Daily Show Prep: Friday, March 5

Hour 1

Fake News ABC Desperately Tries to Drum Up Controversy After 4 Trump Supporters Show Up to ‘Planned March 4th Insurrection’ at US Capitol

We Were Repeatedly Warned Of March 4 Violence. Troops Were Met Mild Weather And Joggers


Tucker Carlson Reveals ‘The Monster Under Every Liberal’s Bed’

Hour 2

Open Lines

Interpol Warns of Vaccine Fraud After China, South Africa Seize Thousands of Fake Doses

National Guard Won’t Cut Ties with Contractor That Served Undercooked Food, Sickening Troops

Hour 3

Interview: Pastor Lucas Miles about his book The Christian Left: How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church

COVID Travel Restrictions Now Lifted at Half of US Military Bases

This Is Why YouTube Is Banning Videos of Trump’s CPAC Speech

Large newspaper chain dumps ‘Mallard Fillmore’ for defending girls’ sports against Biden order

Ferguson Organizers Demand $20 Million From Black Lives Matter


NPR axes ‘inflammatory’ picture of migrant caravan after complaint from liberal activist

A liberal activist forced to change a photograph on a article because it had an “inflammatory” of a migrant caravan.

Attorney Aaron Reichlin-Melnick of the objected to the use of a photograph of a migrant caravan on one of NPR’s articles on Thursday.

“And it begins—NPR uses an inflammatory picture of a caravan that was broken up days ago for a story about a deportation moratorium that only applies to those here months ago and a policy reversal that wouldn’t have affected almost all of the caravan even if they had made it here,” he tweeted. Editors who draft headlines and choose pictures for stories, please, I beg , these small choices matter a LOT.

I guarantee you that 99% of the people who saw this tweet did not click the story, and as a result will leave with a completely false opinion about happened. pic..com/kA9VrHsrmV
— Aaron Reichlin-Melnick (@ReichlinMelnick) January 21, 2021 The article reported the announcement of the Biden administration to rescind the policy of the former administration to keep non-Mexican applicants for amnesty in for the duration of their application being processed.

Reichlin-Melknick explained in a further tweet that the caravan was down to approximately 3,200 migrants in one report after starting with 7,000.

“That’s up from 3,000 reported on Tuesday—so that number will keep climbing,” he said of the migrants leaving the caravan and returning to their home country.

Several hours later Reichlin-Melnick praised NPR for changing the image to one that is less “inflammatory” in his estimation. Extremely pleased to see that NPR has now changed the picture on this article in response to the critique! pic.twitter.com/LYEVbC5rVm
— Aaron Reichlin-Melnick (@ReichlinMelnick) January 21, 2021 “Extremely pleased to see that NPR has now changed the picture on […]

Click here to view original web page at www.theblaze.com

Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Jan. 7

Hour 1

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The 20 Most Obnoxious Liberal Quotes of 2020

Hour 2

Washington Post Forced To Correct Article, Tweet Describing Jacob Blake As ‘Unarmed’ Despite Evidence Showing He Had Knife

DC Police Identify Four Americans Killed During Chaos at US Capitol

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Indie Journalist Tayler Hansen Describes Antifa Activists He Encountered at US Capitol

Not Making Headlines – Trump Supporters Pulled Violent Protesters Away from the Capitol Building When They Started Damaging It – Who Were These People?

CONFIRMED: Activist Interviewed by CNN Who Stormed Capitol Building Is Radical Leftist from Utah Who Threatened on Video to “Rip Trump from White House”


Hour 3

Study on PCR Test Used to Detect CCP Virus Based on Flawed Design: Scientists

From Dec. 17: WHO: China Welcomes International Investigation Over COVID-19

Now this from yesterday: W.H.O. Coronavirus Investigation Team Denied Entry to China


Daily Show Prep: Monday, Jan. 4 – Edition

Hour 1:

Why won’t those unAmerican liberal Democrats in LA wear their damn masks?

WHEN THE PUBLIC HEALTH ‘SCIENCE’ ISN’T: Locked-down California runs out of reasons for surprising surge.


‘STOP whatever you’re doing!’ Richard Grenell tears into LA county official pushing lockdowns when they’re only making things WORSE


CALIFORNIA: Despite strict lockdowns, ICUs are filling up.

Note, however, that the NYT changed its headline from this:


So, why are cases surging in pro-science of mask liberal California, especially in LA?

might have the answer:

Pennsylvania warns that attending an orgy without a mask is unsafe



Then again, maybe it’s not orgies.

South Korean Cases Spike After Measures


New Analysis Finds Mask Mandates Not Stopping CCP Surge



Someone listens to my show!

‘Admitting mask/lockdown policy was a fail would be political SUICIDE’: Receipt-filled thread takes COVID/hospital fear-mongering APART


More on the ICU statistics later today.

South Bend still can’t accept that Eric Logan was a bad guy


Hour 2:

While Getting Blasted on the Field, Notre Dame Doubles Down on BLM Support


GREAT AGAIN: Donald Trump Will Leave a Legacy of Unprecedented Achievement


Secretary Pompeo Lists Foreign Policy Achievements of Trump Administration


Top 15 MAGA Moments for President Donald Trump in 2020




No kidding. The examples of fake news over the Trump presidency is staggering.

Here’s some things the media is now admitting this week that they pretended wasn’t true (minus the Hunter Biden scandal):

Rep. Swalwell was banging Fang Fang who is a Chinese spy.

CNN’s Zakaria: ‘‘—Trump Was Tough on Russia!


Again … duh!

REPORT: Media Admits China Engaged in COVID Cover-Up; Reporters Tailed, Samples Confiscated


If only a radio host whose name rhymes with Casey had told you all of this YEARS AGO!

Full List Of Western Media Outlets Participating In Chinese Communist Propaganda Events


Hour 3

This Chinese propaganda starts at the university level.

Cincinnati professor on leave after calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese virus’


Guess what school has direct ties to the Chinese government?

UC plans to open campus in China


It’s all over social media.

China used internet troll ‘army’ to shape coronavirus narrative: report


Trump Says US COVID-19 Deaths ‘Far Exaggerated,’ Blames CDC for Bad Statistics


Fauci on Trump Claim Coronavirus Casualty Count Is Exaggerated: ‘Deaths Are Real Deaths,’ ‘That’s Not Fake’


Friendly reminder, Fauci just admitted to lying to all of you in order to manipulate you into doing what he wanted you to do.

Can you ever trust a health official who, not only has been wrong the entire pandemic, but admitted to lying to you about it?

Remember when Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, staight up lied to you all by saying: “”Hospitals do not receive more money when a death is coded as COVID,” he said, calling the claim a myth.

USA Today did a fact-check on this claim and found that hospitals do, in fact, get more money for COVID deaths. Dr. Redfield at the CDC testified that this does happen while highlighting there’s no evidence proving widespread manipulation of the death total for additional funds.

Bottom is health officials keep lying to you. The media keeps lying to you. They keep getting caught. You can’t be surprised by outrage.

I’ve already highlighted dozens of stories involving thousands of non-COVID deaths being listed as COVID in the US. 

I’m not saying hospitals are doing this mislabeling on purpose. Paperwork errors happen all the . However, let’s be honest. The American hospital apparatus has a LONG rich history of inflating bills to maximize profits. This is an uncontroversial claim that is universally know and derided. Suddenly, we are to expect those same people magically become the arbiters of truth and honestly?

FLASHBACK: CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted 130,000 Heart Attacks, Flu and Bacterial Pneumonia As COVID-19 Deaths


Well, Trump isn’t alone …

2 Lawmakers Say State’s COVID-19 Deaths Inaccurate, Call for Nationwide Audit


WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals


SAY HIS NAME: The Media Owe Dr. Gorka an Apology

Journalists and other liberal activists who spend an unhealthy amount of expressed outrage this weekend over a Wall Street Journal op-ed urging ‘s wife to stop referring to herself as Dr. .

Dr. Biden, who holds a doctorate degree in education (Ed.D.) from the University of Delaware, has long insisted on being identified as a doctor. Apart from being married to Joe Biden, it is perhaps her most defining feature as an individual.

Democrats immediately seized on the Journal op-ed, which was authored by celebrated essayist Joseph Epstein. A spokesman for Dr. Biden demanded an apologize for the “repugnant display of .” Biden’s own spokeswoman denounced the op-ed as “patronizing, sexist, elitist drivel.”

Most journalists agreed and rallied to the doctor’s defense, as did the Merriam-Webster Twitter account: The word ‘doctor’ comes from the Latin word for “teacher.” https://t.co/wUihrn6Hyq — Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) December 12, 2020.

Dr. , Ph.D., a prominent adviser, was routinely mocked for demanding proper recognition for the political-science doctorate he earned at .

A Washington Post analysis from 2017 found that outlets refused to identify Gorka as a doctor and noted that journalists have long frowned on the notion of conferring the title on anyone who isn’t an actual .

Click here to view original web page at freebeacon.com