Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Jan. 26

Hour 1

New tax on number of miles you drive? Incoming Transportation Secretary Buttigieg likes the idea

Biden Administration Is Contemplating a New Tax That Would Disproportionately Impact Rural Americans

Twitter Encourages Users to Snitch on Each Other with ‘Birdwatch’ Feature

New Yorker Returns National Magazine Award Over Dubious Story

Hour 2

Kyrsten Sinema Won’t Support Eliminating Filibuster, ‘Not Open To Changing Her Mind’

Pfizer Vaccine Claimed a Runaway Success in Israel with 0.015% Infection Rate

Coronavirus Vaccine Patch Could Protect Against All COVID Strains

Researchers are developing color-changing stickers for masks to detect COVID-19

Regeneron: Antibody Cocktail 100 Percent Effective Against Symptomatic COVID-19 Infections

Regeneron: Antibody Cocktail 100 Percent Effective Against Symptomatic COVID-19 Infections

Woman Behind Bernie Sanders’ Iconic Mittens Quit Making Them Because High Taxes Killed Her Business

DDoSers are abusing Microsoft RDP to make attacks more powerful


FLASHBACK: Dead Parkland Student Brought Back to Life in Creepy Anti-Gun PAC Commercial

Hour 3

ArtII.S4.1.1 Impeachment and Removal from Office: Overview

Impeachment 2.0 – No, the Senate cannot convict Trump after he leaves office

Meet the other American who was impeached and tried after leaving office

Leahy expected to preside over Trump impeachment trial instead of Chief Justice Roberts

If We Can Now Impeach Former US Presidents, Why Don’t We Start with Crooked Obama?

Epstein’s Ex-Girlfriend Asks Court to Dismiss All Charges She Faces


Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Oct. 6

Hour 1

CNN’s Jim Acosta shares video of Trump alone on WH balcony removing mask, calls him ‘Coronavirus in Chief’


Coronavirus Testing on Capitol Hill Has Been Offered to Pelosi — But She Turned It Down

Sweden avoids Europe’s second coronavirus wave

St. Joseph County health leaders consider new COVID-19 guidelines, orders

Michigan issues new coronavirus restrictions after court invalidates Gretchen Whitmer’s orders

Hour 2

Pelosi’s poison pill went exactly as I predicted.

Pence, Harris teams at odds over plexiglass at debate

Senator Cruz says Chief Justice John Roberts ‘despises Donald Trump’



“This Is Over! We Want Every Damn Bit of Evidence!” – Devin Nunes UNLOADS on Crooked Intel Agencies and Media “Maybe It’s Time to Shut Those Agencies Down?” (VIDEO)

President Obama’s White House Counsel sent an email to FBI Director Jim Comey the night before President Trump’s inauguration

Hour 3




Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 30

Hour 1

A South Bend pastor lies about President Trump in silly song while pretending he’s more Christian than 81% of Evangelicals



BREAKING: Chief Justice Roberts Censors Questions From Rand Paul. Paul Releases It.



Hour 2

Democrats Signal Likely Defeat On Witnesses

Report: Republicans Plotting Friday Acquittal If Senate Turns Down Witness Testimony

WATCH: Trump Lawyer Lays Out Crucial Questions Dems Blocked On Ukraine Whistleblower, Including Biden-Burisma Issue

If the first time Schiff lied about the Trump/Zelensky call was just ‘‘ according to him, what are the three times he’s lied about the content of that call in the Senate?

Carter Page Files Lawsuit Against DNC Over Dossier That Targeted Him

Report: China Deliberately Spreading Misinformation About Coronavirus To Convince World Health Authorities Outbreak Is Under Control

Above the Law? Hillary Clinton Refuses to Get Served Tulsi Gabbard’s $50M Lawsuit


Hour 3

Video: Angry Rand Paul Demands Trump Sue Schumer

Liz Warren Pledges Not To Purposely Spread Misinformation Online

For 1st time in 4 years, US life expectancy rises


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, January 23

Hour 1

Chief Justice Roberts Admonishes Both Legal Teams After Nadler Accuses GOP Senators of Treachery and Voting Against US in Trump Impeachment Trial

Impeachment backfire? Key GOP senator ‘offended’ by Nadler charge, as trial tests patience and stamina

Ukrainian to US prosecutors: Why don’t you want our evidence on Democrats?

Seattle Residents Can Cast Vote Via Smartphone in Local Election


Hour 2

Trump To Make History At March For Life

Trump administration releases rule to restrict ‘birth tourism’

School bus service changes coming to South Bend

Judge in South Bend Police Tapes case taking more time to decide on release

Threat of contaminated tap water across US ‘dramatically underestimated,’ scientists warn

Standoff: U.S. troops block Russian forces from capturing Syrian oil field

Senior Democratic Staffer: ‘We Do Not Care About Anti-Semitism’

UK Parliament Passes EU Withdrawal Bill, Paving Way for Brexit on January 31

British economy will grow faster than eurozone rivals, says IMF


Hour 3


55% say media are ‘corrupt’ and ‘exaggerate’ news

Nolte: Hillary Complains There Are Not Enough Democrats in the News Media


Mexican Security Forces Corral Migrants After Hundreds Enter From Guatemala


Monday, Dec. 2 – Hour 3

Hour 3

BREAKING: Trump Campaign Bans Bloomberg News Reporters

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden blows off court hearing over child support as his lawyer abruptly quits while glam baby mama Lunden Roberts leaves court after judge demanded three years of tax returns from ex-VP’s troubled son

HUGE: Strzok-Page Texts Were Not Unearthed by Sharp FBI Investigative Work – Strzok’s Angry and Scorned Wife Turned Him In After Finding Texts on His Phone!

Anti-Trump FBI lawyer Lisa Page finally breaks her silence, portrays herself as victim


Many note Lisa Page has decided to talk on eve of IG report release. True. But IG has already written (in 2018) that Page & Strzok caused damage that ‘goes to the heart of the FBI’s reputation for neutral factfinding and political independence.’ http://ow.ly/IcWP50xpd7t 

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