No, Capacities Now Are Not Unprecedented – , Jan. 5 – 3

LA County Orders Ambulance Crews Not to Transport Patients With ‘Little Chance of Survival’
Pharmacist Who Tried to Destroy COVID Vaccines Believed They Could Change People’s DNA: Officials
Anyone receiving Covid vaccine should AVOID alcohol, experts warn
WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals – Headline USA

CDC reports record-low positive flu tests
The missing flu riddle: ‘Influenza has been renamed COVID,’ maverick epidemiologist says
Months ago you heard me condemn Tik Tok nurses who were constantly posting viral videos in empty hospitals we were all told were being overwhelmed. Well, they’ve returned.
UK Woman Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital
Reports: Emergency Hospitals Dismantled Despite Claim Hospitalisations Worse Than ‘First Wave’
From San Diego – Dr. Wilma Wooten doesn’t know what ICU capacity was in 2019
US sets new coronavirus hospitalization record on NYE with 125,379
CDC estimates about 808k flu hospitalizations 2017-2018 flu season (not the year).
2018 – Flu patients leave Texas hospitals strapped
Jan 2018 – Spotlight on flu season: Where hospitals are slammed hardest
2018 – Flu outbreak: Hospitals facing ICU bed shortages, visitor restrictions
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
2018 – Hospitals Overwhelmed by Flu Patients Are Treating Them in Tents
2018 – A severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen – STAT

A severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen

2019 – Bad flu seasons test US hospitals
COVID is not the flu … but … why have we heard this all before? Why are we pretending we haven’t?
Remember earlier when I asked … again … why there was such a huge push to get people to get the flu shot when there are no flu cases this year?
Rubio: Elites ‘Tricking’ Americans Into Taking Vaccine

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No, Capacities Now Are Not Unprecedented – , Jan. 5 – 3

LA County Orders Ambulance Crews Not to Transport Patients With ‘Little Chance of Survival’

Pharmacist Who Tried to Destroy COVID Vaccines Believed They Could Change People’s DNA: Officials

Anyone receiving Covid vaccine should AVOID alcohol, experts warn

WATCH: Minnesota Lawmakers Call For Nationwide Audit of COVID-19 Death Totals – Headline USA

CDC reports record-low positive flu tests

The missing flu riddle: ‘Influenza has been renamed COVID,’ maverick epidemiologist says

Months ago you heard me condemn Tik Tok nurses who were constantly posting viral videos empty hospitals we were all told were being overwhelmed. Well, they’ve returned.

Arrested For Filming Inside Empty Hospital

Reports: Emergency Hospitals Dismantled Despite Claim Hospitalisations Worse Than ‘First Wave’

From San Diego – Dr. Wilma Wooten doesn’t know ICU capacity was in 2019

US sets new coronavirus hospitalization record on NYE with 125,379

estimates about 808k flu hospitalizations 2017-2018 flu season (not the year).

2018 – Flu patients leave Texas hospitals strapped

Jan 2018 – Spotlight on flu season: Where hospitals are hardest

2018 – Flu outbreak: Hospitals facing ICU shortages, visitor restrictions

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

2018 – Hospitals Overwhelmed by Flu Patients Are Treating Them in Tents

2018 – severe flu season is stretching hospitals thin. That is a very bad omen – STAT

2019 – Bad flu seasons test US hospitals

COVID is not the flu … but … why have we heard this all before? Why are we pretending we haven’t?

Remember earlier when I asked … again … why was such a huge push to get people to get the flu shot when there are no flu cases this year?

Rubio: Elites ‘Tricking’ Into Taking Vaccine

John Wick but with realistic sounding suppressors

I hate to it to you, is fake as hell. It’s awesome but fake.

Most of the opposition to suppressors come from people who’ve never a real one. They believe the Hollywood fakery on how much sound they put and actually think you can kill someone a crowded room without anyone hearing.

There are countless examples of people making this claim as the debate raged in 2016. There was a narrative that Trump would make suppressors easy to access and cheap if he became president, and countless people would die without a sound. How’d that conspiracy turn out?

Here’s an example of that ignorant fear-mongering by Hillary Clinton (who was at by snipers in Bosnia):

That tweet was fact-checked into oblivion but anti-gun activists are a cult. They are never embarrassed when their dogma is debunked. Nor do they stop repeating said debunked dogma, leading to more ignorant people falling for the .

That’s why this video is so good.

It takes a scene from John Wick where a gun battle happens in a crowded train station without anyone noticing. Again, people actually believe this is possible.

The video replaces the fake and unrealistic shooting sounds with sounds more accurately representing it would really sound like as these two shot at each other with suppressors.

Like nearly everything you or see from Hollywood, movie suppressor sounds are far from reality.

Journalists ‘ve Left Major Media Beg To Independent Journalism – Wednesday, Nov. 18 – 2


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