Monday, July 9 – Hour 2

Casey lists numerous times citizens used guns to defend themselves in June alone.

Michigan park officers want guns.

Liberal freakout over the SCOTUS nomination coming today is classic fear-mongering.

judge considered a favorite for SCOTUS nomination.


Monday, April 30 – Hour 2 Podcast

arrives at the US border.

False accusations against Dr. Ronny Jackson begin to fall apart.

President Trump demands Senetor (D-MT) resign over against Dr. Jackson.

releases photos of Pompeo meeting Kim Jong Un.

Trump a favorite for .

South Korean president says Trump deserves Peace Prize.

Joy Reid might be in legal trouble for lying about website being hacked.

Liberal over Joy Reid is embarrassing.


Anti-Police Coffee Shop Should Be FORCED To Serve Police

I know, I know … how could I suddenly change my mind about forcing businesses to serve customers they don’t agree with? Simple. I’m using .

A coffee shop in refuses to serve . I think they should be forced to serve police officers (not like officers would ever go there). I think they should be fined, and face losing their if they don’t pay the fines for refusing to serve police officers.