Tuesday, May 30 – Hour 3 Podcast


Indiana police departments want drones. There’s just one big problem.

‘s two largest departments both want ; one for crowd surveillance at major gatherings Downtown, the other to monitor traffic at events such as the Indiana State Fair.

FAKE NEWS: WaPo Made-Up Kushner’s Request for ‘Permanent Back Channel’ Communication with Russia

During the meeting wherein the asserted that proposed a secure line between the Trump administration and , it was actually the Russians who proposed it, a source close to Kushner informed Fox .

Jared Kushner didn’t suggest Russian communications channel in meeting, source says | Fox News

During the meeting the Russians broached the idea of using a secure line between the Trump administration and Russia, not Kushner, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News. That follows a recent report from The Washington Post alleging that Kushner wanted to develop a secure, private line with Russia.

WIKILEAKS: Obama Transition Team Initiated ‘Confidential Policy Consultations’ with Foreign Actors in Nov. 2008

The liberal mainstream media excitedly reported on Jared Kushner’s attempt to establish a secret channel of communication with Russia before the president took office.