Daily Show Prep: Wednesday, Sept. 18

Hour 1

Georgia Homeowner Uses ‘Semi-Automatic Rifle’ To Return Fire Against Three Masked Attackers. None Survived

Saudi Oil Attacks Came From Southwest Iran, U.S. Official Says

UAW: strike is fight for “middle class”

Sources: GM offers 2% raises to UAW; company ends strikers’ health care

UAW president is unnamed co-conspirator in corruption probe: Report

State of Michigan bans sale of flavored nicotine vaping products

Michigan Governor’s Reckless E-Cigarette Ban Relies on a Breathtakingly Broad Reading of Her Authority To Protect ‘Public Health’

E-Cigarette Restrictions Raise a Question: Can Governors Unilaterally Ban Products They Don’t Like?


Hour 2

Trump administration revokes California’s authority to set auto mileage standards

Ten Indiana mayors endorse Buttigieg for President

Too bad he’s still single-digits in all of the polls.

FBI arrests man in Alabama after he says he’d kill Americans for ISIS


Hour 3

White House, DOJ Gun Control Proposal Includes Universal Background Checks

WTF MSM!? NBC’s laughable 30-year history of predicting the doomsday flooding of DC

Notre Dame priest helping South Bend launch roundabout public art project


Daily Show Prep: Thursday, June 27

Immigration, health care and surprise Spanish: Candidates go head-to-head in first Democratic debate

Gabbard Triumphs – Initial Online Polls Say She Wins The Day

Twitter Users Of All Political Stripes Unite In Ruthless Mockery Of MSNBC’s Mic Issues During Democratic Debate

Julian Castro Claims That Men Can Have Babies During Democratic Debate

Arby’s has flipped the vegan ‘meat’ trend on its head with the ‘megetable,’ a carrot made out of turkey that looks and tastes almost exactly like the vegetable


Hour 2

Tiffany Salamah from ABC 57 joins us to discuss debates

Historic George Washington mural that ‘traumatizes students’ to be painted over; school board member calls decision ‘reparations’

Here’s how many Wayfair employees actually walked out of work over migrant bed protest

BREAKING: Nicaragua Arrests Four ISIS Terror Suspects Headed To U.S. Border, Reports Say


Hour 3

The Supreme Court Handed Down A Big Decision On Partisan Gerrymandering

Obama’s former ICE director says that Obama, not Trump, is responsible for kids in ‘cages’ at the border

Ford Asks Dealership To Take Down Viral Free Shotgun Ad

‘Woke finance’: Bank of America gets backlash after decision about who they’ll no longer do business with

House approves bipartisan border funding bill, after Pelosi reverses course under GOP pressure


Daily Show Prep: Friday, July 28


New York couple commit suicide ‘over health care costs’ | Daily Mail Online

The couple who jumped to their deaths from a 17-story New York City office building Friday morning, after struggling with debt, have been identified.

Article has been changed from when I first read it to remove numerous references to as the reason for their suicide.

The night John McCain killed the GOP’s health-care fight – The Washington Post

A seven-year quest to undo the Affordable Care Act collapsed — at least for now — as Sen. (R-Ariz.) kept his colleagues and the press corps in suspense over a little more than two hours late Thursday into early Friday.

John McCain Releases Statement After Screwing GOP, Americans by Killing Obamacare Repeal

Senator McCain released a statement after he killed .

Dems Show Single-Payer Hypocrisy With “Present” Vote | NTK Network

Single-payer received zero votes in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, as 57 senators voted against an amendment that would establish ‘Medicare-for-all’ and 43 senators voted “present.”

Study: Women Are Happier With Less Attractive | The Daily Caller

A new study shows that women are happier when their significant other is uglier than them, Maxim reports.

Senate Witness William Browder Testifies that Fusion GPS Worked for Russia

, a U.S.-born investor who championed a U.S. sanctions law against , testified to the on Thursday that Fusion GPS, the firm that created the Trump dossier, had also worked for Russia.

75% of the media coverage is on Russia, yet just 6% of voters see it as a top issue – Red Alert Politics

According to a study by the Media Research Center, a whopping 75 percent of recent evening coverage by the major networks focused on the Russia-Trump probes. The latest to-do with Kushner will only inflate that number.

