Thursday, March 30 – Hour 2 Podcast

J Scott Armstrong: Fewer Than 1 Percent Of Papers in Scientific Journals Follow Scientific Method – Breitbart

FLASHBACK: Cell Phones & Cancer: Two Weeks, Two Studies, Two Different Conclusions – The Burning Truth

One week a # will be released showing one result, and the next week another study showing the opposite result gets published. It’s been that way for years. Coffee is healthy, coffee is unhealthy. Eggs are healthy, eggs are unhealthy. It’s become so predictable that I routinely mock ‘studies’ like this on the program.

News from The Associated Press

A bill approved Wednesday by the GOP-controlled House would require that data used to support new regulations to protect human health and the environment be released to the public.

McDonald’s Quarter Pounders will soon be made of fresh beef

In a move that appears aimed at taking on the quality movement sweeping fast food, McDonald’s announced Thursday that it will start making one of its signature hamburgers, the , with fresh beef patties.

Woman snaps photo of IHOP server helping disabled customer – Story | WAGA

“A man and disabled woman were dining and your server sat down with them and proceeded to help feed the disabled woman while her companion enjoyed his food,” Dotson told . “My faith in humanity has been restored a little today.”

Fingerprints of Refugee Admitted To U.S. Were Found In An Iraq Bunker Used To Hold Hostages In Terrible Conditions – Katie Pavlich

Two Iraqi men in the United States as , brothers Yousif Al Mashhandani and Adil Hasan, were arrested and charged Monday with immigration fraud after federal authorities found they lied about their biological connection to Majid Al Mashhadani. Mashhadani is an Iraqi who kidnapped an American in 2004 and held them in horrible conditions for nearly a year.

Daily : Friday, Sept. 23

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Hour 2

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Hour 3

Open Lines


Daily : Thursday, Sept. 22

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FYI, the cheerleader outfits do violate school dress code.

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Hour 2

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Hour 3

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Daily : Thursday, May 26

Surprise! Katie Couric LIED In Anti-Gun ‘Documentary’ | The Burning Truth

Here we are a few weeks later, and we have already acquired the proof that ‘s ‘Under the ‘ is about as accurate as the NY Times’ discredited hit piece on Trump.

Visit South Bend Mishawaka ends promotional campaign after complaints it was copied from Utah agency –

“We did quote-unquote debut it last week. But we have no intention of doing anything with it, if you will,” DeCleene told AdWeek. “It’s literally a one-off, isolated promotion. If anything, it’s truly meant to give props to , because for a city that size, 1,500 miles away from us, we just thought, ‘Wow, that’s killer.’ “

Robert E. Lee Elementary to be Renamed | Truth Revolt

Gonzalez pressed the SDUSD for the name change presumably for her own personal reasons, because she certainly wasn’t prompted by any public outcry. As reported by Breitbart:

School City of Mishawaka considering referendums to pay for school improvements –

is looking to make several improvements at its schools, but it needs approval from the board and from Mishawaka voters first.

Watch: Sen. Tom Cotton Make Harry Reid His Female Dog | The Burning Truth

Remember when denied ever saying ‘This ‘ on my show?

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Did Facebook Give Democrats the Upper Hand? – The Atlantic

They’ve done a very similar experiment before, and the results were significant. In a paper published earlier this year in Nature, Fowler and his colleagues announced that a message and behavior-sharing communication increased the probability that a person votes by slightly more than 2 percent. That may not seem like a huge effect, but when you have a huge population, as does, a small uptick in probability means substantial changes in voting behavior.

How Facebook and Google’s Algorithms Are Affecting Our Political Viewpoints

Facebook confirmed in a paper in that it often shows users from users with similar political beliefs, and on average, you’re about 6 percent less likely to see content that the other political side favors. This means that who you’re friends with and their political beliefs influence what you see more than th algorithm does.

The new mind control

What happens, though, if such technologies are misused by the companies that own them? A by Robert M Bond, now a political science professor at Ohio State University, and others published in Nature in 2012 described an ethically questionable experiment in which, on day in 2010, Facebook sent ‘go out and vote’ reminders to more than 60 million of its users. The reminders caused about 340,000 people to vote who otherwise would not have. Writing in the New Republic in 2014, Jonathan Zittrain, professor of international law at Harvard University, pointed out that, given the massive amount of information it has collected about its users, Facebook could easily send such messages only to people who support one particular party or candidate, and that doing so could easily flip a close – with no one knowing that this has occurred. And because advertisements, like search rankings, are ephemeral, manipulating an election in this way would leave no paper trail.

Thursday, May 26 – Hour 2 Podcast

Robert E. Lee Elementary to be Renamed | Truth Revolt

Gonzalez pressed the SDUSD for the name change presumably for her own personal reasons, because she certainly wasn’t prompted by any public outcry. As reported by Breitbart:

School City of Mishawaka considering referendums to pay for school improvements –

is looking to make several improvements at its schools, but it needs approval from the board and from Mishawaka voters first.

Watch: Sen. Tom Cotton Make Harry Reid His Female Dog | The Burning Truth

Remember when denied ever saying ‘This ‘ on my show?