Conservative Website Bans Conservative Radio Host From Commenting

It’s been a while since and I have exchanged emails but we were always friendly. He’s used some of my tips to publish stories on his website over the years. I’ve never had a falling out with him or anyone at . I rarely ever comment on his site. Maybe 2-3 times a year.

I’ve never been involved in a beef with anyone in his comment section or a contributor to his site. I’ve interviewed some of them and promoted GP content on my show and social media regularly over the years. I’m still friendly and engage with some of them on social media now. When he was a small website he was always willing to answer my emails but now that his site has grown, I guess there’s no time for radio hosts who helped steer people to his articles for all of these years.

The only thing I can think of that may be an issue is I might have posted a link to one of my articles that provided more info on something posted on his site in the comment section. Is that ban worthy? Especially since I’ve promoted his content for years. I would have assumed I would get a note asking not to do that if it was an issue.

I’m genuinely at a loss.

However, Jim Hoft wouldn’t be the first person to do something like this.

And while the GP is a private website and not a public platform like Facebook or Twitter, I wonder if this hurts their credibility in fighting against censorship of conservatives online when I didn’t engage in any traditionally ban-worthy behavior.