Daily Show Prep: Friday, May 17

Hour 1

Pete Buttigieg Unveils 2020 Agenda: Amnesty, Legal Pot, and Abortion

Buttigieg unveils wide-ranging policy positions

Behind the Movement to Kick Chicago Out of Illinois

Poll: Women More Likely Than Men to Favor Blacklisting Speech on Campus

Pete Buttigieg: Erasing Thomas Jefferson’s Name ‘Right Thing to Do’


Hour 2

Indiana Michigan Power proposes rate hike

FLASHBACK: Indiana Michigan Power’s $49 million electric rate increase approved

Study: Many Democrats Exaggerated Mental Distress After 2016 Election

Mayoral Candidate Sean Haas Joins Us

Casey covers what Equal Time laws really are


Hour 3

Open Lines

WMDs In Iraq Are Irrefutable


Monday, October 1 – Hour 2

person demanding women wax his/her privates.

Shocked! SHOCKED! Meth is coming from super cheap. If only some media personality had told everyone this years ago.

LGBTQ activist burned down his own house.

More school lunch program problems.

Indiana Forced To Resign After Refusing To Kowtow To Policies | The Daily Caller

aitoff / Pixabay

An high school alleges that he was forced to resign because he wouldn’t ascribe to the school’s policy of calling students by their chosen names and pronouns.

“I’m being compelled to encourage students in what I believe is something that’s a dangerous lifestyle,” former Brownsburg High School orchestra teacher John Kluge told NBC . He alleges that compelling him to address students with pronouns that do not accord to their biological sex violates his religious beliefs as well as his constitutional right to free speech.

“I’m fine to teach students with other beliefs, but the fact that teachers are being compelled to speak a certain way is the scary thing,” Kluge also told NBC.

The school requires that teachers call students by their chosen name or pronoun provided that the student has a written note of consent from a parent and doctor. The school previously allowed Kluge to call students by their last names but changed the policies two months ago to mandate that Kluge call them by their chosen names and pronouns.

Source: Indiana Teacher Forced To Resign After Refusing To Kowtow To Transgender Policies | The Daily Caller