UPDATE: Pulled

The other day I had the exclusive story about an being given to students at Middle School. Today we have an update.

Goshen News:

A was found to be in violation of school policy after a student-designed survey containing questions about the LGBT community was shared with part of the student body before being thoroughly vetted.

The survey in question was written by a group of middle school students in a social studies class who were discussing social issues, Goshen Community Schools Superintendent Diane Woodworth said Wednesday.

As part of project-based learning through the New Tech Program, students are encouraged to discuss how the social issues around them affect their own lives, she said.

The survey was sent out to about 500 students, but it’s claimed that it was taken down before most of them saw the survey.

A screenshot of the surveymonkey.com website, which was shared by a South Bend-based syndicated radio talk show host, began circulating on social media after a student sent a photo to his or her parents.

Geez Goshen . You can at least say my name, and credit me with breaking the story.

Woodward said GMS Principal Lori Shreiner took the survey down as soon as she learned about it. The teacher was spoken to, but any disciplinary measures were not released due to this being a personnel matter.


Exclusive: ‘s Causing A Stir

A at Middle School is having students take an , and it’s apparently causing a stir.

This isn’t public yet, and I’m told the teacher is an 8th grade teacher, but the students taking the survey were 6th grade. Not sure why that is yet.

Here’s the survey:

I’m told some parents of students who took the survey raised some issues with it. There was apparently a school board meeting, or school faculty meeting addressing this issue this week.

I’m also told the superintendent spoke to the teacher, but I’m not sure if it is Diane Woodworth, or an assistant superintendent. The teacher’s name has not been released yet.

Updates will be posted as new developments come out.