Daily : Monday, August 21


I’m back from vacation. Let’s do this.


The Eclipse Is Racist Suggests The Atlantic | The Daily Caller

The Atlantic’s very lengthy essay on the failure of to occur where a sufficient number of black people reside is entitled “American Blackout.” It clocks in at a remarkable 4,544 words and does not appear to be satire.

Judge orders IRS to reveal who took part in Tea Party targeting | Fox News

A federal judge has ordered the to release the names of specific employees involved in targeting Tea Party groups, after years of litigation over what conservatives have long called “chilling” behavior by one of the government’s “most feared” agencies.

Feds Spend $438,699 Studying If ‘Gender Norms’ Make LGBTQ People Get Drunk

The is spending over $400,000 studying whether of masculinity and femininity lead LGBTQ individuals to drink too much.

Hour 2


Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan said his office has concluded an investigation into the invoices and billing practices of Dr. , an economic consultant who contracted with the state to provide policy expertise, research and economic modeling for Vermont’s abandoned single-payer healthcare system.

Trump Justice Department Ends Operation Choke Point

Republican House members announced Friday that the has ended the controversial Obama-era program targeting payday lenders, gun shops, and other legal businesses, in response to several House Republicans who requested be shut down.

Farmer fined $1 million for plowing his own field – Red Alert Politics

A California farmer agreed Tuesday to pay $1.1 million for plowing federally protected wetlands on his wheat field, according to . This ends a five-year legal battle over the reach of the Clean Water Act.

95% of lawmakers who support $15 minimum wage don’t pay their interns: Study – Red Alert Politics

The majority of lawmakers supporting raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour, in fact, pay their interns $0 an hour, according to a new study by the Employment Policy Institute (EPI).

Hour 3

‘Full net censorship is HERE’: Google moves to de-platform Gab for being a ‘hate site’ – twitchy.com

Google has removed the Gab app from Google Play because they claim it violates their speech policy:

‘The Rebel’ Domain Gets Shut Down | The Daily Caller

The conservative Canadian website, The Rebel—also known as Rebel Media—had its domain shut down today. The “alt-media” website previously offered a platform to prominent voices on the right including Vice co-founder Gavin McInnes and right-wing activist and journalist Lauren Southern.

Thursday, July 20 – Hour 2 Podcast


USPS May Have Broken the Law for Letting Employees Take Time Off to Campaign for Clinton – Christine Rousselle

The is accused of violating the Hatch Act when it permitted employees to take time off to campaign for . The workers took unpaid time off to volunteer for the Clinton campaign, but were paid for their work by the ‘ PAC, the Letter Carrier Political Fund. The NALC endorsed Clinton.

Albuquerque Tea Party granted tax-exempt status after 8 years | Fox News

exempt status after 8 years Published July 20, 2017 Fox NOW PLAYING Tea Party groups still seek justice for IRS scandal It’s taken nearly eight years, but the finally granted tax-exempt status to a Tea Party group in what lawyers representing the group on Wednesday called a “major victory for free speech.”

CNN Covers Trump-Putin Dinner 3x More Than Ob | The Daily Caller

CNN covered ‘s dinner with three times as much as they covered Obama’s promise of “flexibility” after his reelection, according to a new study by the Media Research Center.

Kremlin Slams “Schizophrenic” Report Of “Secret” Putin-Trump Meeting | Zero Hedge

The Kremlin responded to media reports that held a second “secret” meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, saying it has prompted “astonishment” in Moscow and displays a “lack of understanding” while confirming the two did chat informally over dinner.  “The use of such notion as “undisclosed” or “secret” meeting causes absolute astonishment and lack of understanding” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian state TV, Channel One.

WINNING: Five Pentagon Successes Under President Trump – Breitbart

President Trump has placed a high priority on rebuilding the U.S. military and allowing his commanders to make more calls. So far, in the administration’s first six months, successes have been piling up.

U.S. Military: Afghanistan Airstrikes in 2017 Already Exceed Last Two Years – Breitbart

According to newly released U.S. Air Force figures, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) had dropped 1,634 munitions in Afghanistan as of June 30, marking a dramatic increase from the same period in 2015 (298) and the following year (545).

Trump Ends CIA Arming Syrian Rebels | The Daily Caller

President Donald Trump has ended the covert CIA program to arm Syrian rebels, which had the aim of bringing down the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Fake News: CNN Anchor Falsely Claims ‘NO ONE’ Is Claiming Second Trump/Putin Meeting Was Secret – The Burning Truth

‘s Chris Cillizza falsely claimed that ‘NO ONE’ was saying the fake news second Trump/Putin ‘meeting’ was ‘secret.’ It’s so laughably absurd that it is should be an example of how not to do research in journalism classes.


Daily : Thursday, July 20


Son of Cecil the Lion is shot dead by a big game hunter | Daily Mail Online

The son of Cecil the Lion has been shot dead by a big game hunter – two years after his father was killed, it has emerged.

OJ Simpson parole hearing: Former football star approved for October release | Fox News

football star approved for October release Published July 20, 2017 Fox News NOW PLAYING takes ‘full responsibility’ for his incarceration Close O.J. Simpson, the disgraced former football great, was granted parole Thursday amid his 33-year prison sentence for an armed robbery that has kept him behind bars in Nevada since 2008.

Linkin Park Frontman Chester Bennington Commi | The Daily Caller

Chester Bennington, the lead singer for , has committed suicide.

Department of Justice Rolls Out New Asset Forfeiture Directive – Breitbart

The Department of Justice made good on promises to issue a new procedure for federal “adoptions” of local and state civil asset forfeitures Wednesday with a new policy directive aimed at reintroducing the practice while combating abuses.

BREAKING: Sen. John McCain Has Brain Cancer | The Daily Caller

has been diagnosed with brain cancer, according to a statement released by his office and the .

Preparations Begin for Border Wall Construction

‘s promised border wall is one step closer to construction as the begins testing selected areas for compatibility.

Hour 2

USPS May Have Broken the Law for Letting Employees Take Time Off to Campaign for Clinton – Christine Rousselle

The is accused of violating the Hatch Act when it permitted employees to take time off to campaign for . The workers took unpaid time off to volunteer for the Clinton campaign, but were paid for their work by the National Association of Letter Carriers’ PAC, the Letter Carrier Political Fund. The NALC endorsed Clinton.

Albuquerque Tea Party granted tax-exempt status after 8 years | Fox News

exempt status after 8 years Published July 20, 2017 Fox News NOW PLAYING Tea Party groups still seek justice for IRS scandal It’s taken nearly eight years, but the finally granted tax-exempt status to a Tea Party group in what lawyers representing the group on Wednesday called a “major victory for free speech.”

CNN Covers Trump-Putin Dinner 3x More Than Ob | The Daily Caller

CNN covered President Trump’s dinner with Vladimir Putin three times as much as they covered Obama’s promise of “flexibility” after his reelection, according to a new study by the Media Research Center.

Kremlin Slams “Schizophrenic” Report Of “Secret” Putin-Trump Meeting | Zero Hedge

The Kremlin responded to media reports that President Donald Trump held a second “secret” meeting with Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit, saying it has prompted “astonishment” in Moscow and displays a “lack of understanding” while confirming the two did chat informally over dinner.  “The use of such notion as “undisclosed” or “secret” meeting causes absolute astonishment and lack of understanding” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Russian state TV, Channel One.

WINNING: Five Pentagon Successes Under President Trump – Breitbart

President Trump has placed a high priority on rebuilding the U.S. military and allowing his commanders to make more calls. So far, in the administration’s first six months, successes have been piling up.

U.S. Military: Afghanistan Airstrikes in 2017 Already Exceed Last Two Years – Breitbart

According to newly released U.S. Air Force figures, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) had dropped 1,634 munitions in Afghanistan as of June 30, marking a dramatic increase from the same period in 2015 (298) and the following year (545).

