Another Edition Of ‘They ‘t For Your

They are. They are coming for your kids.

A wants parents to shut up and get of ‘s way.

A teacher brags about ignoring parental wishes.

A teacher lied to a 12-year- to trick them into attending an LGBTQ+ event who the kid to lie to parents about .

A teacher gave an assignment about they could masturbate at home.

The list goes on.

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Early Show: Another Edition Of ‘They Totally Aren‘t Coming For Your Kids‘

Early : Edition Of ‘They ‘t For Your

They are. They are coming for your kids.

A principal wants parents to shut up and get of ‘s way.

A teacher about ignoring parental wishes.

A teacher to a 12-year-old to them into attending an + who the kid to to their parents about it.

A teacher gave students an assignment about where they masturbate privately at home.

The list goes on.

Daily Prep: Monday, Dec. 9

Hour 1

Letters: I’ll take more of the same in South Bend

Warren, Buttigieg scrap puts Democratic divide on display

Buttigieg calls on McKinsey to release list of his clients – 95.3 MNC

DOJ IG: FISA Application for Spy Warrants Against Trump Official Riddled with Errors

IG Report Lays Out Seven Major Inaccuracies And Omissions From First FISA Application


Hour 2

WATCH: Border Patrol Agent Debunks Viral Video Showing Illegal Immigrant Scaling Trump Wall

HATE HOAX: Gay Activist Confessed to Spray-Painting Anti-Gay Slur, ‘Heil Trump,’ Swastika On LGBT Church

Portland Wants Private Property Owners To Add ‘Mandatory Rest Spaces’ For The Homeless

Authorities searching for unaccounted Saudi nationals following Pensacola shooting

Twitter Suspends Fox News Host For Showing Tweet From Saudi Terrorist Who Attacked U.S. Military Base In Florida

Special Edition Coke Bottles With OLED Lightsabers (In Singapore)


Hour 3

Steele Dossier Played ‘Central And Essential Role’ In FBI Decision To Apply For Surveillance Warrants

FBI Making Changes to FISA Warrant Processes in Wake of IG Report

Attorney General William Barr: IG Report ‘Makes Clear That the FBI Launched an Intrusive Investigation’

U.S. Attorney John Durham: ‘We Do Not Agree’ with Inspector General Conclusion