Daily : Thursday, May 26

Surprise! Katie Couric LIED In Anti-Gun ‘Documentary’ | The Burning Truth

Here we are a few weeks later, and we have already acquired the proof that ‘s ‘Under the ‘ is about as accurate as the NY Times’ discredited hit piece on Trump.

Visit South Bend Mishawaka ends promotional campaign after complaints it was copied from Utah agency – 953MNC.com

“We did quote-unquote debut it last week. But we have no intention of doing anything with it, if you will,” DeCleene told AdWeek. “It’s literally a one-off, isolated promotion. If anything, it’s truly meant to give props to , because for a city that size, 1,500 miles away from us, we just thought, ‘Wow, that’s killer.’ “

Robert E. Lee Elementary to be Renamed | Truth Revolt

Gonzalez pressed the SDUSD for the name change presumably for her own personal reasons, because she certainly wasn’t prompted by any public outcry. As reported by Breitbart:

School City of Mishawaka considering referendums to pay for school improvements – 953MNC.com

is looking to make several improvements at its schools, but it needs approval from the board and from Mishawaka voters first.

Watch: Sen. Tom Cotton Make Harry Reid His Female Dog | The Burning Truth

Remember when denied ever saying ‘This ‘ on my show?

ARVE Error: need id and provider

Did Facebook Give Democrats the Upper Hand? – The Atlantic

They’ve done a very similar experiment before, and the results were significant. In a paper published earlier this year in Nature, Fowler and his colleagues announced that a message and behavior-sharing communication increased the probability that a person votes by slightly more than 2 percent. That may not seem like a huge effect, but when you have a huge population, as does, a small uptick in probability means substantial changes in voting behavior.

How Facebook and Google’s Algorithms Are Affecting Our Political Viewpoints

Facebook confirmed in a paper in Science that it often shows users from users with similar political beliefs, and on average, you’re about 6 percent less likely to see content that the other political side favors. This means that who you’re friends with and their political beliefs influence what you see more than th algorithm does.

The new mind control

What happens, though, if such technologies are misused by the companies that own them? A study by Robert M Bond, now a political science professor at Ohio State University, and others published in Nature in 2012 described an ethically questionable experiment in which, on day in 2010, Facebook sent ‘go out and vote’ reminders to more than 60 million of its users. The reminders caused about 340,000 people to vote who otherwise would not have. Writing in the New Republic in 2014, Jonathan Zittrain, professor of international law at Harvard University, pointed out that, given the massive amount of information it has collected about its users, Facebook could easily send such messages only to people who support one particular party or candidate, and that doing so could easily flip a close – with no one knowing that this has occurred. And because advertisements, like search rankings, are ephemeral, manipulating an election in this way would leave no paper trail.

Thursday, May 26 – Hour 2 Podcast

Robert E. Lee Elementary to be Renamed | Truth Revolt

Gonzalez pressed the SDUSD for the name change presumably for her own personal reasons, because she certainly wasn’t prompted by any public outcry. As reported by Breitbart:

School City of Mishawaka considering referendums to pay for school improvements – 953MNC.com

is looking to make several improvements at its schools, but it needs approval from the board and from Mishawaka voters first.

Watch: Sen. Tom Cotton Make Harry Reid His Female Dog | The Burning Truth

Remember when denied ever saying ‘This ‘ on my show?

Wednesday, May 25 – Hour 2 Podcast

NYC Man Who Joined Then Escaped ISIS Speaks Out Against ‘Evil’ – NBC News

He left the United States to join and then fled the group after five months. Now a New York City man is revealing the disturbing details of his journey into the heartland of terror — and warning others not to follow in his footsteps.

Harry Reid Steps Up To Bat Defending VA Secretary Over Disneyland Gaffe

Senate Minority Leader came up to bat for embattled Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald Tuesday, saying “he’s a good man.”

Guess Who? – The Albuquerque Trump Protests Were 100% Organized Political Astroturf… | The Last Refuge

“PSL” stands for “Party for Socialism and Liberation“.  Here’s a copy of their organizing flyer prior to last night’s rally:

Albuquerque Cops Injured as Anti-Trump Protests Turn Violent – NBC News

Protesters took over intersections near the convention center and some drivers did “burnouts,” spinning tires and filling the streets with smoke, as police in riot gear and officers on horses pushed the crowd along.

Illegal immigrants sue landlord for requiring documentation

Attorneys for the families are alleging that the requirement for all tenants to have a Social Security card, visa and related documents or a passport is discriminatory because it disproportionately affects Latinos. Similar policies imposed by and counties across the country have been overturned in federal courts but few, if any, suits have been filed against private landlords, the attorneys said.

Daily : Monday, April 18

This is my last until after I get back from Ireland

AMC won’t allow texting in movie theaters after major backlash – 95.3 MNC News | The Burning Truth

As I told you earlier, this was a BAD idea.

The Numbers – Movie Market Summary 1995 to 2016

Annual Ticket Sales

Teacher Goes Off On Middle School Student Who Caught Him Watching Threesome Porn

The mother doesn’t believe there was actual sex being shown, but maybe the precursor to a sex scene that sets the origin story and plot.

11 Year-Old ‘Dancing Trumps’ Banned From School Talent Show After Complaints (Video)

The 11 year-old from Fiske Elementary in Wellesley, Massachusetts were banned from entering the talent show.

