Daily : Thursday, November 10

Hour 1

White Man Viciously Beaten, Robbed in the Street as Mob Cries ‘Don’t Vote Trump’ | Truth Revolt

Shocking video has surfaced showing several black men viciously attacking a white man in the middle of a busy road as more surround, film, and shout, “Don’t vote .”

Florida High School Student Faces Suspension for Wearing “Hillary for Prison” T-Shirt (VIDEO)

A Boca Raton High School was tossed out of class and threatened with suspension for wearing a “” T-shirt.

Victories for Eight of Nine Marijuana Initiatives Hasten the Collapse of Prohibition – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Most Colorado voters say legal weed has been good for the economy – The Washington Post

Fewer than four in 10  voters say that legalization has been bad for their state, according to a new survey by Public Policy Polling.

Dose of Reality | Cato @ Liberty

Our conclusion is that state marijuana legalizations have had minimal effect on marijuana use and related outcomes. We cannot rule out small effects of legalization, and insufficient time has elapsed since the four initial legalizations to allow strong inference. On the basis of available data, however, we find little support for the stronger claims made by either opponents or advocates of legalization. The absence of significant adverse consequences is especially striking given the sometimes dire predictions made by legalization opponents.

Hour 2

Trump’s plan for first 100 days in office | WGRZ.com

To view Trump’s 100 day plan document, click here.


President-Elect Donald Trump: Defund Obamacare on Day 1 | The Daily Caller

President-elect Donald Trump is preparing to defund Obamacare “on day one,” a source familiar with Trump’s transition team told The Daily Caller Foundation.

Hour 3

Federal Court Asked To Order IRS To Release Clinton Docs | The Daily Caller

Attorneys for The Daily Caller News Foundation and Cause of Action Institute jointly asked a federal judge Thursday to order the to comply with the Freedom of Information Act by providing copies of documents related to the tax agency’s decision to grant exempt status to the Clinton Foundation.

Lake County Sheriff’s Department raided by FBI, state police – 95.3 MNC

The and Indiana State Police have raided the ‘s Department.

University of Buffalo researchers say autonomous weapons ‘have and will become possible’ | Daily Mail Online

Researchers have warned it is already too late to stop killer – and say banning them would be little more than a temporary solution.

Celebrities change their minds after vowing to leave country if Trump wins – Washington Times

Miley Cyrus, Chelsea Handler and Amy Schumer now have a different message after vowing to leave the country if Republican Donald Trump won the presidency: Never mind.

Street Artist Trolls Anti-Trump Celebs with Fake Realtor Advertisements – Breitbart

Trump’s Cabinet Possibilities | Truth Revolt

Check out the list below, including commentary from Politico: