Daily : Thursday, June 13

Hour 1

All Flint water crisis criminal charges dismissed by attorney general’s office — for now

New video shows animal living conditions at Fair Oaks Farms, more videos coming

Private Border Wall Builders Ordered To Keep Gate Open, Preserve Access To Historic Monument; UPDATE: CLOSED

South Bend awarded $30,000 grant toward new playground at Howard Park


Hour 2


Colorado passes $1 billion in marijuana state revenue




Hour 3

Vox Writer Confused After Trump’s Tractor, Internet Claims. Iowa Senator Sets The Record Straight.

Vox “Journalist” Tries To Clown On Trump, Ends Up Exposing How Ignorant He Is

Farm Groups Applaud Trump Biotech Order




Wednesday, May 1 – Hour 3

AG Barr to probe Clinton campaign for paying foreign agents for Steele

Mueller said he wouldn’t charge if he weren’t president either

shuts down

Brian ‘Tip ‘Oh The ‘ Williams calls Lindsey Graham a liar for making an accurate statement

NY Times thinks men should work less to lessen the mythical wage gap

Facebook Dating to have ‘Secret Crush’ feature and what could go wrong?


Daily : Wednesday, Sept. 13


As Hurricane Irma roared, thieves used sledgehammer to break in, steal | Miami Herald

It looked as if ‘s powerful winds had swirled through the 14 businesses that occupy the Junction Lofts building in Miami’s Little River district. File cabinets were overturned. Pictures were ripped off walls. Papers were strewn about.

GARBAGE take: Blue check calls Miami P.D. ‘white supremacists’ for arresting looters during #Irma – twitchy.com

You know when a blue check breaks out a phrase like ‘carceral state’ the BS to follow said phrase will be exceptionally deep.

Kid Rock tells Nazis, KKK to ‘stay the f– away’ at Michigan concert – Washington Times

“If you want to take a knee or sit during our ‘Star-Spangled Banner:’ Call me a ‘cause I’m not PC and think you have to remind me that Black Lives Matter,” he said. “Nazis, f—ing bigots and now again the KKK, screw all you a—holes, stay the f— away.”

ESPN host accuses Kid Rock of racism. Maybe she should talk to Rock’s black son – Red Alert Politics

Hill tweeted on Monday that Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, pandered to racists and dehumanized black people because he used the Confederate flag at his concerts. Rapaport agreed and called him a “racist” and a “scumbag,” who was a hip hop artist and then switched to country music to make money.

ESPN: Jemele Hill Comments Inappropriate | The Daily Caller

“The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the President do not represent the position of ESPN,” the sports network’s public relations department said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. “We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.”

Feminist Group Says Starbucks’ PSL is Funding White Supremacy – Christine Rousselle

Sorry, basic ladies of America: according to one feminist group, your pumpkin spice latte habit from Starbucks is “funding rent payments to white supremacy.”

FLASHBACK: Starbucks CEO Faces Backlash After Suggesting Violence and Hatred Towards Whites is Acceptable

Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz continued his assault against the majority of Americans. Following the Charlottesville protests, Schultz said, “I know we’re better than this. The bigotry, hatred and senseless violence against people who are not white cannot stand.”

Physics professor: Science can’t be trusted because it’s ‘conducted primarily by white men’ – Red Alert Politics

A physics professor at the University of Washington is blaming white male scientists for having too much influence in the field of scientific research.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo Says Osama Bin Laden’s Porn Stash Won’t Be Released

CIA Director said documents retrieved from the 2011 Navy Seal raid that killed Al-Qaeda leader would be released in “weeks”—with the exception of one particular part of the haul, his pornography stash.

Hour 2

Burn it all down: Just 26% of Americans can name the three branches of government – Hot Air Hot Air

I don’t know that there’s anything to add to what Jay Cost said: “We have squandered the greatest civic legacy in the history of the world.”

Video Montage: Hillary Blames Everything and Everyone | Truth Revolt

Washington Free Beacon has compiled a hilarious yet unsettling short video montage of excerpts from Clinton’s recent interview with CBS Sunday Morning, in which the failed presidential candidate slung blame wildly in all directions, from WikiLeaks to former FBI Director James Comey to “millions of white people” to sexism and misogyny — lots and lots of sexism and misogyny.

‘Holy sh*t’! It’s official: Hillary Clinton is out of her ever-loving mind – twitchy.com

We knew Hillary Clinton’s been taking her election defeat pretty hard, but it really seems to be taking a toll on her sanity. And don’t just take our word for it … take hers:

Hillary: The lesson of “1984” is trust your leaders – Hot Air Hot Air

There are establishmentarians, there are big-government establishmentarians, and then there are people who read Orwell and see a parable about insufficient trust in authority:

Fighting For $15? New Robot Taking Over In Fast Food Spots « CBS13 | CBS Sacramento

As fast food employees across the U.S. continue to protest for higher wages, a California chain restaurant has decided to hire a new staff member that works for free. The competition for the company’s low-wage workers: a burger-flipping robot named “Flippy.”

REPORT: Paul Ryan Says No Chance for Border Wall at Private Dinner

At a private dinner over the summer, Speaker claimed Congressional support for a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico is non-existent. Only “one member” supports President ‘s core campaign promise to build “the wall,” said Ryan.

Waiver issued so construction of border wall can begin – KVOA | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a waiver to waive certain laws, regulations and other legal requirements to ensure the expeditious construction of barriers in the vicinity of the international border near Calexico, California. The waiver was published in the Federal Register today.

Speaker Paul Ryan Says US House Will Vote to Fund Border Wall This Week (VIDEO)

Speaker Paul Ryan: This week the House is going to vote on all of the appropriation bills. This week the House is going to vote on all of the appropriation bills before the fiscal year deadline… It hasn’t been done in a long time. So the House of Representatives is doing its work. The House of Representatives is doing its job. And the House of Representatives is bringing all of these appropriation bills on budget, on time and that is an historic achievement… We are fully funding the president’s request to build a wall along the southern border.

Hour 3

White House calls for the resignation of ESPN host Jemele Hill

Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling for the termination of an ESPN anchor after she called President Donald Trump a on Twitter.

REPORT: Texas Professor Resigns after Tweet about Sec. DeVos Being Sexually Assaulted

A Texas community college professor who Tweeted he would be okay if Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was sexually assaulted resigned from his law firm according to local outlets.

Trump Puts Another Woman in Top White House Role, Leftists Mad She’s Pretty | Truth Revolt

nt Trump has hired another woman for a top position in his White House, but instead of celebrating another huge step toward equality, leftists are breaking their own rules and picking on her physical appearance.

Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Rick Santorum Reveal Their Obamacare Block Grant Repeal Legislation

The Graham-Cassidy bill will repeal Obamacare’s individual and employer mandate, Obamacare’s medical device tax, and deliver health care to the states so that local governments can design a more affordable alternative to the Affordable Care Act. GCHJ strengthens the ability for states to waive Obamacare regulation, such as community ratings and essential health benefits. The bill will also allow Americans to use their Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to purchase health insurance and pay for premiums, an idea first sponsored by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Study prompts call to examine flu vaccine and miscarriage – ABC News

They found 17 of 485 miscarriages they studied involved women whose vaccinations followed that pattern. Just four of a comparable 485 healthy pregnancies involved women who were vaccinated that way.

Awans Funneled Data to Secret Server | The Daily Caller

A secret server is behind law enforcement’s decision to ban a former IT aide to Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz from the House network.

Daily : Tuesday, June 7

Hour 1



Cruz Attacks Trump Over Mexican Judge Comments – Won’t Commit to Supporting Trump

Hispanic is the anti-Trump judge who had allowed a class action lawsuit to proceed against the GOP nominee. Curiel, who was nominated by Barack Obama, awarded scholarships to illegal aliens in 2014.

Michelle Malkin | » 15 things you should know about “The Race”

1. “” thrives on ethnic supremacy–and the elite sheeple’s unwillingness to call it what it is. As historian Victor Davis Hanson observes: “[The] organization’s very nomenclature ‘The National Council of ‘ is hate speech to the core. Despite all the contortions of the group, Raza (as its Latin cognate suggests), reflects the meaning of ‘race”‘ in Spanish, not ‘the people’ — and that’s precisely why we don’t hear of something like ‘The National Council of the People’ which would not confer the buzz notion of ethnic, racial, and tribal chauvinism.”

Exclusive: The Truth About ‘La Raza’ | Human Events

There are many immigrant groups joined in the overall “” movement. The most prominent and mainstream organization is the National Council de La Raza — the Council of “”.

Judge, law firm bringing Trump U case both tied to La Raza

The federal judge presiding over the Trump University class action lawsuit is a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, a group that while not a branch of the National Council of La Raza, has ties to the controversial organization, which translates literally “The Race.”

Check Out The Softball Questions The Media Asks CrookedHillary Clinton (VIDEO)

It must be nice to be a Democrat. hasn’t given a since December and when she finally took some questions this week, reporters lobbed weak at her.

Hour 2

Katie Couric’s Producer Confirms Her Team Skirted Federal Gun Laws

“While it may seem hard to believe that one could buy these types of this easily, all purchases in the film were made completely legally. Arizona law allows out-of-state residents to buy long guns (i.e. rifles, shotguns, military style assault rifles) from a private seller without a background check. It also allows Arizona residents to buy handguns from a private seller without a background check.

Bill Kristol Now Encouraging Lindsey Graham To Run For President | The Daily Caller

In the wake of Sen. revoking his endorsement of and David French surrendering before even running, Weekly Standard editor is now encouraging Graham to resume his run for president.

Michigan fuel line rupture repaired in Van Buren County; cleanup continues – 953MNC.com

Officials say repairs have been completed to a diesel fuel line in southwestern that was accidentally ruptured by a farmer using an excavating machine to clear trees.

Indiana sees 70 percent surge in syphilis cases in 1 year – 953MNC.com

State health officials are urging ‘s health care providers to aggressively test patients for after the state’s sees 70 percent surge in syphilis cases in 1 yearcases surged 70 percent in a single year.

People are spending much less time on social media apps: Report

People are spending less time on apps, in some cases substantially less, a new study from marketing intelligence firm SimilarWeb found.

Hour 3

Clinton clinches Democratic nomination

Clinton became the presumptive Democratic nominee in a surprise development on Monday, making her the first woman ever to win a major party’s presidential nomination one day before she was expected to cross the threshold.

State Dept Will Release Clinton Emails On A Nonexistent Day | The Daily Caller

International Business Times reported Monday that it had made a Freedom of Information Act request to the for ‘s emails concerning the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a controversial free-trade deal. Initially, the said those emails would be available by April . After that deadline flew by with no emails in sight, the Department updated its prediction, saying the emails wouldn’t be available until an estimated date of Nov. 31, 2016.

Brock Turner Is a Rapist, His Dad Is Wrong, and Justice Is Elusive – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Who is ? He’s the former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an incapacitated woman behind a dumpster after a fraternity party in 2015. Turner raped her after she passed out from drinking, then fled the scene when two Swedish students caught him in the act. Turner did not get away—the Swedes chased him down, and he was arrested, charged, and convicted of three separate offenses.

Recall Effort Launched Against Judge Aaron Persky in Stanford Rape Case – NBC News

Turner was once an Olympic hopeful. Persky, who also attended Stanford, was captain of the school’s lacrosse team when he was an undergraduate and also helped coach the lacrosse team while attending Berkeley law school, according to biographical information he supplied in 2002 to the League of Women Voters of .

Brewing Beer At Home Just Got Easier Than Ever Before — Meet The Future Of Homemade Beer Brewing

Show Prep: Mon, Dec. 21

‘Intentional’ Accident: Oregon Woman Accused in Deadly Las Vegas Crash Identified | TheBlaze.com

Clark County Nevada authorities identified Oregon woman, Lakeisha N. Holloway, as the driver in Sunday’s crash that killed one and injured more than 30 outside of a Las Vegas casino.

‘Inclusive Terminology’ Guide At University Of Missouri Raises Awareness Of ‘Adultism’ | The Daily Caller

The guide is titled “The Language of Identity: Using inclusive terminology at Mizzou” and defines “adultism,” for example, as “prejudice and accompanying discrimination over young people.”

