Tom Brokaw Is A Monumental Idiot

thought it would be a good idea to invite to be the commencement speaker this year. I think it was to show kids that huffing too much smug is bad for your brain.

For years now on my show, on my blog, in my public speeches, and TV appearances, I’ve pointed out that the media often bares large responsibility for in the United States. Every time they peddle false reports of discrimination, police abuse, hate crimes, and even threats of death, they cause fear, animosity, and hatred.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Every time media peddles false reports of discrimination, & hate, they cause fear, & hatred.[/Tweet]

The media is largely responsible for anti-police violence by peddling a proven false narrative that police are systematically killing young black boys. The media’s lies led to the violence and rioting in Baltimore and Ferguson. As well as several police ambush murders.

The media’s insistence that there is common anti-LGBT hatred and abuse has led to people’s livelihoods being taken away from them for no reason. Might that lead to some negative feelings Tom?

The media peddling another false narrative that Americans hate Muslims, and are bigots against them leads to radicalization of young impressionable Muslims. This is gang recruitment 101.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Media peddling false narrative that Americans hate Muslims leads to radicalization of Muslims.[/Tweet]

When the media constantly puts down a group of people, paints them as evil, violent, and dangerous … people treat them as such. Those people then respond in kind, and become radicalized themselves. All because of media sensationalism based on lies.

I saw news anchors in my own community post on social media that Michigan’s RFRA bill would literally lead to gay people being allowed to die in the streets because paramedics don’t want to treat homosexuals. The fear and anger that caused in the gay community led to them lashing out at religious people minding their own business. One side thinks they are defending themselves while attacking innocent people who are then forced to defend themselves. Now we have escalation. All because some asshat in the media legitimized a proven lie to their audience.

You can’t hammer into people on a daily basis that white Americans are racist, and not expect minorities to respond with things like the knockout game. Which in turn leads whites to be on edge about becoming the victim of a violent crime. Here’s one for ya … the largest ever done on the subject found that Americans are among the least racist people in the entire world. You wouldn’t know it from watching the every day.

So, here’s what said at the .

Like I said, he’s a monumental idiot.

He’s a member of the media. He’s one of the media’s elites. Yet he just peddled a debunked, proven lie that more leads to more crime. In fact, he doubled down on his baseless fear-mongering and said more lead to more . Inanimate objects don’t cause Tom Brokaw, ideology does. People don’t become terrorists because they have access to guns. Nor do they decide not to become terrorists because they don’t have access to them. What a monumentally stupid statement. Only the worst kind of idiot would ever give that statement credence. Besides, I thought not having jobs was why we have terrorists. Someone should also tell Tom Brokaw that 81% of all weapons used in terrorist attacks are explosives or incendiary weapons. Not guns. An elite member of the media should be well versed in tracking down this , don’t you think?

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Inanimate objects don’t cause terrorism Tom Brokaw, ideology does. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]81% of all weapons used in terrorist attacks are explosives or incendiary weapons. Not guns.[/Tweet]

So let’s look at the media’s influence on shall we?

Study: school shootings, mass killings are ‘contagious’

The , published in July the journal PLOS ONE, found evidence that shootings and mass killings — defined as four or more deaths — spread “contagiously,” and 20% to 30% of such killings appear to be the result of “infection.” The contagion period lasts about 13 days, researchers found.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Study: 20-30% of mass shootings caused by media sensationalizing mass shootings. @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

Hmm … no mention of guns causing . Just the media’s sensationalist coverage.

Media coverage of terrorism ‘leads to further violence.’

Violence, so the saying goes, begets violence. Now evidence is emerging that suggests even the reporting of violence can trigger further attacks. has found that sensationalist media coverage of acts of terrorism results in more such acts being committed.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Study: Media’s sensationalist coverage of terrorist attacks leads to more terrorist attacks.[/Tweet]

Well, well, well … media’s coverage of mass shootings leads to more mass shootings. Who’d have thought?  More media coverage of acts of terror will lead to more acts of terror Tom Brokaw.

I even have a pacifist study I have issues with saying the same thing Tom.

