanese VP: The WHO Should be Renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’

Red China Now Pushing Propaganda Videos of “American” “Journalists” Parroting the Very Propaganda Red China Fed to Them in the First Place


Russian Plane With Coronavirus Medical Gear Flies To U.S. After Trump-Putin Call

Attorney General denies request that JoAnn Fabrics remain open during pandemic

Hour 2

REPORT: US Intelligence Confirms China Falsified Coronavirus Death, Case Data

New blood test can detect 50 types of cancer

Jim Jordan Presses Jerry Nadler To Hold Hearing On FISA Abuse Following Another Damning IG Report

‘Stay The F**k At Home’: Samuel L. Jackson Shares Hilarious Poem During Coronavirus Isolation

Scientist Who Predicted Pandemic Blasts WHO: ‘They Set Us Back A Great Deal’

A Message From The Congressman Who Wants To Rescind The Kennedy Center’s Stimulus Funding

How Techies Ignored the Bureaucrats and Helped the COVID-19 Response

Hour 3

‘Lying Scum Bag’: Greg Gutfeld Goes To War With Media Matters Employee After ‘The Five’ Coronavirus Coverage Claim

Hospital Exec Fired For Saying Trump Supporter With Covid-19 Should Die



Birx Clears The Air: Governments Were Slow To Respond To Coronavirus ‘Because’ China Covered It Up


Newspaper Claims Old Posts Can Be Used Against ‘People in Positions of Power’ but Not Journalists

The New York Times is arguing that old posts on Twitter and other social media websites shouldn’t be used against journalists after a top editor at the paper was spoken to regarding a string of tweets that some found antisemitic.

Reporters for the paper also cited the CNN photographic editor who resigned after old tweets showing him calling “pigs” and “the main enemy for the people of Egypt.”

The Times claimed that allies of President have compiled a of past statements and social media posts of journalists.

, the ally, indicated as much on Twitter after the Times didn’t take action against its editor for the controversial missives that the paper admitted were “a clear violation of our standards.” “If the @nytimes thinks this settles the matter we can expose a few of their other bigots,” he wrote. “Lots more where this came from.”

The and Trump campaign said it wasn’t involved in the operation, but suggested that exposing journalists who said things they would report others for is fair game.


“Two can play at this game,” added Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide. “The media has long targeted Republicans with deep dives into their social media, looking to caricature all conservatives and Trump voters as racists.”

That’s when the reporters wrote that people “using journalistic techniques to target journalists and organizations as retribution for—or as a warning not to pursue—coverage critical of the president is fundamentally different from the well-established role of the in scrutinizing people in positions of power.” It later noted that Media Matters for America has been targeting conservatives for years using the same methods.

A. G. Sulzberger, the publisher of the paper, sent a statement to the reporters complaining about the techniques.

Media critics exploded after the article was published, noting media outlets have been using the techniques not only to scrutinize people in power, but dox Trump supporters and ambush old women at their houses.

Outlets have also targeted athletes, activists, and celebrities for social media posts they’ve made when they were teenagers.

“Still can’t get over the absurdity of major outlets clutching their pearls about the consequences of disclosing public figures’ old tweets, as if their stories about ‘unearthed tweets’ were only limited to grave matters of public interest,” wrote , an attorney who frequently criticizes the media on Twitter.

Click here to view original web page at www.theepochtimes.com

Former Jared Holt And Progressive Refuse To Condemn For Promoting White Nationalist

Again, Richard Spenser is a long-time leftist who is falsely put in the political right’s camp.

Former investigative reporter, turned left-wing advocate, Jared Holt joined the SPLC, ADL, RightWingWatch, Media Matters, and HopeNotHate in their refusal to condemn for hosting white nationalist Richard Spencer. 

Former CNN producer Steve Krakauer, lambasted his former network by calling for the firing of whoever gave the green light for Spencer to appear on air.


Click here to view original web page at dailycaller.com