Sports Radio Host Tries to Educate on Second Amendment With a Tweet. You’ll Likely Understand Why He Deleted It. | TheBlaze.com

CBS college basketball analyst and Doug Gottlieb took to Twitter on Sunday night, arguing that the Second Amendment isn’t actually in the U.S. Constitution.

WaPo Accused of Using ‘Deliberately Misleading Headline’ on Gun Deaths — Here’s the Evidence | TheBlaze.com

Many readers might assume that means gun deaths have skyrocketed in recent years, but the data included in the Post’s own story tell a different story.

Shocker: As Gun Ownership Hits Record Highs, There’s Fewer Murders Than Ever – Christine Rousselle

Electric Vehicles Make Europe Dependent On Fossil Fuels | The Daily Caller

Research shows that the Norway’ growing electric vehicle market forces the country to be more dependent on coal-fueled power plants — but, according to the researchers, this is a good thing for the climate.

Gary teens ask city to ban saggy pants – 953MNC.com

Wearing pants low enough to expose underwear could soon be against the law in , .

Lindsey Graham Drops Out Of Presidential Race | The Daily Caller

South Carolina Sen. announced Monday that he is dropping out of the .

What Ryan got in his Omnibus – Conservative Intelligence Briefing

1. Obamacare Repeal: Believe it or not, the stage for repeal of this law has now been set. By keeping the 2014 Rubio provision intact, which bars any taxpayer bailout of insurers losing money in Obamacare’s exchanges, this omnibus prevents the administration from wasting taxpayers’ money to delay the Obamacare law’s day of reckoning.

CNN Anchor: Fact-Checkers Have Debunked Hillary’s Trump Lie… “But We’ll Leave That Aside” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

“The fact-checkers at this time say there is no proof that ISIS used Trump in their videos… But, We’ll leave that aside.”

Hillary Clinton roundly CONDEMNED for LYING about ANOTHER FRICKIN’ VIDEO!! » The Right Scoop –

Even CNN couldn’t help her out on this one:

Somebody Tell Hillary… ISIS Recruitment Video Featured Bill Clinton the “Fornicator” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

There is an ISIS recruitment video which features a prominent American politician, but it’s not Donald Trump. It’s ‘s husband, Bill Clinton.

Somebody Tell Hillary… ISIS Recruitment Video Featured Bill Clinton the “Fornicator” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

For the record… Obama and Kerry also were shown in the video – NOT Trump.

Sanders Apology Over Data Breach Comes Six Months Faster Clinton Apology Over Private Server | The Daily Caller

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders apologized to Democratic presidential frontrunner at the ABC debate in New Hampshire Saturday night.

Hillary’s Debate Fact-Check Request Backfires | The Daily Caller

And such a review reveals that the biggest donors to Clinton’s 2016 campaign committee, Hillary for America, come from the legal, business services, and securities and investment industries. The education industry is the fifth largest source of contributions to the Democratic front-runner’s effort.

Maryland girl writes notes to her parents after they tell her Santa is not real

Barack Obama Says He Didn’t Realize There Was Fear Of Terrorism Because He Doesn’t Watch Cable News | RedState

In an off-the-record meeting with journalists on Tuesday, Obama said that he did not watch enough cable news to fully recognize the extent of people’s fears, sources with knowledge of the meeting told CNN.

Convicted Killer Sues Over Waffles and Grilled Cheese. Here’s How a Judge Reacted. | TheBlaze.com

A killer imprisoned for murdering his brother with a butcher knife is suing the former food-service provider of the state Department of Corrections. The reason? Unsatisfying food options.

Tanning bed age restrictions proposed by federal administration – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

New proposed steps by the FDA would prevent sunlamp products from being used by minors and reduce the risk of using these devices for adults.

CDC investigating another outbreak of different E. coli strain at Chipotle

Shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill hit a 52-week low Monday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced it is investigating another, more recent outbreak of a different strain of E. coli linked to the restaurant chain.

Kenyan Muslims shield Christians in Mandera bus attack – BBC News

A group of Kenyan Muslims travelling on a bus ambushed by Islamist gunmen protected Christian passengers by refusing to be split into groups, according to eyewitnesses.