Daily : Friday, July 14


Rep. Brat To Dems: ‘Name The Statute That’s B | The Daily Caller

During a Friday interview, Virginia Rep. slammed Democrats who want to impeach without any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

STUDY: Nets Covered Donald Jr’s Russia Meeting 20x More Than Clinton Uranium Deal

The Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC) evening shows, in the last four nights, have been dominated by Donald J. Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower – a meeting in which apparently no favors, money or meaningful information was exchanged – but those same shows all but ignored Hillary Clinton’s scandal back in 2015.

Stupid Hostile Media – John Stossel

They hate him so much, they leap on every anti-Trump rumor.

Journalism’s Disgrace | The Daily Caller

The headlines on my imaginary Clinton cover are the same: “Red Handed. The Russia Scandal Hits Home.” My highlighted prompts, however, are quite different: $500,000 speech $148 million Foreign Clinton Foundation funding Rosatom chairman to Putin: “Few could have imagined in the past that we would own 20 percent of U.S. reserves.

BREAKING: Hillary Campaign Used Phony Information Obtained Through Collusion w/ KREMLIN To Damage Trump Campaign

Fusion GPS contracted with Steele, who had once worked as an undercover spy in . The court document lifted a veil on Washington’s inner workings, with Steele laying out how Fusion briefed select reporters on the material for which it and Steele had been paid to gather.

Pressure Washing is Racist, Says Seattle Councilman, Even Though Poop is Everywhere | Truth Revolt

So, something has to be done. Two superior court judges have been brainstorming on how to clean up the unsanitary environment. Naturally, pressure washing the area comes to mind. But one city council member says that’s racist. No, really.

DoJ Charges Hundreds of Doctors, Medical Professionals with Health Care Fraud | Truth Revolt

y, Jeff Sessions, along with Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, announced that the Department of Justice has charged 412 people across 41 federal districts with $1.3 billion in health care fraud; the largest takedown of its kind in history.

Joe Donnelly Sells Stock in Family Business That Outsourced Jobs to Mexico

Sen.  (D., Ind.) sold stock in his family company Friday after reports that he profited when it shifted jobs from the United States to Mexico.

Joe Donnelly Increased Investment in Family Business After Shift to Mexican Labor

Indiana senator Joe Donnelly (D.) didn’t make substantial investments in his family’s ink business until after it moved part of its into Mexico, and his profits have steadily increased in the years since, according to financial disclosure forms.


Monday, April 3 – Hour 3 Podcast

Breaking: FOX Reporter Adam Housley: Surveillance of Trump Team and Unmasking Went on for MORE THAN A YEAR (VIDEO)

: We know that there was this. There was electronic on and the people close to , including some supporters, for up to a year before inauguration.

White House logs indicate Susan Rice consumed unmasked intel on Trump associates | Circa News – Learn. Think. Do.

Computer logs that former President Obama’s team left behind in the White House indicate his national security adviser accessed numerous intelligence reports during Obama’s last seven months in office that contained National Security Agency intercepts involving Donald Trump and his associates, Circa has learned.

Dem Donnelly A Yes on Gorsuch SCOTUS Nomination – Breitbart

Dem Sen Coons Announces He Will Vote Against Cloture on Gorsuch, Gives Dems Enough Votes to Filibuster Gorsuch – Breitbart

Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) announced he would not support cloture for the nomination of Judge Neil to the Supreme Court, giving the Democrats enough votes to sustain a on Gorsuch’s nomination.

Even NBC Admits Dems ‘Painted Themselves in a Corner’ With ‘Silly’ Gorsuch Fight

“The stakes are high. The Republicans are willing to do everything they need to do, including potentially amend the rules, which Democrats had originally done….Now Democrats have painted themselves in a corner making this about the man, not the seat. And they look on the on precipice of losing.”