Coronavirus Is Gonna Save You Some Money – March 10 Hour 2

CBS Warns Common Words & Phrases Are Now Racist

Talk about stupid. I actually went over the origins of these words on the show. Someone had to.

As Top Historians Ring Alarm Bells About NYT’s 1619 Project, Defiant Public Schools Refuse To Answer Questions

New 1776 Initiative Aims to Counter ‘Lethal’ Narrative of 1619 Project

Iran: Coronavirus kills the ‘Butcher of Tehran’

New Study Details How Long It Takes Coronavirus Symptoms To Show, How Long To Self-Isolate

Crews Rescue Woman from Collapsed Coronavirus Hotel After 21 Hours

Singapore & South Korea Numbers Suggest Coronavirus Can be Controlled

Media outlet claims Trump ‘storms out’ of coronavirus briefing, ignores questions. Video shows otherwise.

Gavin Newsom Praises Trump Administration’s Response To Coronavirus


White House Task Force Announces Health Insurance Companies Will Waive Coronavirus Copays For All Testing And Treatment

Trump To Announce Payroll Tax Cut For Workers Affected By Coronavirus

CPAC Attendees Want to Know Who the Mystery Coronavirus Patient Is

Daily : Tuesday, March 10

Hour 1

WATCH: Joe Biden Loses It Over Guns, Tells Worker He Will ‘Slap’ Him

‘You’re Full Of Sh**!’ Joe Biden Rages At Michigan Auto Worker Over Gun Rights, ‘AR-14′

Hour 2

CBS Warns Common Words & Phrases Are Now Racist

Talk about stupid. I actually went over the origins of these words on the show. Someone had to.

As Top Historians Ring Alarm Bells About NYT’s 1619 Project, Defiant Public Schools Refuse To Answer Questions

New 1776 Initiative Aims to Counter ‘Lethal’ Narrative of 1619 Project

Iran: Coronavirus kills the ‘Butcher of Tehran’

New Study Details How Long It Takes Coronavirus Symptoms To Show, How Long To Self-Isolate

Crews Rescue Woman from Collapsed Coronavirus Hotel After 21 Hours

Singapore & South Korea Numbers Suggest Coronavirus Can be Controlled

Media outlet claims Trump ‘storms out’ of coronavirus briefing, ignores questions. Video shows otherwise.

Gavin Newsom Praises Trump Administration’s Response To Coronavirus


White House Task Force Announces Health Insurance Companies Will Waive Coronavirus Copays For All Testing And Treatment

Trump To Announce Payroll Tax Cut For Workers Affected By Coronavirus

CPAC Attendees Want to Know Who the Mystery Coronavirus Patient Is


Hour 3

BHAS Teacher fired after video of her encourage attack on a student

24 Better Questions to Ask Kids About How Their Day Went

Rashida Tlaib spotted wearing T-shirt that completely erases Israel from the map

Saudi Arabia Throws Down Gauntlet To Russia. Raises Crude Oil Supply To Record High.

Did the CDC Concede That There Are No Studies to Support Claim That Vaccines Given in First 6 Months of Life Do Not Cause Autism?

US troops begin Afghanistan withdrawal as part of peace deal with Taliban

Corey Feldman Documentary Revives Accusation That Charlie Sheen Raped Corey Haim


Daily : Thursday, July 27


One dead, seven injured after Fire Ball ride malfunctions at Ohio State Fair |

The Columbus Division of Fire says one person is dead and five critically injured after a ride malfunctioned at the Ohio State Fair.

Ind. State Fair Will Not Operate Ride That Caused Deadly Accident | News – Indiana Public Media

The State Fair will not operate the at this year’s event, after that ride malfunctioned at the Ohio State Fair Wednesday night, killing one man and injuring seven others.

City Council members say it is time for the schools to help fund crossing guards | Elkhart Schools |

The city had been paying over $220,000 annually for 22 guards, but sliced that funding in half for the 2017 budget arguing that it was time for the school system to cover part of the cost as well.

