Daily : Wednesday, August 24

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/23/emails-show-huma-used-to-put-hillary-down-for-nap-time/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-health-problem-clinton-actually-has/article/2600012″ target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/wikileaks-67-emails-hillary-chelsea-clinton-fake-name-diane-reynolds-foreign-police-mtgs/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/aug/23/donald-trump-drives-agenda-while-hillary-clinton-h/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://hotair.com/archives/2016/08/24/hillary-clinton-may-just-be-running-out-the-clock/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/08/22/texas-teachers-no-homework-policy-goes-viral/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://freebeacon.com/issues/one-third-u-s-will-one-insurer-offering-obamacare-plans-2017/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/obamacare-premiums-rising-because-theres-no-competition” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://dailysignal.com/2016/08/18/her-health-plan-was-257-a-month-now-her-obamacare-plan-could-be-650-a-month/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2016/08/23/prospect-park-nude-shakespeare/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://brobible.com/life/article/andrea-tantaros-lawsuit-fox-news-executives/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3756501/Michigan-rodeo-clown-sacked-making-gender-identity-jokes-county-fair-event.html” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/24/us/politics/facebook-ads-politics.html” target=”_blank”]



Daily : Monday, March 14

Wounded Warrior Project’s top execs fired amid lavish spending scandal | Fox News

‘s CEO, Steven Nardizzi, and COO, Al Giordano, were by the charity’s board amid criticisms about how it spent more than $800 million in donations over the last four years. The development was confirmed by Abernathy MacGregor, a public relations firm hired to represent the veterans charity.

Wounded Warrior Project Chairman Anthony Odierno on rebuilding after lavish spending scandal – CBS News

From public records, CBS found that the charity spent only 60 percent of donations on vets. Odierno disputed the figure, claiming the organization spends about 80 percent. But that number includes expenses spent on promotional items, direct response advertising and postage costs, which charity watch groups do not consider programming.

Lose American flag or lose job; Iron workers stand ground after reported threat | BizPac Review

A group of ironworkers and riggers working in Louisiana have been told to remove American flags from their trucks or be terminated.

Lose the American Flag or Lose Your Job – Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children

Jarome Hatch, a member of the crew, who thanked BPR and informed us that he just left a meeting in which the crew was told their vehicles, with American flags attached, are now allowed back on the property as long as they are properly fastened and the speed limit is obeyed.

Putin Orders Withdrawal Of Russian Forces From Syria | The Daily Caller

“Perhaps, this is no secret, if I say that at some stage the Americans suggested performing a ‘division of labor’: the Russian Air Forces should concentrate on the liberation of Palmyra, and the American coalition with Russian support will focus on the liberation of Raqqa,” said Lavrov, according to Reuters.

Russia Warns North Korea It Could Be Invaded | The Daily Caller

‘s provocative nuclear rhetoric has gotten so bad even the Kremlin has come out against the hermit kingdom, warning continued nuclear threats could justify an .

Hellfire Missiles Bound For Portland Discovered On Plane | The Daily Caller

The package containing the missiles was found by bomb-sniffing dogs in the cargo hold of the plane. The Air Serbia flight originated in Beirut, Lebanon and landed in the Serbian capital of Belgrade before the package was discovered, according to a Sunday Associated Press report. The two missiles, armed with explosive warheads, were hidden inside two coffins. Serbian media has reported that the package’s final destination was believed to have been .

ISIS Unleashes Chemical Weapons In Iraq Killing 3-Year-Old Girl And Wounding As Many As 600 People

ISIL fighters unleashed two chemical attacks near the city of Kirkuk in Iraq, killing three-year-old Fatima Samir and wounding up to 600 people, Iraqi officials have said. Early Saturday morning, rockets filled with chemicals were fired from the -held town of Bashir upon the small town of Taza, which was also struck by only three days earlier.

