Wednesday, Dec. 6 – Hour 2 Podcast


The Hill Identifies Conyers As A Republican | The Daily Caller

The Hill incorrectly identified former Democratic Rep. John Conyers as a Republican for close to two hours in a recent article.

Politics Split On Assault Allegations | The Daily Caller

epublicans and Democrats are sharply divided on their reactions to sexual assault allegations, according to a study published Wednesday.

Report: House Intelligence Committee to Begin Writing Contempt Resolution for FBI, DOJ Officials

The House intelligence committee will begin writing a resolution Tuesday to cite top FBI and Justice Department officials in after they missed a Monday deadline to turn over documents the committee subpoenaed in late August, according to the Washington Examiner.

GOP Lawmaker: When Dirty Cop Mueller Comes to Congress to Testify “WE NEED TO ARREST HIM” (VIDEO)

 Robert Mueller did not release the information to the House committee as requested but instead LEAKED it to the liberal media.

Sara Carter: Inspector General’s Report Looking at 27 Leakers — Will Cause MAJOR SHAKE-UP AT FBI (VIDEO)

Sara Carter: We’re going to see parts of that report before December (end of the month). We’re going to see other parts of his report coming out after January. And they’re looking at Peter Strzok. They’re looking at Comey. They’re looking at 27 leakers. It would not surprise me if there was a shake-up at the and a housecleaning.

Harvard: Millennials now biggest voting group in U.S., 2-1 Democratic

A new Harvard University poll Tuesday is blaring a loud danger signal to the Republican Party after finding that millennials are now the largest generation of voters and they are overwhelmingly Democratic, by a two-to-one margin.

Young People Say Calling Them a ‘Snowflake’ Damages Their Mental Health – Breitbart

New immigration, gun charges filed against illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle trial | Fox News

Federal officials filed a new set of immigration and gun charges Friday against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant found not guilty last week in the murder of Kate Steinle.

Rachel Dolezal has released a provocative calendar full of photos, birthdays, and Black History facts

If you’d like to be reminded of Rachel Dolezal, a disgraced white woman who presents herself as African-American, you can be all throughout next year. The former university instructor and former President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Spokane, Washington chapter, is asking $18.99 for her recently released 2018 wall calendar.


Daily : Wednesday, Dec. 6


Trump: ‘I Have Determined That It Is Time to Officially Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel’ – Breitbart

President announced Wednesday in a televised address from the that the United States officially recognizes the city of as the capital of Israel, and will begin moving its embassy there.

Past Presidents US Embassy To Jerusalem | The Daily Caller

President Donald Trump will begin the formal process of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem Wednesday and recognize the city as Israel’s capital, actually fulfilling a campaign pledge many of his predecessors made.

Moving Israel embassy “terrible,” says person who voted to move embassy – Hot Air Hot Air

So is the President going to be moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, recognizing it as their official capital? The short answer appears to be yes. The slightly longer answer is closer to, “Yes, but not right this moment.”

The Hill Identifies Conyers As A Republican | The Daily Caller

The Hill incorrectly identified former Democratic as a Republican for close to two hours in a recent article.

Politics Split On Assault Allegations | The Daily Caller

epublicans and Democrats are sharply divided on their reactions to allegations, according to a study published Wednesday.

Report: House Intelligence Committee to Begin Writing Contempt Resolution for FBI, DOJ Officials

The House intelligence committee will begin writing a resolution Tuesday to cite top and Justice Department officials in after they missed a Monday deadline to turn over documents the committee subpoenaed in late August, according to the Washington Examiner.

GOP Lawmaker: When Dirty Cop Mueller Comes to Congress to Testify “WE NEED TO ARREST HIM” (VIDEO)

Dirty Cop Robert Mueller did not release the information to the House committee as requested but instead LEAKED it to the liberal media.

Sara Carter: Inspector General’s Report Looking at 27 Leakers — Will Cause MAJOR SHAKE-UP AT FBI (VIDEO)

: We’re going to see parts of that report before December (end of the month). We’re going to see other parts of his report coming out after January. And they’re looking at Peter Strzok. They’re looking at Comey. They’re looking at 27 leakers. It would not surprise me if there was a shake-up at the FBI and a housecleaning.

Harvard: Millennials now biggest voting group in U.S., 2-1 Democratic

A new Harvard University poll Tuesday is blaring a loud danger signal to the Republican Party after finding that millennials are now the largest generation of voters and they are overwhelmingly Democratic, by a two-to-one margin.

Young People Say Calling Them a ‘Snowflake’ Damages Their Mental Health – Breitbart

New immigration, gun charges filed against illegal immigrant acquitted in Kate Steinle trial | Fox News

Federal officials filed a new set of immigration and gun charges Friday against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, the illegal immigrant found not guilty last week in the murder of .

Rachel Dolezal has released a provocative calendar full of photos, birthdays, and Black History facts

If you’d like to be reminded of , a disgraced white woman who presents herself as African-American, you can be all throughout next year. The former university instructor and former President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People’s Spokane, Washington chapter, is asking $18.99 for her recently released 2018 wall calendar.