The report, Mixed Messages: How the Media Covers “Violent ” and What You Can Do About It, reviewed more than 600 news items from 20 major U.S. news outlets. Articles were sampled during April-June 2015 from 15 national media outlets such as the New York Times and NPR, and five “influencer” outlets such as Politico and CQ Weekly that reach audiences of policymakers and government staff.

While that last study left some things out about terrorism, it still makes the valid point that sensationalist MEDIA coverage leads to more extremism. Something that is undeniably true.

Tom Brokaw says more guns leads to more violent extremism. Research shows more sensationalist media coverage leads to more extremism. It’s the media fueling hate Tom Brokaw, not inanimate objects like guns. The media whips people into a frenzy. The media radicalizes people. The media gives them the fame they seek. Then, and only then, do they choose to pick up a gun and use it. If they choose a gun at all.

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]It’s the media fueling hate Tom Brokaw, not inanimate objects like guns. Via @CaseyTheHost[/Tweet]

[Tweet theme=”basic-full”]Media gives them the fame they seek. Then, & only then, do they pick up a gun and use it.[/Tweet]

Remember when commencement speeches were about encouraging and inspiring the graduating class? You know, the good old days when being a speaker wasn’t an excuse to hop on your soap box after a few drinks, and lecture a captive audience.


Tuesday, March 22 – Hour 3 Podcast

Chaffetz wants to take guns away from ‘Rambo’ BLM, Forest Service agents | Deseret News

Law enforcement agents with the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service are too “Rambo” to Rep. Jason ‘s liking, so he wants to take away their and authority.

Crazy Liberal Professor Calls 911 On ROTC, Vows To Keep Doing So

Prof. Heidi Czerwiec, an associate of English at the University of North Dakota (UND), claims she is so enraged that cadets are practicing maneuvers at the university, that she plans to call the police every time she sees them.

California Allows Non-Citizens to Vote, Which is Illegal, So Every California Vote should be Disqualified – Eagle Rising

The official number of in the state of is nearly 3 million. We can estimate the number to be more than double this amount in reality.


Daily : Tuesday, March 22

The Latest: Anti-terror raids in Belgium turn up nail bomb – Yahoo News

Investigators also found chemical products and an Islamic State flag.

Police Arrest Two In Brussels Terrorist Attacks

Armed police have arrested two men and already have CCTV of one of the airport bombers including the moment he detonated his suicide belt, MailOnline can reveal.

Raw Video Inside Airport After Terrorist Attack In Brussels

Via the AP:

Belgium Warned of Attacks. It Wasn’t Enough. – Bloomberg View

Only days ago in Brussels, as Western leaders celebrated the arrest of a key terrorist suspect, Belgian officials warned that there were dozens more jihadists at large in the city and that more attacks were being planned. They couldn’t have known how right they were.

VIDEO=> Brussels Bombing Witness: “I Heard Allahu Akbar. It Happened Very Quickly” – The Gateway Pundit

One suicide bomb went off and at least one suitcase bomb at the Brussels airport.

Brussels attacks: Mormon missionaries, American military family among injured – CBS News

Several Americans are among the casualties of the attacks at an airport and metro stration in Brussels on Tuesday.

FLASHBACK: Brussels Ridiculed Idea Of Islamic Violence In Ad | The Daily Caller

In the wake of Tuesday’s deadly bombing that killed at least 34 people, Brussels officials may regret an advertisement two months ago ridiculing the idea the city was a center of Islamic

Flashback: New York Times mocked Trump for saying “there is something bad going on” in Brussels « Hot Air

Of course, much of the media was singing a different tune only two months ago when The Donald had the audacity to point out some of the problems in Brussels, saying Trump had found “a new city to insult.”

After Brussels, Trump, Cruz slam Obama, call for halts to immigration programs | Fox News

“The first job of the president is to be commander in chief,” Cruz told Fox following the morning rush-hour attacks that killed at least 31 people in a Brussels airport and on the city’s subway system. “It’s unconscionable. It needs to change. … If I am president, I will destroy .”

French President Francois Hollande: This Was an Attack on All of Europe

“Through the attacks in Brussels, the whole of Europe has been hit ,” Hollande said. “France will implacably continue the fight against terrorism both on the international level and at home.”