How US covered up Saudi role in 9/11 | New York Post

In its report on the still-censored “28 pages” implicating the Saudi government in , “60 Minutes” last weekend said the Saudi role in the attacks has been “soft-pedaled” to protect America’s delicate alliance with the oil-rich kingdom.

Saudis warn of economic reprisals if Congress passes 9/11 bill – CNNPolitics.com

is warning it will sell off billions in American assets if the U.S. Congress passes a bipartisan bill that would allow victims of 9/11 and other terrorist attacks to sue foreign governments.

Released Hillary phone transcript reveals Benghazi truth: ‘Attack had nothing to do with the film’ | BizPac Review

“We know the attack in Libya had nothing to do with the film,” Clinton told Kandil. “It was a planned attack – not a .”

Judge rules Newtown lawsuit against gun maker can go forward – CBS News

Barbara Bellis ruled Thursday that a federal law protecting -makers from lawsuits does not prevent lawyers for the families of Sandy Hook victims from arguing that the semi-automatic rifle is a military weapon and should not have been sold to civilians.

FedEx employee falls asleep, is shipped with packages to Texas | fox4kc.com

There are probably more than a few of us out there who have nodded off at work. For one sleepy employee, a seemingly harmless nap landed him in a bit of a bind when he woke up several states over.

Daily : Thursday, March 3


FBI Director Admits Apple’s ‘Backdoor’ Could Be Used for Other iPhones

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing, director James Comey admitted that if the federal government succeeds in forcing Inc. to create a “” into the iPhone, the software could be used as a precedent for gaining access to phones in future cases.

Outpouring of support for Army veteran fired from CVS for confronting suspects – Story | WTTG

We reached out to Tuesday and a spokesperson said, “In the unfortunate event of a robbery at one of our stores, the safety and well-being of our customers and employees is always our highest priority. We do not comment on specific security procedures or policies as we do not want to undermine them.”

North Charlotte restaurant asks customers to take down hoodies, pull up pants | WSOC-TV

A controversial sign posted on the front door of a north Charlotte Japanese restaurant is raising eyebrows.

Marco Rubio Anti-Trump KKK Ad Is Reminiscent of Disgusting Anti- Bush James Byrd Chains Ad in 2000

In the not so distant past Republicans were appalled when the NAACP ran disgusting racist ads against George W. Bush.

Sean Hannity BLASTS “Suicidal” Marco Rubio for Running DISGUSTING KKK Ad Against Trump (VIDEO)

What is his goal here? In other words, is his goal to win or his goal to prevent Trump or Cruz from getting 1,237 delegates?

VIDEO=> Anti-Trump Crowd Cheers as Romney SLAMS Donald Trump – A Failed Businessman …Plus Bonus Video- Mitt Praising Trump in 2012

Former Republican presidential nominee held a stump speech against front-runner on Thursday.

Romney: Vote For ‘Whoever Has The Best Chance To Beat Trump In A Given State’ [VIDEO]

Mitt Romney advised Republicans to vote for whichever candidate “has the best chance of beating Mr. Trump in a given state,” which could take the Republican Party to a contested convention in July.

Trump Releases Attack Video Against Mitt Romney Before His Thursday Speech

On Thursday morning Trump went on offense.

Michael Steele Dumbfounded on Romney’s Anti-Trump Speech: “I Don’t Know Who They Think This is Going to Influence” (VIDEO)

I don’t know why they think this is going to work in the first place. I don’t know who they think this is going to influence.

After meeting, Obama and GOP remain at impasse over Supreme Court vacancy | 12NEWS.com

“They think they are going to wait and see what President Trump will do, I guess.”

Bin Laden Letter Attacks Capitalism, Defend Global Warming | The Daily Caller

Bin Laden was not available for comment and was last seen in 2011 sinking to bottom of the Arabian Sea.

Hillary Tech Worker Granted Immunity | Truth Revolt

Bryan Pagliano, a tech worker who set up the server inside Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY, home in 2009, is cooperating with the FBI as it wrap ups its probe, The Washington Post reported Wednesday.

Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Should Be ‘Terrified’ IT Guy Was Given Immunity [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Judge Andrew Napolitano says Hillary Clinton “should be terrified” her IT technician, Bryan Pagliano, was granted by a federal judge.

Black Diners Upset That Black Server Called Them ‘Black People’ | Truth Revolt

At an Austin, Texas IHOP restaurant on February 29, a black couple wandered in at 3:00 in the morning to grab a to-go order. Their server, Dwayne Williams, also black, failed to get a name for the order and hastily entered “BLACK PPL” to connect the bill to the proper customer.

FBI investigating if Clinton aides shared passwords to access classified info | Fox News

The FBI is investigating whether computer passwords were shared among Hillary Clinton’s close aides to determine how sensitive intelligence “jumped the gap” between the classified systems and Clinton’s unsecured personal server, according to an intelligence source familiar with the probe.

Activist Scientist Admits No Proof Fracking Poisons Water | The Daily Caller

A Cornell University engineering professor often used by activists to attack ran from reporters after he admitted in court there was no proof drilling had contaminated Dimock’s drinking water.

FLASHBACK: Lawyer Suing Oil Company Admits ‘No Proof’ that Fracking Fluid Contaminated Water | Truth Revolt

This is not a case — this is not a case about toxic materials ending up in the water. We do not have proof of that. We don’t have proof of that. This is not about fracking fluid appearing in the water. Hydraulic fracturing materials, we don’t have proof of that.