Exposing Local SJW Activist Who Takes Photos Of Naked Dead People

Investigative reporter Clifton French (RealNewsMichiana.com) joins us to discuss his exclusive story about a local SJW/BLM activist who’s been praying on family members of the deceased. He gets grant money from the city of and takes photos of naked dead people and shows them to random people on the street.

Former St. Joseph County Metro Unit Commander Tim Corbett calls in to corroborate the story.

Segment from my radio show on 95.3 MNC on Friday, March 5, 2021.

Daily Show Prep: Monday, March 8

Hour 1

A third stimulus check is in the Covid relief bill. Here’s how to get your full payment.

Dems Agree to Provide ‘COVID Relief’ Checks to Prisoners and Illegal Aliens

Sen. Cotton Decries Death-Row Murderers Getting Stimulus Checks

South Bend gives convicted felon $7,000 grant. He takes and shares naked photos of homicide victim

FLASHBACK: EEOC case detailing sexual harassment targets St. Joseph County Dem. Chair

St. Joseph County Democrats give Stan Wruble four more years as party chair

Hour 2

Mich. Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case Following Forensic Probe Of Dominion Voting Machines

Biden Signs Executive Order To ‘Provide Voting Access’ To Citizens In Federal Custody

Court Denies Father Interim Custody of Kids Because Of His Anti-Masking Beliefs

Holmes Norton: Capitol Security ‘Approaching Being Overdone’ – ‘Can’t Keep Being Afraid in Our Own Capitol of Our Own People’

California Bill Would Ban Boys And Girls Sections In Large Retail Stores

Hour 3

Pin Posts


REPORT: Biden Still Separating Migrant Children from Family Members at Border

Texas surges resources to border amid migration ‘crisis’


Super-Spreader Joe Biden Is Releasing COVID Positive Migrants into US Interior

Greyhound bus company requesting all migrants be COVID-free while traveling

Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under Control’ Under Trump


Andrew Cuomo to sign bill stripping his own emergency COVID powers

Cuomo Misled The Public Using Nursing Home Figures His Top Aides Manipulated

BREAKING: Cuomo administration revealed to have doctored report proving nursing home deaths

Pelosi-ordered review of Jan. 6 riot calls for 24/7 ‘Quick Reaction Force’ at U.S. Capitol, report


Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Oct. 30

Hour 1

WATCH: Jim Jordan Lays Out ‘Four Facts’ That Undermine Democrats’ Impeachment Talking Points

Democrats embrace double standard when weaponizing Department of Justice, says Steve Bannon


Hour 2

Does Tire Rotation Include Tightening Lug Nuts? Michigan Court Thinks About It For Awhile, Concludes ‘No’

Granite City closes their doors at the University Park Mall

South Bend getting closer to behind-the-wheel cell phone ban


Hour 3

Aaron Trejo Pleads Guilty in Murder of Breana Rouhselang

Jeffrey Epstein’s autopsy more consistent with homicidal strangulation than suicide, Dr. Michael Baden reveals

Federal appeals court sides with DOJ, delays Mueller’s grand jury material disclosure to House Dems

Archaeologists Uncover 800-Year-Old ‘Treasure Tunnels’ Of The Knights Templar Under Israeli City

Jury awards nearly $20 million to police sergeant told to ‘tone down your gayness’