Dems Sink $2B Funding For Health Program | The Daily Caller

However, almost all Democrats voted against the bill; it failed in a 219-187 vote. Republicans may try to pass it again under regular order with a simple majority.

Lawmakers propose emergency funding for nearly bankrupt VA Choice program | Fox Business

Lawmakers said Wednesday they are looking into a funding solution for the Department of Veterans Affairs Choice Program, which is at risk of going bankrupt before the end of the fiscal year unless Congress takes prompt action.

Hill Reporter Lays Into Media on Wasserman Schultz Scandal Cover Up

Continuing on the clear liberal bias of the media, Concha stated: “Our media, political media, not local media or war correspondents, international reporting, financial reporting. Our political media is broken. When the story gets ignored because of party affiliation, and nothing more.”

Varney and Concha ignored the story for months as well.

WaPo story about IT staffer nabbed trying to flee country includes Debbie Wasserman Schultz cameo –

Wednesday, the Washington Post picked up on the story, publishing it under the dare-you-not-to-click headline, “Congressional IT staffer charged with home equity loan fraud.”

ABC, NBC, And CBS Pretty Much Bury IT Scandal Engulfing Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Office – Matt Vespa

Concerning media coverage, Politico has reported something on it, but the big three—ABC, , and CBS—have virtually buried this story, preventing the millions of viewers that tune into these respective networks from learning about it. NBC and ABC have been silent in their broadcasts, but CBS did devote 37 seconds to it.

Developing: Pakistani IT Specialist’s Brother Held Meeting at Obama White House for Several Hours

A search of guests at the  show that Imran’s younger brother Abid was a guest at the White House on Thursday, November 21, 2013.  He arrived at 5pm and didn’t depart for 7 hours.  He attended with another 17 individuals.

Likely he was there for a legitimate reason. I’d caution you from jumping to conclusions about the White House meeting.

Hour 2

First Genetically Engineered Human Embryo | The Daily Caller

A team of U.S. researchers for the first time ever edited human embryo , the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Tech Review revealed Wednesday.

Prof Argues For Newborn Euthanasia | The Daily Caller

“I see no substantive difference that would make the former act moral and the latter immoral,”

That’s exactly what the pro-life movement has been saying since the beginning.

Anthony Scaramucci: Senior members of comms team are asking junior members to leak for them

Anthony Scaramucci, incoming White House communications director, said Wednesday night that he knows who is orchestrating leaks among the communications department and will take “dramatic steps” to stop them.

Can’t Make This Up: Hillary Clinton Steals Book Title “What Happened” From Former Bush Press Secretary

It’s rumored Clinton will do a lot of blaming, rather than accept the blame for the epic loss. However, not only can not assume responsibility for losing the election, but her legion of aides, consultants and advisors couldn’t even help her select an original book title. As it turns out, “What Happened” is also the name of former President Bush’s press secretary ‘s book.

Rejecting Sessions’ Plea, Senate Panel Votes to Protect Medical Marijuana – Hit & Run :

“This vote is not only a blow against an outdated mindset,” says Marijuana Majority Chairman Tom Angell, who first reported Sessions’ letter. “It is a personal rebuke to . The attorney general, in contravention of President ‘s campaign pledges and of public opinion, specifically asked Congress to give him the power to arrest and prosecute medical marijuana patients and providers who are following state laws. A bipartisan group of his former Senate colleagues just said no. A majority of states now allow medical cannabis, and we will not allow drug warriors in the Justice Department to roll back the clock. The war on marijuana is ending, even if Jeff Sessions doesn’t realize it yet.”

Hour 3

Nets Tout ‘Outrage’ on Trump’s Trans Ban, Ignore $70 Million Cost

0.01% looks like a small percentage, but $69,000,000 is an enormous number. That’s how much the military would spend on health care in 2018 for its 250 transgender members currently in transition, according to NBC’s online article. But instead of focusing on numbers like that, the network news shows touted “outrage” against Trump and interviewed experts claiming the president’s tweets “harm national security.”