Trump Ends CIA Arming Syrian Rebels | The Daily Caller

President Donald Trump has ended the covert CIA program to arm Syrian rebels, which had the aim of bringing down the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Fake News: CNN Anchor Falsely Claims ‘NO ONE’ Is Claiming Second Trump/Putin Meeting Was Secret – The Burning Truth

CNN’s Chris Cillizza falsely claimed that ‘NO ONE’ was saying the second Trump/Putin ‘meeting’ was ‘secret.’ It’s so laughably absurd that it is should be an example of how not to do research in journalism classes.

Hour 3

Heinz unveils ‘Chicago Dog Sauce’ to get around city’s ‘no-ketchup’ rule | WGN-TV

Heinz unveiled a “new” sauce on Monday to get around Chicago’s strict “no ketchup on hotdogs” rule.

Facebook Announces ‘Paywall’ News Subscription Service – Breitbart

“The problem is that today’s internet distribution systems distort the flow of economic value derived from good reporting.”

Minneapolis PD: Mohamed Noor’s Partner Heard | The Daily Caller

Nothing about this story adds up. Every answer just leads to more questions.

Daily : Tuesday, July 18


BREAKING: McConnell Abandons ‘Repeal and Replace’ — May Just Repeal Obamacare Law Instead

late Monday announced he was abandoning efforts to pass a bill to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, and said he would instead push a bill to fully repeal the law and give Congress two years to figure out a replacement.

Trump Fires Off Tweet After GOP Senate Fails to Repeal Obamacare

VIDEO: Students love socialism!…whatever that is…

Last year, a poll was released showing 53 percent of Americans under age 35 are dissatisfied with our nation’s current economic system and think socialism would be good for the country.

Hour 2

Second Amendment Foundation

“We know we are violating numerous constitutional rights here, but if you do not comply, we will remove the boy from your home.”

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is preparing to ramp up asset forfeiture – The Washington Post

“We hope to issue this week a new directive on — especially for drug traffickers,” Sessions said in his prepared remarks for a speech to the National District Attorney’s Association in Minneapolis. “With care and professionalism, we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. No criminal should be allowed to keep the proceeds of their crime. Adoptive forfeitures are appropriate as is sharing with our partners.”

The IRS raided their store and sold their stuff within hours. Now they’re fighting back – Red Alert Politics

Although the Thangsongcharoens’ accountant demonstrated they actually owed no debt, 20 IRS agents and Dallas officers entered the store and asked for a $10,000 check or forfeit their inventory. Four hours later, the IRS had auctioned off 1,600 designer dresses and other store items $598,000 underneath the IRS’ own valuation — violating perishable good sale requirements.

Hour 3

$1 million in marijuana found in brand new Ford Fusions | Fox 59

Authorities are looking into how marijuana worth $1 million was hidden in the trunks of brand new, Mexican-made at a dealership in Ohio, according to Silverio Balzano, agent in charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Youngstown office.

No Justification for Importing More Low-skilled Labor, Study Claims

At the national level, it is worth pointing out that there is no evidence at all of labor shortages in the labor market that are significant enough to move national data trends. Despite much-welcome progress in reducing the national unemployment rate in recent years, and despite the fact that the unemployment rate has now reached pre-Great Recession levels, many other labor market indicators signal an economy that still has some way to go before genuine full employment is attained.

Maine town resorts to hiring Americans as visas run out – Hot Air Hot Air

Because the H-2B visa program has already reached its annual quota, ‘s hotels, restaurants and shops can’t bring in any more foreign workers for the rest of the busy summer tourist season. Like hundreds of similar coastal resort towns, Bar Harbor has for many years depended on the H-2B visas for temporary workers. The program allows non-agricultural companies to bring in foreign labor if they are unable to find suitable employees domestically.

Trump, McConnell, Call For Clean Repeal | The Daily Caller

and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called for the full, clean repeal of Obamacare in late-night statements Monday.

Straight Obamacare Repeal Is Dead | The Daily Caller

Sens. of West Virginia, of Maine and of Alaska said they won’t vote in favor of the proposal.