George Washington’s Mount Vernon Becomes Gun-Free Zone – Breitbart

is most certainly turning in his grave now that his beloved Mount Vernon has been turned into yet another dangerous ‘gun-free zone’ for all visitors. It amazes me how little some know about criminal or terrorist behavior. It is not in the nature of either to obey laws, much less somebody’s ‘policy.’ This policy should be reversed as an anathema to the very rights which Washington fought to protect.

Hour 2

IRS makes shocking discovery as to why they have so many “problematic employees” – Hot Air Hot Air

According to an internal IRS audit, one key reason has been discovered. After they identify and eliminate a delinquent worker, they keep hiring them back the following year without bothering to ask why they were let go the last time.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: Awan Bros Helped Wasserman Schultz Screw Bernie Sanders Campaign – Taught Her How to Disguise Calls (VIDEO)

There is evidence now that at least one of these brothers was helping her to do the malevolent activities.

FLASHBACK: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Uses Voice Changer to Call Law Firm Suing DNC – Forgets to Disable Caller ID!

Breaking News:

Reince Priebus fired.


Hour 3

Poll: Republicans think courts should be able to shut down media that’s “biased or inaccurate,” 45/20 – Hot Air Hot Air

Media wars: 34% of Americans approve court-ordered fines for biased or inaccurate news stories – Washington Times

A majority of Americans — 51 percent — now disapprove of the news media’s treatment of President Trump, a sentiment shared by 77 percent of Republicans and even 26 percent of Democrats. Another 53 percent don’t like the way Mr. Trump deals with the media as well; 23 percent of the GOPers and 79 percent of Democrats agree.

Fake : Does Not Make A Pre-Existing Condition

The GOP House’s bill has been attacked as making a that wouldn’t be covered under the bill’s language. Meaning … an insurance provider could deny coverage to you if you were raped. The fact that you have to put special willful effort into not having your pre-existing condition covered under the (even MORE protections were added with the Upton amendment) has been ignored. Instead, it’s been replaced with mythology that the AHCA won’t cover . A claim that is patently false.

The most of these false claims is that evil Republican men are ripping coverage away from women who have been raped by removing any pre-existing coverage requirement for rape related injuries.

This claim has been debunked by … well … pretty much everyone. Here’s a couple of links just to start:



Washington Post

Associated Press Fact Check

And while all of those sources clearly debunk this nonsensical claim by amoebas, the next link is the most important. Why? Because NY Mag started the rumor, and has now retracted their bogus claim.

After running the initial headline:

Under New Health-Care Bill, Rape Is a Preexisting Condition

They now have this correction in the article:

Correction: This story originally stated that rape is considered a pre-existing condition in the AHCA. It has been updated to reflect that conditions stemming from sexual assault and domestic violence, such as PTSD and certain STDs, could be considered preexisting conditions, not sexual assault itself.

There, now that that is settled … why am I still seeing amoebas sharing this nonsense on social media? That was rhetorical. They are idiots, liars, and only interested in the of fear and personal destruction. They are not interested in truth, facts or decency.

I’m looking right at you Ashley Judd.




Double Congressman: Dems lying about [VIDEO]

The media and Democrats have been out there saying if you have , you won’t be covered by the GOP’s . That isn’t true, and it wasn’t true before the Upton amendment ensured there could be no doubt. However, as we all know, when it comes to health anything, the Democrats rallying cry is that the GOP will murder people. That too is a lie. We do know Obamacare killed people.

As I have illustrated countless times over the years on my show … when you whip people up into a frenzy, and make them fearful of their safety, their brains shut off, and you can control them. That’s what liberals are doing now. The AHCA (in current House form) is FAR from perfect, but it is far better than the mess we have now. I hope the Senate makes it better.

Rep. (R-Fla.) is a double , and he had some words for Democrats lying about pre-existing conditions in the AHCA.

“Who is it that’s going out there and saying pre-existing conditions won’t be covered?” he continued. “It is the exact same group of people that went out there and lied to the face of every single American, telling them that if they like their plan, they would keep their doctor; if they like their doctor, they would keep their doctor. That was a bald-faced lie.”
