Daily : Tuesday, May 24

‘Blue Lives Matter’ bill will classify cop attacks as hate crimes – NY Daily News

Louisiana cops, firefighters and EMS officers will soon be given the same legal protections as minority groups under a divisive new bill, lawmakers say.

North Carolina school board will stop naming valedictorians because of ‘unhealthy competition’

Like Olympians seek gold medals, the ultimate honor for high schoolers is to be named valedictorian.

Parents ordered to pay N.J. school district $55K tuition in residency dispute | NJ.com

The separated parents of five children who continued attending Branchburg’s schools last year after they moved out of the township must reimburse the school district $55,000 in , an Administrative Law judge has ruled.

Teacher Gets $60k After Co-Workers Won’t Call Her ‘They’ | The Daily Caller

A “transmasculine” at an Oregon elementary school has been awarded $60,000 by her school district as compensation for harassment she claims to have suffered on the job, including being referred to by the wrong pronoun.

‘We can’t be the United Nations’: Milwaukee frozen custard shop defends ‘English only’ policy

On Tuesday, Joey Sanchez stepped up to the counter of Leon’s Frozen Custard, a 70-year-old Milwaukee staple, and listened to the customer in front of him place his order in Spanish.

‘It started tickling me’: Passenger recounts horror at meeting tarantula on Air Transat flight – Montreal – CBC News

Catherine Moreau was watching a movie on her iPad on a flight to Montreal when she felt what she thought was a wire brushing against her.

President Barack Obama will be in Elkhart next week – 953MNC.com

President Barack will return to next week seven years after he visited the town during the Great Recession.

Facebook Admits Bias Against Conservatives | The Burning Truth

Facebook announced Monday it was sending employees out for retraining and would discontinue some of its practices as it sought to defend itself against charges of political bias against conservatives.

Facebook: Nothing happened with Trending Topics … but we’re making some changes « Hot Air

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But if someone’s fixing it, then it’s difficult to believe it ain’t broke, right? Especially when that someone is a multibillionaire and the something is his Golden Goose:

Middle School Suspends Boy 9 Days For Hot Pepper Flakes | The Daily Caller

Officials at Bates Middle School in Sumter, S.C. have suspended an eighth-grade boy for nine days — the rest of the school year — because he brought a tiny pouch of Carolina Reaper pepper flakes to school and gave some pepper flakes to friends.

Adult smoking rate in US is falling fast | Daily Mail Online

The rate among adults in the U.S. fell to 15 per cent last year thanks to the biggest one-year decline in more than 20 years, a new report reveals.

CDC: HIV Caused By The South’s Homophobia | The Daily Caller

An issue brief published on Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control claimed that that Southerners’ “,” and “homophobia” may be causing high rates in the South that are disproportionately high among African-Americans and homosexuals.

IRS Employee Promises to ‘Go After and Target’ Conservative Orgs

“I am a lowly clerk at the IRS, looking at your application for -free status. I go to your web page to see the goals of your group and one of the goals of your group is to abolish the IRS.

Biohacking: How a tiny implant can unlock doors with the wave of a hand | CTV News

Followers of the movement, which emerged around the mid-2000s, believe that technology can be harnessed to enhance the human body. Some say these implants could provide new technology-based capabilities and render wallets and keys obsolete. Some even suggest that could offer a technological leap forward in human evolution.

Next up: Synthetic muscles…

Anyone who has ever smashed their iPhone’s screen or depleted a battery knows that devices are destined to deteriorate and eventually die. But what if they could one day heal themselves? That’s the vision Chao Wang, a polymer researcher and assistant professor in the chemistry department at the University of California, Riverside has for the future — and he helped invent a super-stretchy, self-healing polymer that could one day make it possible.

Amputee Gamer Gets Metal Gear Solid Inspired Prosthetic Arm Complete With USB Port, Display, Flying Drone

Veteran Who Filed for Benefits in 2001 Has Yet to Receive Them

Talk about clout. When retired US Army Leonard K. Jackson talks of his years-long wait to secure disability for a range of physical and mental health issues suffered while serving, he has the White House behind him. That’s right, the White House, as the Administration has used Jackson as a poster boy of sorts for Obama’s efforts to simplify and speed up the appeals process.

Dropped ‘Gender Talk’ After Negative Polling…

stopped referring to herself as the potential “youngest woman president” during campaign stump speeches after polling showed that it was not helping with voters and donors.

A meatless burger that bleeds vegetable juices just debuted at Whole Foods – The Washington Post

It was the steak dinners, Ethan Brown says, that changed his life. He had embarked on a career in the clean-energy industry, a path befitting an environmentalist out to save the world. But the incongruity he perceived among his colleagues, who would lament environmental problems while eating beef, pushed Brown — a vegetarian since age 18 — in a different direction.

Show Prep: Tues, Nov. 17

And the new Goshen Community Schools mascot is… – 953MNC.com

As of Jan. 1, Community Schools will be known by the  “.”

Russia Confirms Terrorism: A Homemade Bomb Took Out Passenger Plane

confirmed Tuesday that a homemade bomb was responsible for bringing down the Russian passenger plane over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula, killing all 224 people on board.

One Day Later, Anonymous Already Takes Down 3,824 Pro-ISIS Twitter Accounts – UPDATE

The hacktivism group quickly got its business together, created an official Twitter account for the whole #OpParis operation, and a new website where to centralize all accounts.

Bree Olson, One Of Charlie Sheen’s Former ‘Goddesses,’ Says He Was Lying On ‘The Today Show’

Former porn star appeared on The Howard Stern Show Tuesday morning and says that despite what told Matt Lauer on The Today Show he was NOT honest with everyone.

Teachers, Cops Re-Education For Clock Boy | The Daily Caller

Officials with the Justice Department’s community relations unit who have visited Irving have suggested in meetings that local teachers and police officers should be forced to submit to re-education workshops on the topic of religious tolerance

Obama Awards Barbara Streisand, Steven Spielberg, James Taylor Presidential Medal of Freedom | Truth Revolt

Barbra Streisand, an outspoken leftist, was hailed on the administration’s website for her donations to the Women’s Heart Center at Cedars-Sinai Heart Institute, which “works to correct gender inequality in the research of a disease which each year kills more women than men.”

President Obama Names Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom | whitehouse.gov

Yogi Berra (posthumous)

Allegiant pilot says he was wrongly fired over evacuation

On June 8, Jason Kinzer was the captain of an Air jet with 141 passengers scheduled to fly from St. Petersburg, Florida, to Hagerstown, Maryland. Minutes after takeoff, Kinzer says, flight attendants called the cockpit to report smelling smoke, so he declared an emergency and returned to the airport.

German soccer game canceled after ‘serious’ bomb threat – NY Daily News

“There were serious plans to bring something to explode,” police chief Volker Kluwe told reporters.

Heads Start To Roll At Secret Service After Chaffetz Leak | The Daily Caller

The agents accessed the file more than 60 times, though they had “no official need to query” the documents. The first illegal inquiry came March 24, just 18 minutes after Chaffetz started a hearing into Secret Service agents who were found to be driving drunk and crashed a car into a White House barricade.

Forget insurance. These Delaware docs only take fees

Bovelsky’s patients can pay monthly fees between $65 and $75. Yearly rates for adults vary between $780 and $900, depending on the number of visits a patient wants. Care for children under 18 ranges from $240 to $360. Additional office visits cost $80 each.

Show Prep: Mon, Nov. 16

“The first of the storm” – translation of Islamic State statement after Paris attacks – Spectator Blogs

This morning, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks – the first time it has laid claim to any attacks in Europe. It released a rambling statement in French, referring to a music concert as a “profligate prostitution party”. It also seemed to reference Charlie Hebdo. Here is an English translation:-


The shocking development suggests the killer may have been posing as a refugee before travelling across the continent to carry out the atrocity.

Snyder suspends efforts to settle Syrian refugees in Michigan

Gov. Rick Snyder’s decision to suspend efforts to bring Syrian refugees to Michigan in light of the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday has sparked controversy and launched the state into the national  of how to protect U.S. citizens while providing a haven for those who desperately need help.

Gov. Pence suspends resettlement of Syrian refugees to Indiana following Paris terror attacks | Fox 59

“In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris, effective immediately, I am directing all state agencies to suspend the resettlement of additional Syrian refugees in the state of Indiana pending assurances from the federal government that proper security measures have been achieved. Indiana has a long tradition of opening our arms and homes to refugees from around the world but, as governor, my first responsibility is to ensure the safety and security of all Hoosiers. Unless and until the state of Indiana receives assurances that proper security measures are in place, this policy will remain in full force and effect.”

“We have contained” ISIS… | Wizbang

President Barack said that was ‘contained’ just a day before the terrorist group claimed responsibility for a horrific attack in Paris that killed 128 people on Friday.

Growing Number Of Governors Say They Won’t Accept Syrian Refugees | The Daily Caller

A growing number of governors, in wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, say they will not accept Syrian refugees into their states.

West WARNED of suicide bomb threat a DAY BEFORE Paris attacks!! MULTIPLE intelligence failures admitted » The Right Scoop –

The Daily Mail has the details of what the French government is admitting was a “failure of intelligence” as Iraqi spies warned the West of the possibility of a suicide bomb threat.

27-year-old ‘mastermind’ of Paris attacks also linked to thwarted train attack

Officials believe he is linked to the thwarted attacks on a Paris-bound high-speed train and Paris area church earlier this year, according to The Associated Press. The train attack was stopped by three young American passengers on board.

Terrorists May Have Used The Playstation 4 To Plan Deadly Paris Attack

French authorities are scrambling to find exactly how these ISIS terrorists were able to plan such an elaborate, multifaceted attack right under their noses. Standard communication channels such as land lines, cell phones and email are all monitored, but terrorists may have utilized the to facilitate their evil doings.

Blog: You will never guess how the U.S. is ‘vetting’ Syrian refugees

The UNHCR referral is a crucial first step to gaining admittance to the U.S., but the candidate must then pass “the highest level of security checks conducted on any category of traveler to the United States,” a State Department official said.

Reporter Uncovers Terrifying Reality After Spending $2,000 to Obtain Fake Syrian Passport: ‘Clearly, He Was Right’

The expert quickly dismissed the driver’s license and ID card as fake, but was unable to distinguish the fake from a real one, the reporter said.

The Real Tragedy Of Paris Is Campus Protests Being Ignored | RedState

Even as French police were looking for terrorists last night the dimwitted, race-baiters at University of Missouri were actually complaining about how the terror attack was taking attention away from them. These screenshots via TheRightScoop, please visit the link for more:

Black Lives Matter Use #FuckParis For Attacks | The Daily Caller

Along with most Americans, “Black Lives Matter” supporters voiced views on the attacks via Twitter, yet instead of messages of love, the movement responded with a despicable “#FuckParis” tag

When Sanders Presses Her on Wall Street Contributions, a Seemingly Offended Clinton Offers Bizarre Rebuttal

“I did spend a whole lot of time and effort helping them rebuild,” Clinton said, her voice growing louder. “That was good for New York, it was good for the economy and it was a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked out country.”

WSJ Pundit on Dem Debate: “Remarkable Display of Unintelligible Garbage Rhetoric” (VIDEO) – The Gateway Pundit

It was one of the most remarkable displays of unintelligible garbage rhetoric that I have ever seen.

Flashback 1974: CIA Warned GLOBAL COOLING Would Cause Terrorism | The Daily Caller

Decades before Sen. Bernie Sanders warned that global warming was driving , U.S. intelligence officials warned that global cooling would cause massive crop failures, destabilize government and drive violent conflict.

World Exclusive! Charlie Sheen Is HIV Positive — Inside His Shocking Diagnosis – The National Enquirer

In a bombshell world exclusive, The National ENQUIRER can reveal that the bad boy actor has been hiding an explosive secret from the world: He is positive.

Charlie Sheen Is HIV-Positive, Sources Tells PEOPLE : People.com

is going on the Today show to discuss being HIV-positive, sources tell PEOPLE.

Soda Tax Campaigners Baffled: Obesity Rises As Soda Declines | The Daily Caller

The number of obese Americans has risen to its highest point in a decade despite a wave of public health campaigns to get people to change the way they eat and drink.

News from The Associated Press

Bernie Sanders persisted in using shopworn stats on income inequality and Hillary Rodham Clinton glossed over the well-heeled donors to her campaign in the latest Democratic presidential debate.

FBI: Weapons missing after break-in at Army facility in Worcester…

Police are searching for a man after an FBI spokeswoman said weapons have gone missing following a break-in at an Army Reserve center in Worcester on Sunday.

Affordable Care Act Falls Short on Key Goal: Preventive Medicine

In fact, per-capita public health spending has dropped 9.3 percent since 2008 — including a $40.2 billion decrease in disease-prevention and related programs through 2014, according to an article published in the American Journal of Public Health.

Show Prep: Mon, March 31 – The Burning Truth

is a community of more than 70,000 Christians who follow the biblical model of sharing and paying each other’s medical bills much like the early church did 2,000 years ago. Members of this not –for-profit ministry live healthy biblical lifestyles, which keep costs down—family options are about $300 per month. With seven levels of sharing, you’ll find flexible convenient choices to fit your family.

Interview: Stu Wolfarth On Obamacare Exempt Healthcare Options – The Burning Truth

Learn more about the options covered in this interview here.

Minnesota Democrat’s Shocking ISIS Tweet: They’re Just Doing What They Think Is Best | Truth Revolt

Minnesota State Representative Candidate Withdraws From Race After Saying ‘ISIS Isn’t Necessarily Evil’ | TheBlaze.com

“I am folding up my campaign tent,” Kimmel said, adding an apology for those who volunteered or donated to his campaign.
