Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 4

Daily : , Dec. 4


Essequibo: Venezuelans back claim to Guyana-controlled oil region

He Went There: Greg Gutfeld Calls Out Fox for Firing Tucker Carlson (Watch)

Tucker Carlson reveals the secret behind Fox News and how hosts are kept in line…

NY Times’ Warning About a 2nd Trump Term Makes Irony & Projection Detectors Explode

Florida Democratic Party says Biden is the only candidate, angering rivals

Black Americans at Chicago City Hall: “We are DONE with the Democratic Party!”

Hour 2

RUH-ROH! Sounds Like Karma Is Getting Ready to Pay Deadspin a Visit for Bullying a 9-Year-Old Kid

Anti-Israel protesters “targeted and mobbed” Jewish-owned restaurant, charging the Philly chain with “genocide”

ABC, CBS, NBC Ignore Anti-Semitic Hate March in Philly Targeting Jewish Restaurant

‘Be Balanced’: Jayapal’s Disturbing Dismissal of Hamas’s Rapes of Israelis

Understanding Israel and the Jewish people

Biden’s DOJ arrests prominent conservative actor for attending Jan 6 protests THREE YEARS later

GiveSendGo campaign for conservative actor arrested on J6 charges raises more than $50,000 💪

Hour 3

President Of UN Climate Confab Says There’s ‘No Science’ Behind Push To Phase Out Fossil Fuels



Journalist Says There’s No ‘Physical Evidence’ of Rape by Hamas Militants, Despite Mounds of Evidence

TICK TOCK? Oversight Cmte. Drops BOMBSHELL About Hunter Biden’s Biz Literally PAYING Joe Biden (Watch)

Daily Show Prep: Friday, Dec. 1

Daily : , Dec. 1


Matt Gaetz Absolutely Wrecks Jamaal Bowman While Explaining His Vote Against Expelling George Santos

George Santos just became the 6th lawmaker ever to be expelled from the House. Here’s what happens to his staffers, and when a special election may take place.

Who Wants Rep. George Santos’ Seat? A Candidate Guide

Check out the highlights of the DeSantis-Newsom debate and decide for yourself who got absolutely clowned 😂

Call 911: In the Newsom-DeSantis Debate, DeSantis Murders Newsom on Education

PolitiFact Makes Eyes Roll (Again) With This Stretch to Rule Gavin Newsom Claim ‘Mostly Accurate’

Gavin Newsome’s wife threw in the towel to end the debate

Hour 2 & 3

Common Veterans Podcast Episode 9: Valhalla

Common Episode : Valhalla

Common Veterans Podcast

Episode 9: Valhalla

The belief that dying battle brings soldiers to the table of Odin. The Common Veterans take on the sensitive topic of suicide and PTSD.

** WARNING ** This episode discusses a very sensitive subject with Common Veterans. This episode discusses suicide, religion, the different beliefs of certain religions, and triggers that could be hard to handle.

I. Introductions

a. Which of us has experienced someone that has suicided or attempted suicide

i. Fred

ii. Jeff

iii. Tony

iv. Kenny

II. Let's talk about life.

a. Being a Veteran means that one has signed a blank check to the for them to cash, up to life itself

i. Being in combat is not suicide

ii. Suicide is illegal in the military

1. Suicide is illegal in most of the United States and goes against the Constitution of the United States – “Pursuit of happiness…”

b. Cannot separate body and soul

i. Separating the soul from the body is death

1. Souls go where the body has been commended to


b. Hell

c. Purgatory (?)

c. Religions do not condone suicide

i. Christianity

1. Martyrism – certain death, but saving lives

ii. Muslim

1. Suicide to certain sects gets them Virgins

iii. Judaism

1. Assisted suicide from a doctor to maintain

iv. Shinto

1. Only as an act of selflessness

III. Valhalla

a. Valhalla, Old Norse Valhöll, in Norse mythology, is the hall of slain warriors who live there blissfully under the leadership of the god Odin (Encyclopedia Brittanica)

i. Modern Day Interpretations are that this is the “Warrior’s Heaven”

1. Dying in combat sends to Valhalla

a. This was the old Norse thought

b. Valhalla today is not always “combat related”

IV. Modern Day Valhalla

a. The interpretation often for modern-day Valhalla is that Valhalla is for anyone who sees combat and dies regardless of their death.

i. This often includes suicide with the response of “Til Valhalla!”

1. This frequently glorifies suicide and states that you’ll be in a Heaven type environment once your soul is separated from your body

2. As we discussed earlier there is no religion that condones suicide

b. Many people discuss that for it to be suicide you have to be in the right headspace and timing

i. Anyone that creates suicide are not in the right headspace

1. Mental health illness is very and usually puts people in the wrong frame of mind

2. Being depressed does not make you suicidal

V. Suicide is Selfish

a. Suicide is a selfish act and it doesn’t only take away from the suicided, but the family and love ones of the suicided

i. Makes things difficult for people who loved the suicided

1. Trauma for whomever finds and/or cleans up the mess made

2. Loved ones wonder why

a. Even with a suicide note on why there is often something left out and the reason is never really ever uncovered

b. No suicide note = never having closure

i. Speculation only

ii. Renders any act of selflessness useless

1. Committing suicide is selfish and any aid that was given to others makes it useless

VI. Closing up

a. Review what has been discussed

i. Life

ii. Separation of Body and Soul

iii. Religions


v. Selfishness

b. Where to get help

i. National Suicide Hotline

1. 988

2. 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

ii. Veteran Suicide Hotline

1. 988 Option 1

iii. VetCenter

iv. FreedomSystem.org

v. 22 Until None

vi. Veteran Organizations

VII. Next Episode: Episode 10 in Low Places

a. VFW, DAV, American Legion, Marine Corps League, and other fraternal organizations are out there for Veterans. This breakdown of the organizations talks to members and the benefit of the camaraderie that these programs . The Common Veterans represent FreedomSystem.org’s martial arts and mountain bike association.

Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/commonveterans/message

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 4

Daily : , Nov. 28




Tithe With

Hour 2

Majority of Americans Now Live in Gun-Owning Households

Hageman Says Biden’s Lead Ammo Ban An ‘Attack’ On Second Amendment

Clean Up, Aisle 5! Alex Soros Claims Murder Rates AREN’T Higher in Progressive (Blue) Cities and HOO BOY

Trump Campaign Unveils Christmas Merch Featuring Mug Shot

Natural immunity provides better protection against COVID than vaccines – even against hospitalization, new study finds

WATCH: Pastor Booted from School Board Meeting for Reading District’s Own Porno

White House ditches Biden grandkid stockings after finally acknowledging Hunter love child

Hour 3

Businesses Ditch ‘Diversity’ Initiatives In Droves Amid Economic Uncertainty

POLL: 55% of Women Say Men Identifying as Communist is Top Dating ‘Red Flag’

Daily Show Prep: Monday, Dec. 4

Daily : , Nov. 14


Real Life?! Rep. Tim Burchett Claims Kevin McCarthy Kidney-Punched Him After GOP Conference Mtg (Watch)

Richmond’s Slavery Monument: a Black Man with Dreds & Hoodie

: board member Matt Chaffee on the board abusing and .

Hour 2

Tuesday Tithe with

to know what a ‘real’ Christian is everybody.

There’s another Christian movement that’s changing our politics. It has nothing to do with whiteness or nationalism

Ben Shapiro Labels Candace Owens ‘Disgraceful’ for Taking an America First Position on Israel-Gaza War

Candace Owens Dragged for Subtweeting Ben Shapiro After He Called Her Out for ‘Disgraceful’ Antisemitism

Dr. Strangetweet So Completely OWNS Economist Insisting ‘Americans Are Better Off’ in Thread She Deletes

Shock: Records Show Adam Schiff Financed $1.7 Million Maryland Home As ‘Principal Residence’

Hour 3

22 toddlers made sick by consuming high levels of lead in recalled fruit pouches, CDC says

Can’t make it up! Hunter Biden will be teaching a course on “Fake News” at Tulane University

Bait-and-switch budgeting is back, baby!

These 8 Republicans voted against Rep Greene’s Mayorkas impeachment push: ‘Not a high crime or misdemeanor’