Before We Know Much of Anything About Brussels Attack, Encryption Fears Already Invoked – Hit & Run :

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) of the House’s Intelligence Committee. We have no idea if communication encryption played any role in planning these attacks, but Schiff wants to have it both ways by bringing it up as an issue while not trying to speculate the facts. From The Hill:

Paris terrorists used burner phones, not encryption, to evade detection | Ars Technica

New details of the attacks carried out last November reveal that it was the consistent use of prepaid burner phones, not encryption, that helped keep the terrorists off the radar of the intelligence services.

Harrowing New Details Released About The Paris Terror Attacks Confirm That The Attackers Were ANIMALS

Marines Will Get ‘Reeducated’ To Erase ‘Unconscious Bias’ Against Women

Topics include unconscious bias, which focuses on how people prejudge others based on factors such as race and gender, and principles of institutional change.

Alcohol or Marijuana, Which Is More Dangerous While Driving? | The Daily Caller

Published in the journal Addiction, the investigated how likely drivers who had been using cannabis were to get into a car accident. The researchers looked at 20 studies and two meta-analyses published between 1982 and 2015.

Gov. Mike Pence signs bill eliminating ISTEP exam –

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence has signed a bill into law that will repeal the deeply unpopular ISTEP student exam by July of next year.

Teen Wins Job After Stopping Robber In Interview – 60abc

18-year old Devin Washington was at the fast food restaurant, Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, in eastern New Orleans last Saturday for a job interview. A man walked in and asked to make some changes, but when the cashier opened the change drawer he reached over in an effort to steal money.

VA Worker Gets Job Back After Armed Robbery | The Daily Caller

A Department of Veterans Affairs employee in Puerto Rico was fired after being arrested for armed robbery, but her union quickly got her reinstated

Goodbye, ISTEP! Indiana to ditch unpopular test

Likely to a collective sigh of relief from students and educators across Indiana, state officials announced Tuesday it will get rid of the unpopular ISTEP test.

Apple wants to know how the FBI will hack its phone

This afternoon the Department of Justice asked the courts to vacate tomorrow’s hearing concerning the iPhone 5C in the custody of the . The government had asked for to help it circumvent the phone’s security. But at the last minute, stated that it had found another party to help it get what it wants out the of phone. Apple would like to know who that is and what they plan to do with the phone.

Considering the FBI hasn’t been interested in getting into just one phone, it looks like they have a secret third party that has blown iOS up, and can give the feds a backdoor.

John McAfee lied about San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone hack to ‘get a s**tload of public attention’

McAfee has been on a media tour discussing a court order that directs Apple to write custom code to help the FBI access a terrorist’s iPhone. The method McAfee says he would use to break open the phone, he admitted to the Daily Dot, is false.

Google, Microsoft, Yahoo Join Forces to Create New Email Encryption Protocol

A group of independent security researchers and major Silicon Valley tech giants have submitted last Friday, March 18, 2016, a proposal for a new email protocol called SMTP STS (Strict Transport Security).

Chaffetz wants to take guns away from ‘Rambo’ BLM, Forest Service agents | Deseret News

Law enforcement agents with the Bureau of Land Management and the U.S. Forest Service are too “Rambo” to Rep. Jason Chaffetz’s liking, so he wants to take away their and authority.

Crazy Liberal Professor Calls 911 On ROTC, Vows To Keep Doing So

Prof. Heidi Czerwiec, an associate of English at the University of North Dakota (UND), claims she is so enraged that cadets are practicing maneuvers at the university, that she plans to call the police every time she sees them.

California Allows Non-Citizens to Vote, Which is Illegal, So Every California Vote should be Disqualified – Eagle Rising

The official number of illegal aliens in the state of California is nearly 3 million. We can estimate the number to be more than double this amount in reality.

Daily : Monday, March 21

Clinton email reveals: Google sought overthrow of Syria’s Assad | Washington Examiner

in 2012 sought to help insurgents overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to State Department emails receiving fresh scrutiny this week.

Mishawaka City Council to consider seeking public input on county-wide dining tax –

Mishawaka City Council will consider a resolution Monday night, March 21, to seek public input and about a potential food and beverage tax in St. Joseph County that would benefit the Potawatomi Zoo.

