Mark Cuban Does Exactly What The Communists Want Him To Do

The complete control the Chinese Communist Party has on the NBA is well-documented and not in dispute.

owns an NBA team.

Therefore, Mark Cuban will do what the Chinese Communist Party wants him to do.

He’ll also bow to the wishes of his players because he doesn’t want to upset them. Those players will do whatever the communists want them to do.

Get it?

Mark Cuban has directed his team to no longer play the National Anthem before games.

noted that the Mavericks did not publicize the decision, and some players said that they weren’t even aware of the move until they discovered it on their own.

The outlet said, “This is believed to be the first instance of a professional team getting rid of the U.S. from the pre-game, according to the Athletic. did not play the anthem during a tournament in 2020 in Orlando that did not have fans present, but teams have since started playing it prior to their home games.”

The great irony is that a billionaire will do what a communist wants him to do in order to keep making money.

It’s not just China responsible for Cuban doing the bidding of communists. This is a long strategy employed by communists do destroy America, and Cuban is happy to do it. Even if he doesn’t realize he’s their puppet.

Communist goal number thirteen: “Do away with all loyalty oaths.”

Skousen’s “” listed the 45 communist goals that the US had identified as a way to destabilize and change the from a free capitalist country to a socialist one. I was the first person in to tell his audience about this many years ago.

The attack on the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance has been relentless from academia and has now gone mainstream. They are painted as racist and offensive. Things to be done away with.

Everyone knows not playing the National Anthem is turning your back on America. Mark Cuban is ok with that so long as it satisfies his financial goals. What he may not be aware of is that he’s also doing the bidding of communist agitators hell-bent on destroying this country.