Wednesday, May 10 – Hour 3 Podcast


FOX Expert Herridge: Comey Was Fired Because He Refused to Reveal Obama Unmaskers (VIDEO)

national security expert Catherine Herridge told The Five last night that Director was fired because he refused to reveal the administration “unmaskers” to .

Trump defends firing of FBI director, pledges “far …

“Comey lost the confidence of almost everyone in Washington, Republican and Democrat alike. When things calm down, they will be thanking me,” wrote in a series of posts on Twitter one day after he fired the top U.S. law enforcement official. Comey had been leading a probe into the Trump 2016 presidential campaign’s possible collusion with Russia to influence the outcome.

10 Times Democrats Slammed James Comey, Called For His Firing – Katie Pavlich

A number of in Washington D.C. this morning are expressing outrage over President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey. But it wasn’t long ago that many of them called Comey unfit for public office, said they lacked confidence in his ability to lead the Bureau and called for his firing.

Democrats Wanted Comey Fired — Until Tuesday | LifeZette

Liberals demanded FBI director’s resignation, dismissal for months — before turning it against Trump

Huh? Nonsensical Maxine Waters Says Hillary Would Have Fired Comey But Trump Shouldn’t Have (VIDEO)

Democrat darling told MSNBC on Wednesday that Clinton should have fired James Comey if she won the White House.

Here’s Who Trump Might Pick To Replace Comey | The Daily Caller

President Trump reportedly set to work early Wednesday to choose a replacement for his first FBI director, James Comey.

Screen shot via @KellyannePolls cell phone- of Huma’s call at 2:30amE….6 months ago. I have on video & will share that in the near future.

Mexico was second deadliest country in 2016 –



Friday, March 31 – Hour 1 Podcast

Comey Wanted To Reveal Russian Interference During The 2016 Election, Obama White House Stopped Him – Matt Vespa

Newsweek is saying that Comey wanted to write an op-ed about the Russian interference into the 2016 , but the administration vetoed it.

New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors – Judicial Watch

In a February 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton’s and Abedin’s unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has as the material includes information “to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The redacted information concerns “former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed” and Mohamed’s request for “various classified intelligence documents” that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo.

Report: Hillary, 6 Aides Had Access to Classified State Dept Info After Leaving Office – Breitbart

Friday on Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network correspondent Ed Henry reported Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had revealed former Secretary of State , the 2016 presidential nominee for the Democratic Party, and six of her aides retained their access to top secret and classified information after leaving the State Department in 2013.

Hillary Emails: Top Clinton Aide Plotted to ‘Help’ News Media ‘Figure Out How Things Work’

Philippe and I had an offline conversation about this and I agree entirely. I think it makes sense for you to meet with influencers on a regular — though not intrusive — basis. An OTR conversation with you is the best way to help guys like Brooks “figure out” how things work.

Indiana lawmakers finding halting cold beer sales at chain harder than expected – 95.3 MNC

A top Republican is suggesting the Legislature may not be able to stop the chain Ricker’s from selling cold beer before the end of session.

Get ready to start paying sales tax on those Amazon purchases « Hot Air

Amazon plans on April 1 to start collecting in Hawaii, Idaho, Maine and New , according to CNBC. Those are the last four states in which Amazon had yet to collect applicable state tax.

Daily : Wednesday, August 24

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Daily : Monday, August 22

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“Secretary Clinton did not use a email account at the State Department. An account was set up on ClassNet on her calendar, but it was not used,”

Read more

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Hour 2

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Hour 3

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