Debbie Wasserman Schultz Admits Violating House Rules – Podcast


The Wasserman Schultz goes until 23 minutes in. After that ‘s breaking of Trump announcing withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord live as it happened. I’m not sure why the audio is there. I only saved the other segment, but enjoy history anyway.

has had a busy few months. stuff aside, her employee is under criminal investigation for up to 80 Democrats in Congress, she still employs him, she threatened the captain of the Capital Police over the investigation, and now she admits she has been violating House cybersecurity rules for several years.

Of course, she blames the House IT team for her failure to abide by policy.


IT Who Hacked Top Democrats Had Access To , May Be Behind Hack

Daily Caller:

1. Imran worked for since 2004 and had the passwords to her devices

search of his name on WikiLeaks shows the summoned Imran when they needed her device unlocked.

2. During the 2016 , the House’s Office of Inspector General warned that Imran and his family were making “unauthorized access” to data

A September 30, 2016, presentation alleged Imran Awan and his family members were logging into the servers of members who had previously fired him, funneling data off the network, and that evidence “suggests steps are being taken to conceal their activity.”

The Awan group’s behavior mirrored a “classic method for insiders to exfiltrate data from an organization,” the briefing materials allege. The presentation especially found problems on one server: that of the House Democratic Caucus, an entity similar to the DNC that was chaired at the time by then-Rep. Xavier Becerra.

3. The Awan group was left on the House computer network until February 2, 2017 — days after Donald Trump’s inauguration

Police then banned the Awan group from the network. The Committee on House Administration put out a statement saying “House Officials became aware of suspicious activity and alleged theft committed by certain House support .” Since then, no official body has ever publicly provided any information about the case. But the IG report, obtained by TheDCNF, shows that theft was not the primary issue being warned about.

4. Shortly after the IG report came out in September 2016, the Caucus server — identified as prime evidence in the case — physically disappeared

Authorities took the disappearance as evidence tampering, they said. Becerra said he won’t discuss the incident because of an ongoing criminal investigation.


Fake : LIES About What Said On Fox News Sunday

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Tuesday, January 3 – Hour 1 Podcast

Tech Company Casts Doubt On DHS/FBI Russian Hacking Report | The Daily Caller

The tech CEO wrote: “The PHP malware sample they have provided appears to be P.A.S. version 3.1.0 which is commonly available and the website that claims to have authored says they are Ukrainian. It is also several versions behind the most current version of P.A.S which is 4.1.1b. One might reasonably expect Russian intelligence operatives to develop their own tools or at least use current malicious tools from outside sources.”

WaPo update: About that Russian hack into the power grid … « Hot Air

As federal officials investigate suspicious Internet activity found last week on a Vermont utility computer, they are finding evidence that the incident is not linked to any Russian government effort to target or the utility, according to experts and officials close to the investigation.

Brent Musburger angrily defends Oklahoma’s woman-puncher twice | New York Post

The veteran ESPN broadcaster had plenty of time to think about what he had said, to choose his words more carefully, and instead, Musburger perplexingly doubled down on his support of Oklahoma running back — seen in a recently released video brutally punching a female student in the face.