Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, July 9

Daily : , July 9


Why is the White House out here telling us that Biden will soon be holding a “big boy” press conference?

Campaign crisis: Dems who have called for Biden to drop out or raised concerns about his health

Back in 2022, Biden skipped an “early evening” meeting with world leaders at the G7 Summit because he needed to go to bed

Tithe with

Hour 2

California Democrats ‘Water Down’ Sex Trafficking Bill. Good.

House Oversight Chairman Calls Out White House Physician’s Alleged Connection To Biden Family ‘Peddling Scheme’

Lead, arsenic, and 14 other toxic metals found in tampons, study finds

Seven years ago climate scientists warned the Maldives were disappearing. Guess what?

Hour 3

Chicago’s mayor actually blamed Richard Nixon after more than 100 people were shot over the weekend

Trump Announces Plans To Reject CBDCs, Promote Free Speech in AI, Ban Government Censorship, and Defund Censorship Institutions

If You Were Duped On Biden’s Cognitive Decline, You’re Too Dumb To Be A Journalist

Vox claims Big Meat uses universities to trick Americans into eating meat 😂


Watch this girl absolutely melt after she’s snubbed by President Biden

Biden’s big interview did NOT go well, and we have all the lowlights

Joe Biden Takes Jab At Donald Trump: “I’ll Beat Him Again In 2020” 🥴

Biden Incoherently Attempts to Make His Case to Stay in the Race on Morning Joe

Brace for Incoherent Venting! An Angry President Biden Called MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ and YIKES

Biden tells Democrats in Congress he’s staying in presidential race

‘Look Who’s Joining the Party’! NYT Decided It Was Time to Report Who Repeatedly Visited the WH

Trump offers ‘Sleepy Joe’ sage campaign advice amid calls to step aside – urges Biden to ‘ignore critics’

Hour 2

petitions U.S. to evaluate ‘s party affiliation statute

Teachers’ Union President Gives Best Homeschooling Advertisement Of All Time

Walmart facing class-action lawsuit over ‘deceptive and unfair pricing practices’

House Dems launch united effort against election bill requiring voters prove citizenship

10% of illegal aliens admit they’re registered to vote: Heritage Foundation survey

Hour 3

: Tim

ACLU to seek prisoner release without “dramatic turnaround” in Allen County Jail population

Leaked notes show Biden gets detailed instructions on how to walk to podiums. Check out the reactions 😭

Doug Chaffee Responds To Real News Michiana Article About Him

Doug Chaffee Responds To Article Him

On June 26, 2024, Real News Michiana published an article about Doug Chaffee. Doug Chaffee is the former of Penn High School and is currently running for PHM school board. Doug Chaffee is also the of current PHM school board member Chaffee. RNM recently published an article about Matt Chaffee as well.

In the article about Doug Chaffee, RNM claimed that Doug Chaffee engaged in a “terrifying attack” Matt Chaffee’s girlfriend at the .

Doug Chaffee reached to me asking if I’d be willing to publish his response. He expressed that he felt I was the only media outlet that would be fair to him and publish his response without taking sides.

‘s Doug Chaffee’s statement on Michiana article about him:

Clifton French of RNM has taken our conversation from September of 2023 out of context. He has not provided the text messages between , and he has completely twisted my words to him to create a “hit piece” on myself and my son. I am guessing Mr. French has not released the full audio recording he claims to have due to threats he made about killing his ex-wife and others on that same call. My son and I are no longer going to entertain these defamatory articles as our focus is serving the PHM community and its constituents. Thank you to everyone who supported and continues to support the Chaffee family in our endeavors to better our community.

– Doug Chaffee

I can not verify the claims made by Doug Chaffee, but I’m told his attorneys approved the release to me. I’m also told there’s more to come in future releases.

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, July 9

Daily : , 21


High-Profile Republicans Set To Appear Alongside Left-Wing Activists At Dark Money-Backed Media Festival

CNN says it has “tools” to enforce a “civilized” debate between Trump and Biden. What they mean is there’s a plan to interfere.

CBS reporter warns Americans to expect ‘surprises’ from Biden at presidential debate: ‘His physical performance’

Hour 2

Rumble CEO Exposes Vid of Google Exec Giggling Over Search Engine Bias

Indiana AG responds to Pornhub’s plan to block access to Indiana

Pornhub to Red States: If Kids Can’t See Us, No One Can

FDA gives green light to menthol flavored e-cigarettes for first time

More Evidence that Bans on Flavored Vaping Products May Increase Teen Smoking

Hour 3

Michigan Dems Change Election Laws to Prevent Fraud Detection, Challenges

Trump’s New RNC Chair Outlines Plan to Prevent Vote-Fraud Repeat

Supreme Court upholds law banning domestic abusers from owning guns

‘Woke’ School APOLOGIZES for Telling Children ISIS is a Terrorist Group

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, July 9

Daily : , 20


“Every has been destroyed or falsified, every rewritten, every has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And process is continuing by day and minute by minute. has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present which the Party is always right.”

― 1984

‘ORDERS RECEIVED’! Here’s How Aggressively the Media’s Pushing Biden WH’s ‘Cheap Fake’ Talking Point

WHOOPS! CBS News Explains Why ‘Wrong Version of a Video’ Was Removed From Biden ‘Cheap Fake’ Hackery

More Like YOU Lie! Lefty BUSTED Bigly for Douchey Attempt at Pretending Trump Needed Help Off Stage

Greg Gutfeld Rattles Off a List of ‘Cheap Fakes’ the Media Either Ignored or Helped Push

Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: the Definitive List

Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List

Owners of Pornhub cutting off access to Hoosiers in July

Hour 2

Second Whistleblower Exposes Texas Children’s Hospital … and Guess Who Came A-Knocking?

FBI Releases Statement on Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower

Gretchen Whitmer’s Top Aide Helped Pass Funding for EV Battery Plants. Now He’s a Top GM Lobbyist.

Coffee Shop Workers Who Voted to Unionize Protest Chain Shutting Down

Casey picks sides in Bongino O’Reilly

Hour 3

Gubernatorial candidates debate at Regional Chamber of Northeast Indiana luncheon

NBC medical show features kid getting cancer from racism (I’m not kidding). Check out the internet’s reaction. 😂


‘Spaceballs’ Fans Just Got the Best News