Monday, August 27 – Hour 2

President Trump announces new trade deal with .

Illegal alien murders veteran.

Democrats seek to make illegal border crossings not illegal. Thereby, admitting it is illegal.

Report: Immigrants aren’t doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

Democrat politician pretended to be an immigrant but was born in .

driver loses sponsor because of something his dad allegedly said before he was born.

admits 3 songs on posthumous album are frauds.


Tuesday, May 29 – Hour 3

Retired teacher who ‘corrected’ President Trump’s grammar is REALLY bad at grammar herself.

Remember, proper grammar has been ruled racist folks.

The media steps in it again by falsely attributing migrant kids in cage to Trump when it was from 2014.

FBI agents who want to testify against Comey afraid of retaliation.

FBI won’t release details of settlement in case that involved retribution against whistleblowers.

North Korean summit looks like it’s on again, and the media is losing their minds.