DoD spends $84M a year on Viagra, similar meds

DHA and its pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts run a vast organization that dispenses medications through military hospitals and clinics, by mail and at retail stores nationwide via multiple contracts.

Transitioning Transgender Soldiers’ Medical Expenses 14 Times Higher than Average – Breitbart

The RAND study says that the cost of gender transition treatment for transgender service members would be “relatively low” — that is, relative to total military expenditure on health care. But a closer look at the numbers in the study reveals that the health care costs of transgenders who choose to undergo gender transition treatment in the military would be some 14 times higher than the average health care costs of service members in general.

Trump Issued Trans Ban To Get Wall Funds | The Daily Caller

“There are several members of the conference who feel this really needs to be addressed,” senior House Committee on Appropriations member Robert Aderholt of Alabama said Tuesday. “This isn’t about the transgender issue; it’s about the taxpayer dollars going to pay for the surgery out of the defense budget.”

House Conservatives Try Again to Block Funding for Transgender Treatments in Military

“We are $20 trillion in debt and the taxpayers … are projected to spend $3.7 billion in the next 10 years for sex-reassignment surgeries,” @RepScottPerry says.

Ron Johnson Introduces Amendment Making Congress Eligible for Obamacare – Christine Rousselle

The OPM rule described the House of Representatives as having only 45 staffers and 45 employees, and the Senate as only having 45 total employees. This means that Congress was portraying itself as a small business and therefore eligible to buy health insurance on D.C.’s Small Business Health Exchange Program (SHOP). SHOP exchanges are normally only available for businesses that employ fewer than 100 people–except for Congress, evidently.

The Best Insults On The Planet That Don’t Use Profanity

“You are like the first piece of bread in a loaf. Everybody touches you but nobody wants you.”

Daily : Friday, June 3

Hour 1

Indiana health insurance costs expected to climb higher in 2017 –

Individual costs are expected to climb across in 2017.

‘She Looked 18’ – Hit & Run :

Even Polaris Project, arguably the most influential anti-trafficking organization in the United States, says that “this stat is not actually supported by any data.”

CNN’s Tapper Slams State Department Lies: ‘It Should Outrage Every American’ | Truth Revolt

spokesperson John Kirby admitted that the deleted record was not a “glitch” as was previously asserted, but was indeed “deliberate.”

Congressman Demands Names of Who Altered State Department Iran Video

Jason Chaffetz, who is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is demanding the names of those who had access to the video that was edited by the .

State Dept Doesn’t Know How Many Other Videos have been Edited

Oh, that’s VERY reassuring from the State Department, isn’t it?!

Hour 2

Texas high school continues tradition of not allowing honor student to wear stoles | Fox News

Students at a Texas high school who earned the right to wear stoles at graduation were reportedly informed by the school that they will not be allowed to wear them because it is not inclusive of all students.

Student Declares ‘White Privilege Day’ In Class | The Daily Caller

They’ve also made available personnel who students can go to if they’d like to discuss the unfurling of the Confederate flag and how it made them feel.

VA seeks rule change to allow sex-reassignment surgeries for transgender veterans – Washington Times

veterans may soon be eligible for sex-reassignment surgeries if a proposed rule change at the Department of Veterans Affairs is approved.

Judge Rules E-Liquid Regulations Can Take Effect July 1 | News – Indiana Public Media

Hoosier Vapers says the law is unconstitutional and the state is overstepping its regulatory authority. The group asked for a preliminary injunction that would stop the regulations from going into effect July 1st. The judge ruled against them.

Violence Breaks Out at Trump Rally in San Jose, Protesters Hurl Eggs, Throw Punches, Intimidate Supporters – ABC News

Donald ‘s in , California, Thursday night was marred by violence by anti- demonstrators who targeted the event’s attendees and police.

Hour 3

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