Friday, April 1 – Hour 2 Podcast

Judge issues gag order to woman in the vehicle while was killed in shootout

Democrat wants to flamethrowers, and put owners of the them in prison

Here’s a quick video of the day I got my


, MI in history class used props

Updates on email server scandel

Karl Rove advocates dropping Trump and Cruz, and getting a ‘fresh face’ as the


Daily : Thursday, March 3

Daily Show Prep

FBI Director Admits Apple’s ‘Backdoor’ Could Be Used for Other iPhones

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing, director James Comey admitted that if the federal government succeeds in forcing Apple Inc. to create a “” into the , the software could be used as a precedent for gaining access to phones in future cases.

Outpouring of support for Army veteran fired from CVS for confronting suspects – Story | WTTG

We reached out to Tuesday and a spokesperson said, “In the unfortunate event of a robbery at one of our stores, the safety and well-being of our customers and employees is always our highest priority. We do not comment on specific security procedures or policies as we do not want to undermine them.”

North Charlotte restaurant asks customers to take down hoodies, pull up pants | WSOC-TV

A controversial sign posted on the front door of a north Charlotte Japanese restaurant is raising eyebrows.

Marco Rubio Anti-Trump KKK Ad Is Reminiscent of Disgusting Anti- Bush James Byrd Chains Ad in 2000

In the not so distant past Republicans were appalled when the NAACP ran disgusting racist ads against George W. Bush.

Sean Hannity BLASTS “Suicidal” Marco Rubio for Running DISGUSTING KKK Ad Against Trump (VIDEO)

What is his goal here? In other words, is his goal to win or his goal to prevent Trump or Cruz from getting 1,237 delegates?

VIDEO=> Anti-Trump Crowd Cheers as Romney SLAMS Donald Trump – A Failed Businessman …Plus Bonus Video- Mitt Praising Trump in 2012

Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney held a stump speech against GOP front-runner on Thursday.

Romney: Vote For ‘Whoever Has The Best Chance To Beat Trump In A Given State’ [VIDEO]

Mitt Romney advised Republicans to vote for whichever candidate “has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state,” which could take the Republican Party to a contested convention in July.

Trump Releases Attack Video Against Mitt Romney Before His Thursday Speech

On Thursday morning Trump went on offense.

Michael Steele Dumbfounded on Romney’s Anti-Trump Speech: “I Don’t Know Who They Think This is Going to Influence” (VIDEO)

I don’t know why they think this is going to work in the first place. I don’t know who they think this is going to influence.

After meeting, Obama and GOP remain at impasse over Supreme Court vacancy |

“They think they are going to wait and see what President Trump will do, I guess.”

Bin Laden Letter Attacks Capitalism, Defend Global Warming | The Daily Caller

was not available for comment and was last seen in 2011 sinking to bottom of the Arabian Sea.

Hillary Tech Worker Granted Immunity | Truth Revolt

, a tech worker who set up the server inside Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, home in 2009, is cooperating with the FBI as it wrap ups its probe, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Should Be ‘Terrified’ IT Guy Was Given Immunity [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Andrew Napolitano says “should be terrified” her IT technician, Bryan Pagliano, was granted immunity by a federal judge.

Black Diners Upset That Black Server Called Them ‘Black People’ | Truth Revolt

At an Austin, Texas IHOP restaurant on February 29, a black couple wandered in at 3:00 in the morning to grab a to-go order. Their server, Dwayne Williams, also black, failed to get a name for the order and hastily entered “BLACK PPL” to connect the bill to the proper customer.

FBI investigating if Clinton aides shared passwords to access classified info | Fox News

The FBI is investigating whether computer passwords were shared among Hillary Clinton’s close aides to determine how sensitive intelligence “jumped the gap” between the classified systems and Clinton’s unsecured personal server, according to an intelligence source familiar with the probe.

Activist Scientist Admits No Proof Fracking Poisons Water | The Daily Caller

A Cornell University engineering professor often used by activists to attack ran from reporters after he admitted in court there was no proof drilling had contaminated Dimock’s drinking water.

FLASHBACK: Lawyer Suing Oil Company Admits ‘No Proof’ that Fracking Fluid Contaminated Water | Truth Revolt

This is not a case — this is not a case about toxic materials ending up in the water. We do not have proof of that. We don’t have proof of that. This is not about fracking fluid appearing in the water. Hydraulic fracturing materials, we don’t have proof of that.

Daily : Tuesday, March 1

BREAKING: DAVID DUKE Releases Video “I Never Endorsed Trump. Stop Lying” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

On Thursday the media told Trump former Grand Wizard David Duke had endorsed him. Trump disavowed the .

Donald Trump: I don’t want David Duke’s endorsement – POLITICO

By BRIANNA EHLEY 08/26/15 06:55 PM EDT

Introducing The Secret Service Choke Meme

MEDIA LIES: Falsely Claims Trump Ordered Black Students Kicked Out of Valdosta, Georgia Rally – The Gateway Pundit

The rumor started with Des Moines Register reporter Jennifer Jacobs who reported–without verifying–on Twitter and then in a report for USA Today that a group of Black were kicked out before the rally began on orders by Trump. Jacob’s false report was picked up by many outlets without verification.

Cruz To NY Times, Trump: Release Audio | The Daily Caller

60% of Americans have a negative view of . It’s why the Democrats are so thrilled for our country to nominate him.

UPDATE: Sheriff issues expanded statement; Clay Higgins leaves t – | Continuous News Coverage | Acadiana-Lafayette

, the charismatic ‘s captain who put St. Landry Parish Crime Stoppers on the international map with his viral videos, has resigned from the Sheriff’s Office.

New York judge rules in favor of Apple in earlier locked iPhone case – Yahoo Finance

In a 50-page ruling rejecting almost everything federal prosecutors had argued, James Orenstein ruled that could not be compelled to help get information off a locked used by methamphetamine dealer Jun Feng under the 1789 All Writs Act, the same law at issue in the California terrorism case.

Jesse Ventura says Bernie Sanders politely but firmly declined his endorsement

Former Minnesota Gov. is no longer feeling the Bern, after the Democratic presidential candidate declined his offer for endorsement.

Bro Move: NFL Prospect Maurice Canady Honors Slain Officer On His Cleats During NFL Combine – BroBible

After Prince William County Officer Ashley Guindon was tragically shot to death on her first day on the job days ago, the hopeful, Canady—whose cousin is an officer in the same department—paid tribute to Guindon on his cleats at the NFL Combine, showing he understands what’s really important in life.

TV Anchor Who Once Said ‘F*ck It, I Quit’ On-Air To Go Sell Weed, Just Got Arrested For Smuggling Weed – BroBible

Agents proceeded to search everything she had with her before allowing her into Vancouver, going through her computer, cell phone, luggage, and, yep, even searching her damn dog for any marijuana residue.

Daily : Monday, Feb. 29

Kosciusko County Sheriff bonds out of jail after indictment –

was booked into the Elkhart County Jail on Monday, Feb. 29, after he was indicted on several charges.

Indiana sheriff indicted on bribery charges

The documents filed Monday in Kosciusko County court allege that Aaron Rovenstine took $40,000 in exchange for granting special privileges to an inmate and a visitor at the Kosciusko County jail in Warsaw. The charges against Rovenstine include three counts of , one count of intimidation, one count of assisting a criminal and five counts of official misconduct.

Meijer donated water filters to Flint residents in 2015 but wanted anonymity –

Meijer arranged a donation of 1,500 water filters in Flint last summer but insisted on anonymity and even offered to give gift cards so the state could purchase them.

Courser: Charges against me are sign of ‘corrupt government’ –

Courser says the charges against him are “just another extension of corrupt government.”

Trump “disavows” former KKK leader’s support – YouTube

Published on Feb 26, 2016 Republican presidential candidate says he didn’t even know former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke endorsed him but says he disavows it.

Donald Trump stumbles on David Duke, KKK –

“Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, OK?” Trump said.

Now, keep in mind the CNN interview happened two days after he disavowed David Duke at the press conference.

Trump Disavows KKK, Duke: “How Many Times Do I Have To Continue To Disavow People?” | Video | RealClearPolitics

TRUMP: I disavowed David Duke a day before at a major press conference, and I’m saying to myself, how many times do I have to continue to disavow people? And the question was asked about David Duke and various groups. And I don’t know who the groups are. I said, would you do me a favor and tell me the groups? He was unable to tell me that.

Your link text here.


Hewitt: Trump’s Refusal To Disavow KKK Is His ’47 Percent’ Moment [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt says Donald Trump refusing to disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke is akin to “‘s 47 percent moment” and is “inexplicable.”

Would Lois Lerner Make A Good Senator? | The Daily Caller

misused and abused the tax code as a political weapon. One of her comrades in lawlessness now wants to be in the United State Senate, leaving behind underlings who could face jail for her acts and ambitions.

Feds Flag Thousands of Illegal Bernie Sanders Contributions

The Federal Commission sent a letter to the Democratic presidential candidate’s campaign committee on Thursday with a 90-page spreadsheet listing 3,457 “excessive, prohibited, and impermissible contributions.”

Middlebury College Bans Energy Drinks, Linking Use to Alcohol, ‘High-Risk’ Sex – NBC News

College officials blame the drinks for contributing to “problematic behavior,” such as alcohol abuse and “high-risk sexual activity,” and say they don’t contribute to the dining service’s mission to “nourish” its .

Jude Law’s security team attacked and mugged by Calais migrants after cameras stopped | Daily Mail Online

Security guards hired to protect when he visited the ‘Jungle’ migrant camp were reportedly targeted by rock-pelting migrants just moments after the actor boarded the coach home.

Bills to loosen Indiana gun laws fails in 2016 legislative session –

Proposals to further loosen Indiana’s lax gun laws fail have failed in this year’s legislative session.

Justice Clarence Thomas Stuns Courtroom by Asking First Question in 10 Years — Here’s What He Asked |

The moment was so rare that one reporter inside the courtroom tweeted that someone next to him muttered a profane two-word response under her breath.

Melissa Harris-Perry Is Officially Out at MSNBC | Truth Revolt

Political celebrity and cable tv show host Melissa Harris-Perry is officially out at MSNBC after she refused to appear on air for weekend programming. Harris-Perry was protesting what she says are weeks of preemptions of her show.

After Tense Weeks, Melissa Harris-Perry’s MSNBC Show Is Canceled – The New York Times

“I will not be used as a tool for their purposes,” she wrote. “I am not a token, mammy, or little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin, or MSNBC. I love our show. I want it back.”

Benefit concert for Ibrahim Parlak’s deportation fight is sold out – South Bend Tribune: Local

Even if he’s deported, Ibrahim Parlark says nobody can take away the love and support that he felt Friday night walking into a sold out benefit concert to help in his bid to stay in the country.

Police Abuse Happens To Everyone, Not Just Blacks

Read the article. The police were trying to hose this kid, and there’s no doubt about it. However, Fusion clearly jumped the shark a bit with their headline.

Craig Windham, NPR Newscaster, Dies : The Two-Way : NPR

Craig Windham, a voice familiar to many NPR listeners, died unexpectedly last night of a pulmonary embolism. He was 66.