Daily : Wednesday, Sept. 13


As Hurricane Irma roared, thieves used sledgehammer to break in, steal | Miami Herald

It looked as if ‘s powerful winds had swirled through the 14 businesses that occupy the Junction Lofts building in Miami’s Little River district. File cabinets were overturned. Pictures were ripped off walls. Papers were strewn about.

GARBAGE take: Blue check calls Miami P.D. ‘white supremacists’ for arresting looters during #Irma – twitchy.com

You know when a blue check breaks out a phrase like ‘carceral state’ the BS to follow said phrase will be exceptionally deep.

Kid Rock tells Nazis, KKK to ‘stay the f– away’ at Michigan concert – Washington Times

“If you want to take a knee or sit during our ‘Star-Spangled Banner:’ Call me a racist ‘cause I’m not PC and think you have to remind me that Black Lives Matter,” he said. “Nazis, f—ing bigots and now again the KKK, screw all you a—holes, stay the f— away.”

ESPN host accuses Kid Rock of racism. Maybe she should talk to Rock’s black son – Red Alert Politics

Hill tweeted on Monday that Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, pandered to racists and dehumanized black people because he used the Confederate flag at his concerts. Rapaport agreed and called him a “racist” and a “scumbag,” who was a hip hop artist and then switched to country music to make money.

ESPN: Jemele Hill Comments Inappropriate | The Daily Caller

“The comments on Twitter from Jemele Hill regarding the President do not represent the position of ESPN,” the sports network’s public relations department said in a statement Tuesday afternoon. “We have addressed this with Jemele and she recognizes her actions were inappropriate.”

Feminist Group Says Starbucks’ PSL is Funding White Supremacy – Christine Rousselle

Sorry, basic ladies of America: according to one feminist group, your pumpkin spice latte habit from Starbucks is “funding rent payments to white supremacy.”

FLASHBACK: Starbucks CEO Faces Backlash After Suggesting Violence and Hatred Towards Whites is Acceptable

, Howard Schultz continued his assault against the majority of Americans. Following the Charlottesville protests, Schultz said, “I know we’re better than this. The bigotry, hatred and senseless violence against people who are not white cannot stand.”

Physics professor: Science can’t be trusted because it’s ‘conducted primarily by white men’ – Red Alert Politics

A physics professor at the University of Washington is blaming white male scientists for having too much influence in the field of scientific research.

CIA Director Mike Pompeo Says Osama Bin Laden’s Porn Stash Won’t Be Released

CIA Director Mike Pompeo said documents retrieved from the 2011 Navy Seal raid that killed Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden would be released in “weeks”—with the exception of one particular part of the haul, his pornography stash.

Hour 2

Burn it all down: Just 26% of Americans can name the three branches of government – Hot Air Hot Air

I don’t know that there’s anything to add to what Jay Cost said: “We have squandered the greatest civic legacy in the history of the world.”

Video Montage: Hillary Blames Everything and Everyone | Truth Revolt

Washington Free Beacon has compiled a hilarious yet unsettling short video montage of excerpts from ‘s recent interview with CBS Sunday Morning, in which the failed presidential candidate slung blame wildly in all directions, from WikiLeaks to former FBI Director James Comey to “millions of white people” to sexism and misogyny — lots and lots of sexism and misogyny.

‘Holy sh*t’! It’s official: Hillary Clinton is out of her ever-loving mind – twitchy.com

We knew Hillary Clinton’s been taking her election defeat pretty hard, but it really seems to be taking a toll on her sanity. And don’t just take our word for it … take hers:

Hillary: The lesson of “1984” is trust your leaders – Hot Air Hot Air

There are establishmentarians, there are big-government establishmentarians, and then there are people who read Orwell and see a parable about insufficient trust in authority:

Fighting For $15? New Robot Taking Over In Fast Food Spots « CBS13 | CBS Sacramento

As fast food employees across the U.S. continue to protest for higher wages, a California chain restaurant has decided to hire a new staff member that works for free. The competition for the company’s low-wage workers: a burger-flipping robot named “Flippy.”

REPORT: Paul Ryan Says No Chance for Border Wall at Private Dinner

At a private dinner over the summer, Speaker claimed Congressional support for a between the U.S. and Mexico is non-existent. Only “one member” supports ‘s core campaign promise to build “the wall,” said Ryan.

Waiver issued so construction of border wall can begin – KVOA | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona

The Department of Homeland Security has issued a waiver to waive certain laws, regulations and other legal requirements to ensure the expeditious construction of barriers in the vicinity of the international border near Calexico, California. The waiver was published in the Federal Register today.

Speaker Paul Ryan Says US House Will Vote to Fund Border Wall This Week (VIDEO)

Speaker Paul Ryan: This week the House is going to vote on all of the appropriation bills. This week the House is going to vote on all of the appropriation bills before the fiscal year deadline… It hasn’t been done in a long time. So the House of Representatives is doing its work. The House of Representatives is doing its job. And the House of Representatives is bringing all of these appropriation bills on budget, on time and that is an historic achievement… We are fully funding the president’s request to build a wall along the southern border.

Hour 3

White House calls for the resignation of ESPN host Jemele Hill

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is calling for the termination of an ESPN anchor after she called President a on Twitter.

REPORT: Texas Professor Resigns after Tweet about Sec. DeVos Being Sexually Assaulted

A Texas community college professor who Tweeted he would be okay if Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was sexually assaulted resigned from his law firm according to local outlets.

Trump Puts Another Woman in Top White House Role, Leftists Mad She’s Pretty | Truth Revolt

nt Trump has hired another woman for a top position in his White House, but instead of celebrating another huge step toward equality, leftists are breaking their own rules and picking on her physical appearance.

Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Rick Santorum Reveal Their Obamacare Block Grant Repeal Legislation

The Graham-Cassidy bill will repeal Obamacare’s individual and employer mandate, Obamacare’s medical device tax, and deliver health care to the states so that local governments can design a more affordable alternative to the Affordable Care Act. GCHJ strengthens the ability for states to waive Obamacare regulation, such as community ratings and essential health benefits. The bill will also allow Americans to use their Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) to purchase health insurance and pay for premiums, an idea first sponsored by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Study prompts call to examine flu vaccine and miscarriage – ABC News

They found 17 of 485 miscarriages they studied involved women whose vaccinations followed that pattern. Just four of a comparable 485 healthy pregnancies involved women who were vaccinated that way.

Awans Funneled Data to Secret Server | The Daily Caller

A secret server is behind law enforcement’s decision to ban a former IT aide to Democratic Rep. from the House network.

Monday, July 17 – Hour 2 Podcast


Kid Rock Tweets More On Running For Senate | The Daily Caller

It appears that Kid Rock‘s run for the Senate in 2018 is officially happening.

Trump Administration Jobs Remain Vacant | The Daily Caller

Trump has announced only 36 percent of the 188 leadership positions below the secretary level, according to the New York Times analysis. Obama had announced 78 percent by the same time.

Democrats Spooked by Drop in Colorado Voter Registration Amid Trump Probe Into Voter Fraud

Democrats are apparently spooked by a sudden drop in voter registrations in the key of Colorado, with Democratic National Committee Chairman arguing that it is connected to President Trump‘s investigation into electoral fraud in the 2016 election — and promising to fight back against it.

Home Depot Fires Veteran For Trying To Stop Shoplifters – The Burning Truth

A 70-year-old veteran working at a Home Depot store tried to stop shoplifters taking thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, but his attempted intervention cost him his job.

These Are The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Indiana For 2017 – RoadSnacks



Daily : Monday, July 17


South Bend couple’s home trashed by former tenants

The Smiths could get a lawyer and ask the court to issue a judgment on the couple, which affects their credit and garnishes future wages until it’s paid back. So far, they’re reluctant to do so.

Outrage as Dallas officials threaten to tear down wall honoring fallen police officers because it ‘runs afoul of regulations’ | Fox News

Dallas Commissioner Votes AGAINST Honoring Murdered Police Officers – Says They Brought It On Themselves

Commissioner said the officers brought it on themselves.

Debunked: Women’s March blames ‘NRA member’ for racist sign, turns out she’s a pink-hatted activist – Red Alert Politics

The official social media account for the Women’s March is blasting an individual who held a hateful, racists sign amongst counter-protesters this weekend. The Women’s March says the sign is held by a National Rifle Association (NRA) counter protester, but Red Alert has identified the individual as a left-wing supporter of the Women’s March.

Study: Trump Dominated Clinton on Twitter in 2016 Election Despite Attacking Her Less – Breitbart

A new study that analyzed the use of Twitter in the 2016 presidential election discovered that President utilized social media much more effectively than opponent Hillary Clinton.

Hour 2

Kid Rock Tweets More On Running For Senate | The Daily Caller

It appears that ‘s run for the Senate in 2018 is officially happening.

Trump Administration Jobs Remain Vacant | The Daily Caller

Trump has announced only 36 percent of the 188 leadership positions below the secretary level, according to the New York Times analysis. Obama had announced 78 percent by the same time.

Democrats Spooked by Drop in Colorado Voter Registration Amid Trump Probe Into Voter Fraud

Democrats are apparently spooked by a sudden drop in voter registrations in the key swing state of , with Democratic National Committee Chairman arguing that it is connected to ‘s investigation into electoral fraud in the 2016 election — and promising to fight back against it.

Home Depot Fires Veteran For Trying To Stop Shoplifters – The Burning Truth

A 70-year-old veteran working at a Home Depot store tried to stop shoplifters taking thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, but his attempted intervention cost him his job.

These Are The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Indiana For 2017 – RoadSnacks

1. South Bend

Hour 3

VIRAL VIDEO: Clueless Anti-Trump Protesters Don’t Know Why They Are Against POTUS

One individual in a Spiderman mask crouching on the floor begins rambling semi-incoherantly, stating, “No Trump says no to racism.”

Al Gore: Trump Just Tweets — He Is ‘Not Getting Anything Done’ – Breitbart

GORE: Every day it’s another set of tweets and another set of controversies, and they’re not getting anything done.

I then ran through a list of accomplishments that will be posted later.

Trump’s Energy Policies Result in Lower Prices at the Pump and Inflation Dropping to 1.6%

According to the US the US rate decreased to an eight month low in June to 1.6%.

Border Patrol union chief praises ‘miraculous’ drop in illegal immigration under Trump

“As far as the Trump administration’s efforts on immigration, this is something they campaigned heavily on,” he said. “At six months, where we are on meeting those promises, we are seeing nothing short of miraculous. If you look at the rhetoric that President Trump has given, it has caused a number of illegal border crossings to go down. We have never seen such a drop that we currently have.”

Polls: Donald Trump Earns High Ratings on the Economy

A new Bloomberg poll shows that Trump has a 47 percent approval rating on job creation versus 40 percent who disagree and 46 percent approval ratings on the economy versus only 44 percent who disagree.

52 Percent Think Dems Don’t Stand For Anythin | The Daily Caller

Only 37 percent of respondents believed that the Democratic Party “stands for something,” while 52 percent of respondents said the party “just stands against Trump.”

Poll: Democrats almost as unpopular as Trump – MFP

On the other hand, Democrats do not appear to be benefiting from Trump’s unpopularity.

Line-Of-Duty Police Deaths Up 30 Percent Mid-Year

Line-of-duty police deaths for the first six months of 2017 were up 30 percent over police deaths for the same time period in 2016.