Another Accuser Comes Forward Against Curtis Hill

AG (Republican) has been accused by several women, mostly Democrats, of groping them at a bar at the end of the last legislative session. He vehemently denies the allegations. Finally, a Republican woman has come forward to accuse Hill.

I would like to point out that the IG is investigating, and I believe Hill deserves to have the investigation play out. After all, the IG has just cleared a parks official at the federal level of a false claim.


Monday, July 9 – Hour 2

Casey lists numerous times citizens used guns to defend themselves in June alone.

Michigan park officers want guns.

Liberal freakout over the SCOTUS nomination coming today is classic fear-mongering.

judge considered a favorite for SCOTUS nomination.


Wednesday, June 27 – Hour 2

St. Joseph County leaf pickup updates.

You dishwasher sucks and people are starting to get pissed about it.

Democrat upset in takes an interesting, and racist, turn.

Turns out lots of women go to the emergency room after an .

SCOTUS rules pro-life centers can’t be forced to advertise abortions.