WATCH: Clinton tells woman hurt by Obamacare to ‘keep shopping’ twitchy.com

…and Hillary’s answer to this woman? “Keep shopping” and try to find a better deal:

Being lonely during recess isn’t an option at this school, thanks to one elementary class

At Sherwood Forest Elementary School on Federal Way, Ms. Callender’s second and third grade classes decided to create the Buddy Spot to tackle loneliness.

Study: Raising E-Cigarette Age Increases Teen Smoking | The Daily Caller

“We should regulate tobacco products proportionate to their risks, and evidence suggests they’re less risky products,” said the Cornell ‘s lead author Dr. Michael F. Pesko. “While there’s some risk, it would be a mistake to regulate them the same way we regulate cigarettes.”

DC Vape Group Vows To Fight FDA Regs And ‘Junk Science’ On E-Cigarettes

“One of the biggest challenges we face as an industry – and one that our industry has been outflanked on up until this point – is the rampant misinformation disseminated about our technology,” says Tony Abboud, VTA national legislative director.

Oh My! Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro Resign from Breitbart after Fudging Story about Trump Campaign Manager – The Gateway Pundit

Video now proves that Fields exaggerated the story for some strange reason.

New video shows the contact (yes, contact was made), but it appears she may be embellishing a bit. Don’t know if the bruises are legit or not, but she wasn’t nearly thrown down to the ground as had been alleged.

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 17

And the new Goshen Community Schools mascot is… – 953MNC.com

As of Jan. 1, Community Schools will be known by the  “.”

Russia Confirms Terrorism: A Homemade Bomb Took Out Passenger Plane

confirmed Tuesday that a homemade bomb was responsible for bringing down the Russian passenger plane over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, killing all 224 people on board.

One Day Later, Anonymous Already Takes Down 3,824 Pro-ISIS Twitter Accounts – UPDATE

The hacktivism group quickly got its business together, created an official Twitter account for the whole #OpParis operation, and a new website where to centralize all accounts.

Bree Olson, One Of Charlie Sheen’s Former ‘Goddesses,’ Says He Was Lying On ‘The Today Show’

Former porn star appeared on The Howard Stern Show Tuesday morning and says that despite what told Matt Lauer on The Today Show he was NOT honest with everyone.

Teachers, Cops Re-Education For Clock Boy | The Daily Caller

Officials with the Justice Department’s community relations unit who have visited Irving have suggested in meetings that local teachers and police officers should be forced to submit to re-education workshops on the topic of religious tolerance

Obama Awards Barbara Streisand, Steven Spielberg, James Taylor Presidential Medal of Freedom | Truth Revolt

Barbra Streisand, an outspoken leftist, was hailed on the administration’s website for her donations to the Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, which “works to correct gender inequality in the research of a disease which each year kills more women than men.”

President Obama Names Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom | whitehouse.gov

Yogi Berra (posthumous)

Allegiant pilot says he was wrongly fired over evacuation

On June 8, Jason Kinzer was the captain of an Air jet with 141 passengers scheduled to fly from St. Petersburg, Florida, to Hagerstown, Maryland. Minutes after takeoff, Kinzer says, flight attendants called the cockpit to report smelling smoke, so he declared an emergency and returned to the airport.

German soccer game canceled after ‘serious’ bomb threat – NY Daily News

“There were serious plans to bring something to explode,” police chief Volker Kluwe told reporters.

Heads Start To Roll At Secret Service After Chaffetz Leak | The Daily Caller

The agents accessed the file more than 60 times, though they had “no official need to query” the documents. The first illegal inquiry came March 24, just 18 minutes after Chaffetz started a hearing into Secret Service agents who were found to be driving drunk and crashed a car into a White House barricade.

Forget insurance. These Delaware docs only take fees

Bovelsky’s patients can pay monthly fees between $65 and $75. Yearly rates for adults vary between $780 and $900, depending on the number of visits a patient wants. Care for children under 18 ranges from $240 to $360. Additional office visits cost $80 each.