Michigan To Let Students Choose Gender, Name And Bathroom

Michigan is the latest state to throw common sense out the window, and allow people (in this case children) to choose their gender on a whim, without any credible evidence from the professionals.

Video Obama Says America Can Learn From Cuba On Human Rights | The Daily Caller

“Our starting point is that we have two different systems,” Obama explained. “What I have said to President Castro, is that we are moving forward and not looking backwards.”

Florida Man Charged With Stealing BMW That He Tried To Buy With Food Stamps

Florida Man is at it again. This time, he attempted to answer the question: “Why buy food, when you can get a really ugly instead?” Authorities say that he’s been charged with stealing a car after a dealership declined his offer to purchase it with .

Tim Cook starts today’s Apple event with some words for the FBI

That’s how CEO Tim Cook started today’s live “Loop You In” event, with a message about privacy, security and encryption. Cook said that Apple has a responsibility to protect its customers’ data, noting that many people view their mobile devices as extensions of themselves.

Court: Woman gets windfall from dead ex-husband’s insurance – Elkhart Truth

A woman can collect a $120,000 insurance windfall after the death of her former husband, despite their divorce years ago, the Michigan appeals court says.

Jared Fogle Got His Ass Kicked In Prison Because He Was The ‘Teacher’s Pet’

More details are coming out about Jared Fogle’s prison ass kicking and it seems like the former Subway spokesman was targeted by other inmates because he was the “teacher’s pet”.

Students freak out after teacher shows video of ISIS beheading…

A Bronx middle-school teacher rattled her students — including one who was near tears — by showing an video of a terrorist beheading a journalist, documents show.

Rhode Island Bill Would Criminalize Offensive Speech – Progressives Today

The proposed legislation, promoted by Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, would criminalize folks who say the wrong things on social media, such as what happens when one trolls another.

Rhode Island Wants to Criminalize Latchkey, Recess When It’s Cold Outside – Hit & Run :

Congratulations, : Looks like the government is about to become the proud parent of every child in the state.

HuffPo Scrambles To Fix E-Cig Story Amid Torrent Of Criticism

The Huffington Post has made a series of corrections to an error-strewn video featuring Dr. Margaret Cuomo, sister of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, claiming e-cigarettes are just as dangerous as tobacco cigarettes.

SCOTUS Goes Postal, Says You Can’t Carry Guns Here

The Supreme Court has apparently gone postal, and has decided that you do not have the right to bear arms in the , or even lock up your gun in the parking lot of postal facilities.

Supreme Court Vacates Massachusetts Ruling That Found Stun Guns Ineligible for 2nd Amendment Protections – Hit & Run :

According to the Massachusetts high court, Caetano’s conviction must stand because a stun gun “is not the type of weapon that is eligible for Second Amendment protection.” Today the U.S. Supreme Court vacated that judgment and ordered the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts to rehear the case.

How High Cigarette Taxes Fund Global Terrorism | The Daily Caller

Fifteen of the world’s leading terrorist organizations regularly turn to black market tobacco for financing.

The Myth of Sustainable Power from Renewables – IER

Tasmania, until recently, had generated almost all its power from renewable energy, touting its “clean, green” image. However, a number of events, including extra­ordinary weather, mismanagement, a catastrophic technical failure and a carbon tax, have put the island into an energy crisis where 20 portable diesel generators had to be rushed to the island to keep the lights on at a cost of $44 million just to set up. [i]

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: WHEN LIBERALS HATE ALMONDS. “Should the great California almond boom be celeb…

“Should the great almond boom be celebrated? Doesn’t it represent the growing prosperity of California farmers and rural communities following years of agricultural depression? Aren’t a healthy and versatile food source that uniquely fit twenty-first-century tastes and diets? Isn’t the upsurge in production helping America win billions of dollars from trade?”

Monday, March 21 – Hour 3 Podcast

Rhode Island models bill after bill to criminalize direct contact online

They also want to ban in cold weather

Huffington Post peddles lies about and , gets called out by experts

says you can’t take into post offices

Supreme Court orders lower court to rehear case that ruled weren’t constitutionally protected

Island who tried 100% abandon it for fossil fuels

Greenies blaming for drought