Democrats Scared Midterm , July 26 – 1


Biden’s DOJ Refuses to Investigate Whitmer’s Nursing Home Policy

Rep. Scalise Blasts DOJ for Dropping Investigations into Nursing Home Deaths

Nine ‘Unregistered, Roving’ Chinese Spies Arrested After Threatening U.S. Residents

Biden’s Department of Justice Drops Charges Against Chinese Soldiers Who Lied to Acquire Jobs at American Universities

Biden, Iraqi PM to Announce End of US Combat Mission in Iraq

AZ Audit Exclusive: Ballots Arrived to Audit Literally Stuffed in Boxes, Protocols Thrown Out the Window

AZ Audit Exclusive: Election Systems Password Hasn’t Been Changed in 2 Years and Is Shared All the Time

Democrats: ‘We’re F***ed’ with Election Integrity Laws in 18 States

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Entire Party Quits – , 1

Elkhart no longer issuing mask fines
Entire NV Democratic party staff quits after socialists take over
6th woman accuses Gov. Cuomo
Gov. Cuomo’s book canceled because he got thousands killed and lied about it
Burker King canceled because you aren’t allowed say women are needed in the kitchen

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Biden Buyer’s Remorse Continues To Expand – , Feb. 1 – 3

Hour 3
Judges go easy on fed workers convicted of crimes linked to Russia collusion lies
Report: Biden administration can’t account for as many as 20 million vaccine doses that were sent to states
#BidenLied trends on Twitter as critics demand the $2,000 stimulus checks they claim he promised to deliver during campaign

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Trump And Facts On Deaths

Hour 3
This Chinese propaganda starts at the university level.
Cincinnati professor on leave after calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’
Guess what school has direct ties to the Chinese government?
UC plans to open campus in China
It’s all over social media.
China used internet troll ‘army’ to shape coronavirus narrative: report
Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC for Bad Statistics
Fauci on Trump Claim Coronavirus Casualty Count Is Exaggerated: ‘Deaths Are Real Deaths,’ ‘That’s Not Fake’
Friendly reminder, Fauci just admitted to lying to all of you in order to manipulate you into doing what he wanted you to do.
Can you ever trust a health official who, not only has been wrong the entire pandemic, but admitted to lying to you about it?
Remember when Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, staight up lied to you all by saying: “”Hospitals do not receive more money when a death is coded as COVID,” he said, calling the claim a myth.
USA Today did a fact-check on this claim and found that hospitals do, in fact, get more money for COVID deaths. Dr. Redfield at the CDC testified that this does happen while highlighting there’s no evidence proving widespread manipulation of the death total for additional funds.
Bottom line is health officials keep lying to you. The media keeps lying to you. They keep getting caught. You can’t be surprised by outrage.
I’ve already highlighted dozens of stories involving thousands of non-COVID deaths being listed as COVID in the US. 
I’m not saying hospitals are doing this mislabeling on purpose. Paperwork errors happen all the time. However, let’s be honest. The American hospital apparatus has a LONG rich history of inflating bills to maximize profits. This is an uncontroversial claim that is universally know and derided. Suddenly, we are to expect those same people magically become the arbiters of truth and honestly?
FLASHBACK: CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths

CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths

Well, Trump isn’t alone …
2 Minnesota Lawmakers Say State’s COVID-19 Deaths Inaccurate, Call for Nationwide Audit
WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals

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