Rokita hits GOP Senate rival Braun over tax hike he once spoke favorably of – Post-Tribune

Todd Rokita has started a new feud in Indiana’s bitter Republican Senate primary, attacking a rival — whom he calls “Tax Hike Mike” Braun — over the former state lawmaker’s vote for a GOP-backed infrastructure plan that raised fuel taxes.

Indiana GOP Senate candidate voted Democrat until 2012 | Indiana |

A wealthy Senate candidate from Indiana who bills himself as a “conservative Republican” voted for more than a decade in the state’s Democratic primaries.


Wednesday, August 2 – Hour 3 Podcast


They trashed their wedding photographer over a $125 fee, so a jury told them to pay her $1 million – The Washington Post

On Friday, a jury in Dallas decided that the tale of the ransomed wedding photos was not heartbreaking, and not even true.

USC Suspends Football Player for ‘Assault’ the ‘Victim’ Even Says Never Happened

In her statement about the incident, Katz insisted that it was the school that victimized her, not her boyfriend.

Former Obama Aide Ben Rhodes now a person of interest in House Intelligence Committee unmasking investigation

Former Obama National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is now emerging as a person of interest in the House Intelligence Committee‘s unmasking , according to a letter sent Tuesday by the committee to the National Security Agency (NSA). This adds Rhodes to the growing list of top Obama government officials who may have improperly unmasked Americans in communications intercepted overseas by the NSA, Circa has confirmed.

Bees Are Bouncing Back From Colony Collapse Disorder – Bloomberg

The number of U.S. honeybees, a critical component to , rose in 2017 from a year earlier, and deaths of the insects attributed to a mysterious malady that’s affected hives in North America and Europe declined, according a U.S. Department of Agriculture honeybee health survey released Tuesday.


Daily : Wednesday, Aug. 2


San Francisco Bureaucrats Ban Sand at Playgrounds – Hit & Run :

Don’t bother bringing a plastic shovel when you head to a San Francisco with the kids. The city is eliminating sand from all of its .

Mercedes drops contractor in wake of CBS News investigation – CBS News

Mercedes-Benz banned a construction subcontractor from its plant in Vance, Alabama, after an CBS investigation found that foreign workers had obtained visas on the basis of roles substantially different from those they ended up occupying.

How Trump Could Force Congress and Its Staff to Live Under Obamacare

I don’t think the president should use this as a threat to get Congress to repeal. I think he should just do it. The funds are not drawn from any statutory authority. Trump could have Congress in a very, very difficult spot.

Hour 2

Pentagon investigators find ‘security risks’ in government’s immigrant recruitment program, ‘infiltration’ feared | Fox News

Defense Department investigators have discovered “potential security risks” in a program that has enrolled more than 10,000 foreign-born individuals into the U.S. armed forces since 2009, Fox News has learned exclusively, with sources on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon expressing alarm over “” and enrollees now unaccounted for.

Federal Appeals Court vacates South Bend Police tapes case – 95.3 MNC

The Appeals Court made no determination on whether the recording of the tapes violated the Wiretap Act. Instead, it ruled that the matter must be resolved in state rather than federal court.

Lynch elementary schools will lose the ‘Lynch’ due to racial implications |

The national movement to change racially offensive names of buildings, sports teams and landmarks will soon touch a group of schools in southeast Portland. Lynch Meadows, and Lynch View elementary schools will shed their “Lynch” before the upcoming school year in response to growing concern about the word’s racial connotations.

VIDEO: New York Deputies Knock on Vietnam Vet’s Door, Confiscate Guns

A 70-year-old Vietnam veteran said he was watching television in his Taberg, New York, home when deputies knocked on his door, then entered and confiscated his firearms.

Brain ‘on switch’ for burning fat after meal discovered by scientists | The Independent

The new study helps solve the puzzle of how the body chooses to burn or store fat, and how it makes use of the energy from food that people eat.

Hour 3

They trashed their wedding photographer over a $125 fee, so a jury told them to pay her $1 million – The Washington Post

On Friday, a jury in Dallas decided that the tale of the ransomed wedding photos was not heartbreaking, and not even true.

USC Suspends Football Player for ‘Assault’ the ‘Victim’ Even Says Never Happened

In her statement about the incident, Katz insisted that it was the school that victimized her, not her boyfriend.

Former Obama Aide Ben Rhodes now a person of interest in House Intelligence Committee unmasking investigation

Former Obama National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes is now emerging as a person of interest in the ‘s unmasking investigation, according to a letter sent Tuesday by the committee to the (NSA). This adds Rhodes to the growing list of top Obama government officials who may have improperly unmasked Americans in communications intercepted overseas by the NSA, Circa has confirmed.

Bees Are Bouncing Back From Colony Collapse Disorder – Bloomberg

The number of U.S. honeybees, a critical component to , rose in 2017 from a year earlier, and deaths of the insects attributed to a mysterious malady that’s affected hives in North America and Europe declined, according a U.S. Department of Agriculture honeybee health survey released Tuesday.