Daily Show Prep: Wed, Jan. 4

Daily : Wed, Jan. 4


Report shows at least 34 babies were born alive after botched abortions in the last two years

That’s just from 7 states.

fails on the 4th, 5th, and 6th ballots for Speaker.

McCarthy floats path to Speakership with lower threshold

Hour 2

Meet Jeff.

says will curb Andrew Tate “ complaints of

Hour 3

Pete Buttigieg blasted for taking military aircraft to sporting event with husband: ‘Arrogant and detached’

Ontario regulatory body orders Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo “social-media communications retraining”

Twitter let US intelligence community influence policies after pressure from Democrats and media

World Economic Forum will plot how to counter “misinformation” at its 2023 annual meeting

US government funds research on correcting “false beliefs” online


Monday, July 10 – 2 Podcast


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Apple has deleted all reviews on app after its rating dropped to one ⭐️ from over 15,000 negative reviews.

Fmr Obama DNI Clapper: Only 3 or 4 Intelligence Agencies Agreed on Russian Interference – ‘It Wasn’t 17′ – Breitbart

So how this narrative got out there about 17 components being involved, I don’t know. But the report itself makes clear that it was the three agencies plus the Office of the Director of National Intelligence that put this assessment together.

So … months of the 17 agency being used daily Clapper never rebuffed it publicly? Why?

The 17 agency myth was retracted over week ago, but over the weekend this happened.

Maxine Waters Pushes Debunked Claim That 17 Intelligence Agencies Agreed On Russian Election Hacking (VIDEO)

Maxine Waters still hasn’t gotten the message that the claim “seventeen intelligence agencies” agreed on Russian hacking was which The York Times and the Associated Press were forced to admit over a week ago wasn’t true.

Delingpole: Record-Breaking Cold in Greenland; Alarmists ‘Look. An Arctic Squirrel!’

Greenland just broke the record for the coldest July day ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere at -33C.

Solar Makes More Waste Than Nuclear | The Daily Caller

Solar panels create 300 times more toxic waste per unit of electricity generated than nuclear power plants

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes.