Daily : Wednesday, August 10

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/gas-prices-expected-to-spike-20-cents-in-michiana-95-3-mnc-news/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://953mnc.com/2016/08/10/state-senator-plans-new-push-indiana-hate-crimes-law/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://madworldnews.com/scumbag-complains-veteran-hat/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/09/62-year-old-man-attacked-with-crowbar-for-wearing-trump-t-shirt/” target=”_blank”]


[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/10/giuliani-democrats-try-to-demonize-trump-because-of-criminal-clinton-video/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/09/flashback-hillary-clinton-hinted-obama-assassination-2008/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://theburningtruth.us/why-obama-and-everyone-else-needs-to-shut-up-about-violent-rhetoric/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://www.foxla.com/news/187504282-story” target=”_blank”]

I actually know Victor from my days on KXNT in Las Vegas. He says the article has some inaccuracies. He rents the house, and isn’t sure if this woman is responsible for the other thefts.

[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/08/budget-crunched-va-has-167-interior-designers-on-staff/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”http://hypeline.org/va-hospital-300000-worth-of-tvs/” target=”_blank”]

[contentcards url=”https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/08/06/federal-court-says-irs-may-still-be-targeting-conservatives/?singlepage=true” target=”_blank”]



Fake Hate: Say Gay Star Hate Crime

One of the regular segments of my show is highlighting fake hate. Nearly all of the ‘hate crimes’ over the past several years that go viral have ended up being fabricated hoaxes designed to push a false victim narrative while peddling hate themselves. Real victims rarely seek out publicity, and they almost never set up GoFundMe pages.

Yet another example …

[contentcards url=”http://www.advocate.com/crime/2016/6/28/weho-sheriff-says-gay-youtuber-faked-hate-crime” target=”_blank”]

Learn the lesson here. If you see a ‘hate crime’ story in the media, don’t automatically believe it.

Also, don’t believe everything in a story that isn’t citing a legitimate source with links. Here’s why …

people are the minority group most likely to be targeted for hate crimes, according to . So there are a lot more real stories than fictional.”

Oh really? That was in the same article. Of course, no citation was made, and my background already tells me it’s bogus. Challenge accepted!

An analysis of data for victims of single-bias incidents showed that:

48.3 percent of the victims were targeted because of the offenders’ bias against race.
18.7 percent were targeted because of bias against sexual orientation.
17.1 percent were victimized because of bias against religion.
12.3 percent were victimized because of bias against ethnicity.
1.6 percent were victims of gender-identity bias.
1.4 percent were targeted because of bias against disability.
0.6 percent (40 individuals) were victims of gender bias. (Based on Table 1.)


That’s 2014 data on the FBI’s website.

It should be noted that the FBI’s data has some problems with regards to racial bias hate crimes. You see, a lot of hate crimes committed against whites don’t get categorized as hate crimes. There are also very few hate crimes committed in the US, but you wouldn’t no it based on media hype. With that said, we aren’t talking about that necessarily. The author of this article stated FBI data shows LGBT people are the most targeted for hate crimes.

As you can see, hate crimes based on race occur nearly twice as much as those directed towards LGBT victims. So race, not sexual orientation leads the pack in hate crimes.

I’d still like to remind you that Americans rank as one of the least racist people on the planet.

Many will like say that hate crimes based on race shouldn’t be all inclusive. Each individual race counts as a minority group (minus white people, of course), while LGBT is its own group. They could argue that the LGBT group is targeted more than any other individual group (i.e. Blacks, Hispanics, etc.). However, that still isn’t true.

Among single-bias hate incidents in 2014, there were 3,227 victims of racially motivated hate crime.

Of the 1,248 victims targeted due to sexual-orientation bias.

You have to subtract 1.5% from the sexual-orientation bracket because they were hate crimes against heterosexuals, and don’t count as LGBT hate crimes. The new number is 1,229 total victims of anti-LGBT hate crimes in 2014.

Meanwhile, 62.7% of racial hate crimes were committed against blacks. That’s 2,023 of the 3.227 racially motivated hate crimes.

There were 794 more hate crimes just against blacks in 2014 than there were against the entire LGBT community.

Even if you added all 109 gender identity hate crime victims to expand LGBT to LGBTQ you still are well short of the hate crimes experienced by just blacks.

Any way you cut it, the article’s assertion that the LGBT community is the most targeted minority group for hate crimes is patently false.

Exit question: Is this gay guy threatening to shoot Republican Senators a hate crime?


Daily : Tuesday, May 24

‘Blue Lives Matter’ bill will classify cop attacks as hate crimes – NY Daily News

Louisiana cops, firefighters and EMS officers will soon be given the same legal protections as minority groups under a divisive new bill, lawmakers say.

North Carolina school board will stop naming valedictorians because of ‘unhealthy competition’

Like Olympians seek gold medals, the ultimate honor for high schoolers is to be named valedictorian.

Parents ordered to pay N.J. school district $55K tuition in residency dispute | NJ.com

The separated of five children who continued attending Branchburg’s schools last year after they moved out of the township must reimburse the school district $55,000 in , an Administrative Law judge has ruled.

Teacher Gets $60k After Co-Workers Won’t Call Her ‘They’ | The Daily Caller

A “transmasculine” at an Oregon elementary school has been awarded $60,000 by her school district as compensation for harassment she claims to have suffered on the job, including being referred to by the wrong pronoun.

‘We can’t be the United Nations’: Milwaukee frozen custard shop defends ‘English only’ policy

On Tuesday, Joey Sanchez stepped up to the counter of Leon’s Frozen Custard, a 70-year-old Milwaukee staple, and listened to the customer in front of him place his order in Spanish.

‘It started tickling me’: Passenger recounts horror at meeting tarantula on Air Transat flight – Montreal – CBC News

Catherine Moreau was watching a movie on her iPad on a flight to Montreal when she felt what she thought was a wire brushing against her.

President Barack Obama will be in Elkhart next week – 953MNC.com

President Barack will return to next week seven years after he visited the town during the Great Recession.

Facebook Admits Bias Against Conservatives | The Burning Truth

Facebook announced Monday it was sending employees out for retraining and would discontinue some of its practices as it sought to defend itself against charges of political bias against conservatives.

Facebook: Nothing happened with Trending Topics … but we’re making some changes « Hot Air

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But if someone’s fixing it, then it’s difficult to believe it ain’t broke, right? Especially when that someone is a multibillionaire and the something is his Golden Goose:

Middle School Suspends Boy 9 Days For Hot Pepper Flakes | The Daily Caller

Officials at Bates Middle School in Sumter, S.C. have suspended an eighth-grade boy for nine days — the rest of the school year — because he brought a tiny pouch of Carolina Reaper pepper flakes to school and gave some pepper flakes to friends.

Adult smoking rate in US is falling fast | Daily Mail Online

The rate among adults in the U.S. fell to 15 per cent last year thanks to the biggest one-year decline in more than 20 years, a new report reveals.

CDC: HIV Caused By The South’s Homophobia | The Daily Caller

An issue brief published on Tuesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control claimed that that Southerners’ “,” and “homophobia” may be causing high rates in the South that are disproportionately high among African-Americans and homosexuals.

IRS Employee Promises to ‘Go After and Target’ Conservative Orgs

“I am a lowly clerk at the , looking at your application for tax-free status. I go to your web page to see the goals of your group and one of the goals of your group is to abolish the IRS.

Biohacking: How a tiny implant can unlock doors with the wave of a hand | CTV News

Followers of the movement, which emerged around the mid-2000s, believe that technology can be harnessed to enhance the human body. Some say these implants could provide new technology-based capabilities and render wallets and keys obsolete. Some even suggest that could offer a technological leap forward in human evolution.

Next up: Synthetic muscles…

Anyone who has ever smashed their iPhone’s screen or depleted a battery knows that devices are destined to deteriorate and eventually die. But what if they could one day heal themselves? That’s the vision Chao Wang, a polymer researcher and assistant professor in the chemistry department at the University of , Riverside has for the future — and he helped invent a super-stretchy, self-healing polymer that could one day make it possible.

Amputee Gamer Gets Metal Gear Solid Inspired Prosthetic Arm Complete With USB Port, Display, Flying Drone

Veteran Who Filed for Benefits in 2001 Has Yet to Receive Them

Talk about clout. When retired US Army Leonard K. Jackson talks of his years-long wait to secure disability for a range of physical and mental health issues suffered while serving, he has the White House behind him. That’s right, the White House, as the Administration has used Jackson as a poster boy of sorts for Obama’s efforts to simplify and speed up the appeals process.

Dropped ‘Gender Talk’ After Negative Polling…

stopped referring to herself as the potential “youngest woman president” during campaign stump speeches after polling showed that it was not helping with voters and donors.

A meatless burger that bleeds vegetable juices just debuted at Whole Foods – The Washington Post

It was the steak dinners, Ethan Brown says, that changed his life. He had embarked on a career in the clean-energy industry, a path befitting an environmentalist out to save the world. But the incongruity he perceived among his colleagues, who would lament environmental problems while eating beef, pushed Brown — a vegetarian since age 18 — in a different direction.

Daily : Tuesday, May 17

Despite Supply Disruptions, Summer Gasoline Prices Should Stay Relatively Low | Indiana 105 | THE Country Station from Chicago to South Bend | Northwest Indiana

Gasoline prices have gone up in recent months but despite disruptions in supply, an energy economist at Purdue says prices at the pump should still be 40 to 60 cents below last summer’s prices.

Gas prices around Michiana expected to jump yet again – 953MNC.com

For the second time in a week, in are jumping, and this time they’re expected to get to the highest price of 2016 so far.

Trump trusted over Ryan to lead GOP, poll says – Talk Media News

The majority of Republican voters to lead the Republican party over House Speaker (R-Wis.), according to a new NBC/Survey Monkey released Tuesday.

Birthday Cake Hate Hoax Crumbles, But Without Legal Consequences To The Hoaxer | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Anderson Cooper Gets Busted Lying To Protect Hillary Clinton

‘It’s not , it’s’ must REALLY like egg on their faces. I’m thinking it’s some kind of internal beauty secret.

Higher Min Wage, Smaller Military Leads to More Male Unemployment

policies may have played a role in the significant jump in unemployment and imprisonment among , according to a new report.

Should we be storing the DNA of newborns indefinitely? « Hot Air

And in , the of a 9-year-old suburban Indianapolis girl are seeking the same for up to 2.5 million samples collected over two decades and stored in 600 boxes at a state warehouse.

‘s former platoon-mates Donald

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl trial postponed to next year

The start of the trial of Army Sgt. , who faces desertion and misbehavior charges for abandoning his post in Afghanistan, has been postponed until next year to give his defense team time to sift though thousands of pages of secret documents.

High School Bans Flying Flags on Vehicles, Threatens Violators’ Graduation Rites | Truth Revolt

NBC 11 reports that Colt Chatfield came to school with a flying from his truck and was told to take it down because some students found it offensive. He complied even though he said he has flown it many times before without complaint. However, the next day he came back with both the and the American flag waiving. The school then told him to remove both of them or lose his graduation rite to walk and receive his diploma.

Govt surveillance exposed in Bay Area…

Hidden microphones that are part of a clandestine government surveillance program that has been operating around the Bay Area has been exposed.

I can explain porn sites on my screenshot, says politician – really, I can | Technology | The Guardian

An American congressional candidate wants you to know that the porn tabs he had open in a screenshot posted to his Facebook page are absolutely nothing to be concerned about.

Electric Vehicles Emit More Pollutants Than Fossil Fuel-Burning Cars, Says Study

A study from the University of Edinburgh shows that electric and hybrid vehicles emit as many, if not more, atmospheric toxins than fossil fuel-burning vehicles.

Parent Sends Self-Made Permission Slip to School: Let My Kids Run, Play, Climb Trees | Truth Revolt

“Obviously, some safety measures make complete sense. Bike helmets? Absolutely! No playing tag on the playground because you might tag too hard and cause someone to fall and hurt themselves? Give me a break.”