Daily : , 24

Hour 1

SJC Hires Disgraced Doctor For “Birth Equity” Seminar, Study. She had Medical License Suspended, Allegedly Killed Baby and Mother


Jake Tapper Tests Positive for Coronavirus, Infuriates Staffers by Taping His Show Anyway

US Postal Service wants to provide digital ID and collect more biometric data

Hour 2

Australia’s eSafety Commissioner tells Davos it’s time for a “recalibration” on human rights like “free speech”

YouTube CEO at World Economic Forum: “There’ll always be work that we have to do” to censor “misinformation”

China launches an autonomous mothership full of autonomous drones


Sorry, Not Woke Enough! Walmart Pulls Special “Juneteenth” Ice Cream Because They Were Accused Of, You Guessed It, Racism!

Of course, it ‘t . This flavor preexists and velvet is over -old. If any cultural appropriation , it was the cream country stealing a recipe from another .

Hour 3

BREAKING: Mass shooting at Texas elementary school, 14 children and one teacher dead, multiple injuries






BLM Assaults , Armed Thug , Jan. 11 – 3

Hour 3

Anti-Trump, BLM, Transgender Protester With Unlicensed Pistol and High Capacity Magazine, Arrested Near Capitol…Stepfather: “He’s Not a MAGA Person”…Father Blames Trump [VIDEO]

BLM-Antifa Thugs Violently Attack Female Journalist in NYC – Police Stand by and Do Nothing (VIDEO)

Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

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More Causes Just Scamming Of , Nov. 30 – 1

Joe Biden Suffers Multiple Fractures to His Foot While Playing With His Dog

Los Angeles County Banned Outdoor Dining. There’s Zero Evidence It Spreads COVID-19.
Kentucky Coffee Shop Owner Loses License After Bucking Coronavirus Restrictions
It’s Not ‘Woke’ To Be Broke: Major Liberal Cause Turns Out To Be Just Scheme Enriching A Few
FLASHBACK: Biden’s cancer charity, to honor son, spent 3 million on staff salaries but zero on research, taxes show

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Tuesday, February 21 – 3 Podcast

Dem Lawmaker Sues Architect Of The Capitol For Removing Police Pig Painting | The Daily Caller

Missouri Democrat . Lacy Clay is suing the Architect of the Capitol for removing depicting police officers as pigs that hung, arguing its removal is a violation on the artist’s to speech.

Fake News: Politico LIES About What Rush Limbaugh Said On Fox News Sunday – The Burning Truth

Opening his program on , referred to a Politico item by Hanna Trudo, who reported on his appearance on the February 19 edition of Fox News Sunday.

House OKs guns without permits under protective orders | Indiana | The Journal Gazette

Hoosiers who receive a protective order would be able to carry a firearm without a under a bill passed 71-26 by the House .

Liberals Want Gun Ranges to Stop Using Black Targets because of Unconscious Bias | Truth Revolt

Fake News Site Lets Readers Pretend Hillary Won The Election | The Daily Caller

Liberals seeking refuge from reality now have a fake news website where they can pretend to live in a world where Hillary Clinton is president.




WOWO : Thurs, Dec 6

Exclusive: AG Speaks on Doctor Accused of Dangerous Prescribing Habits

A Fort Wayne is under fire after patients died while in his care. The state attorney general is trying to get an emergency suspension of . William Hedrick’s medical license. That hearing is set for Friday afternoon.

Patients of ‘dangerous’ Fort Wayne doctor speak out

NewsChannel 15’s Megan Reust spoke with a former and a current patient of Dr. Hedrick. Both of these patients said they had very different experiences at his office. In one case, a man claims he was able to re-gain quality of life. A woman said the drugs he prescribed her led to a terrible addiction problem.

Task Force Formed to Combat Over-prescribing Doctors, Educate Public

More doctors are under fire as several around the state have been accused of over-prescribing causing the Attorney General’s Office to take action.

PRO FOOTBALL; More N.F.L. Players Turn to Guns for a Sense of Security – New York Times

Toward the end of his 19 years in the National Football League, offensive tackle Lomas Brown noticed something that startled even a hardened veteran. It seemed as if almost every player he knew in the N.F.L. owned a gun. Brown said he saw guns everywhere. On team flights. In locker rooms. In ‘ cars. In training dormitory rooms.

Sorry Libs… The NRA Was There to Help Blacks Defend Themselves From KKK Democrats, Not the Other Way Around | The Gateway Pundit

This will give you an idea of how gun control laws worked. Following the firebombing of his house in 1956, Dr. Martin Luther King, who was, among other things, a Christian minister, applied for a gun permit, but the Alabama authorities found him unsuitable. A decade later, he won a Nobel Peace Prize.

How’s that “may issue” gun permit policy working for you?

The NRA opposed these discretionary gun permit laws and proceeded to NRA charters to blacks who sought to defend themselves from Klan violence — including the great civil rights hero Robert F. Williams.

A World War II Marine veteran, Williams returned home to Monroe, N.C., to find the Klan riding high — beating, lynching and murdering blacks at will. No one would join the NAACP for fear of Klan reprisals. Williams became president of the local chapter and increased membership from six to more than 200.

Anti-gun Fox Sports journalist: NRA is the new KKK | Washington Times Communities

CNN’s Roland Martin featured Fox Sports writer Jason Whitlock on his podcast this week. Whitlock, the writer Bob Costas credited for his revelation that America’s “gun culture” was responsible for Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher’s murder-suicide, likened the National Rifle Association to the Ku Klux Klan.

Fiscal cliff talks aim at more defense cuts – Fosters

House Republicans’ “” counteroffer to President Barack Obama hints at billions of dollars in military cuts on top of the nearly $500 billion that the White House and Congress backed last year, and even the fiercest defense hawks acknowledge the Pentagon faces financial hit.

White House ‘Absolutely’ Willing To Go Off The Fiscal Cliff – ABC News

President Obama’s lead negotiator in the “fiscal cliff” talks said the administration is “absolutely” willing to allow the package of deep automatic spending cuts and across-the-board tax hikes to take effect Jan. 1, unless Republicans drop their opposition to higher income tax rates on the wealthy.

Surprise: McConnell Offers Vote on Obama/Geithner Fiscal Cliff Plan, Reid Objects – Guy Benson

I’ve been critical of Republican tactics and messaging this week, let’s give credit where it’s due: Moments ago, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the floor and offered an immediate vote on President Obama’s fiscal cliff plan, which shocked the Beltway late last week. (In case you’re keeping score at home, this was the surreal proposal that induced McConnell to laugh out loud as it was outlined by Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner). Harry Reid quickly objected and shut the whole thing down, labeling the suggestion a “stunt.” Think about that.

Indiana’s Sunday ban on alcohol sales could change

lawmakers will deal with several bills this upcoming year about Sunday alcohol sales.

If Indiana legislators allow alcohol to be sold on Sunday, businesses near the state will either be greatly helped or seriously hurt.