Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, Aug. 6

Hour 1

U.S. launches domestic terrorism investigation in Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting

Trump: ‘I’m just wondering did George Bush ever condemn President Obama after Sandy Hook?’

Amazon Still Sells Book That Helped Inspire El Paso Terrorist, ‘The Lorax’

Texas grandmother foils mass shooting plot


EXCLUSIVE: Man who drove with Dayton mass shooter and sister before massacre was his best friend – who Connor Betts then shot and is now cops’ best hope of finding motive for murders

Police arrest Gilroy man after online post threatens ‘goal is to kill 500, not three’

Report: McDonald’s Paper Straws Can’t Be Recycled — Unlike The Plastic Ones

Trump Supporters Help Clean Up Trash in West Baltimore


Hour 2

Peter Strzok Sues DOJ And FBI Over Firing, Claims His Anti-Trump Texts Were Protected Free Speech

REVEALED: Secret Texts Between FBI’s McCabe And British Intelligence During 2016 Campaign

Neighbors tell Mishawaka council they’ll be back to speak out about Menards move

10-year-old boy charged with assault for hitting classmate in the head while playing dodgeball


Hour 3

FBI Warns of ‘Copycat’ Mass Shootings

Study: Media Fascination With Mass Shooters is Creating More Mass Shooters

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Op-Ed: We have studied every mass shooting since 1966. Here’s what we’ve learned about the shooters

CURL: New York Times Proves Once And For All That It Takes Marching Orders From The Liberal Elite

wrote a headline.

The moaned and groaned and whined and whinnied.

The New York Times changed its headline.

If you were looking for proof — real, solid proof — that the once-great New York Times takes its marching orders from the liberal elite in the Democratic Party, look no further.

After two mass shootings within hours left 32 dead and 52 wounded, President Trump delivered a somber statement from the on Monday. He laid out several avenues as potential solutions, called for unity and , soothed Americans as the comforter-in-chief and loudly denounced and .

“Together, we lock arms to shoulder the grief, we ask God in Heaven to ease the anguish of those who suffer, and we vow to act with urgent resolve,” he said.

“In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America,” he said.

“Now is the time to set destructive partisanship aside — so destructive — and find the to answer hatred with unity, devotion, and love,” he said.

The New York Times captured the essence of the president’s speech with a headline for its first print edition that read: “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM.” The headline carried no for either Left or Right, simply summing up the expansive message Trump had delivered.

But the Left went nuts — absolutely nuts. How dare The Times not bash Trump as a racist?!

So (are you sitting down?) the New York Times CHANGED ITS HEADLINE.

Click here to view original web page at www.dailywire.com

North Korean Defectors Respond To Anti-Trump Rapper After He Harassed Them

A rapper gets schooled on what real oppression looks like.

The harassed for wearing hats in a viral video that recently surfaced are speaking out.

We are familiar with living a life where you cannot express your views, beliefs or values. In , if you do express opposing views and get caught, , execution or concentration camp becomes your fate.

That was and is North Korea and its system. No freedom of expression, continuous fear, man-made starvation, fear of death. The people we are trying to rescue are those who have fled North Korea, and the person you took the hat off and stomped on it, his six-month-old son, six-year-old and nine-year-old daughter and his wife in North Korea were all brutally executed or sent to concentration camp by the brutal North Korean regime.

He does not know all of the things President Trump does, but he is appreciative of the present administration’s stance towards North Korea and its effort for freedom and not compromising with Kim Jong Un in recent Hanoi summit.

While you can express your discomfort towards the MAGA hat, as long as it is done in a peaceful manner, that’s fine with us. But what you did to us was absolute hatred.

We are back in our homeland, but I hope you protect the freedom that was hard-fought, which was not free to your country.

Source: North Korean Defectors Respond To Anti-Trump Rapper After He Harassed Them | The Daily Caller



STUDY Finds Censors Conservatives over Liberals at a 21:1 Ratio

Obviously, this isn’t surprising or new information. However, it’s always nice to have empirical data to back up your case.

It’s no secret that Twitter censors and shadow-bans conservatives. has reported on this extensively over the past few years. We reported in July 2018 that Twitter has long been accused of censoring conservatives.  Twitter was indeed censoring and shadowbanning the President of the United States, ‘s twitter account, @realDonaldTrump. Twitter is […]

Source: SHOCKING NEW STUDY Finds Twitter Censors Conservatives over Liberals at a 21:1 Ratio


Luckily, through the use of standard statistical methods—similar to those commonly applied to calculate confidence intervals in the physical and social sciences—one may determine that the underlying population disparity (i.e. the disparity between liberal and conservative behavioral norms) would have to be quite large in order for there to be any significant likelihood of observing a randomly constituted 22-point data set characterized by the above-described 21:1 ratio. Indeed, assuming some randomness in enforcement unrelated to , one would have to assume that conservatives were at least four times as likely as liberals to violate Twitter’s neutrally applied to produce even a 5% chance (the standard benchmark) that a 22-data point sample would yield a result as skewed as 21-1.

Left-wing activists on college campus regularly engage in the practice of de-platforming—including the use of violence or the threat thereof as a means to prevent someone from speaking. Victims of this practice typically are conservative figures such as and . At Berkley, when tried to give a speech, a large mob threw stones and fireworks at officers, and attacked members of the crowd. Around the same time, commentators noted that during the 2016 president campaign, when visited Liberty University, the evangelical institution run be Jerry Falwell, Jr., his message was met with “polite skepticism.”

Are we to believe that while prominent figures on the left encourage uncivil and even violent tactics, both on an off college campuses, their online behaviour is, with the solitary exception of Rose McGowan, universally exemplary?

Harassment and the advocacy of violence are serious issues, and there is nothing morally objectionable about companies removing this kind of content from their platforms. However, such laudable objectives should not be used as cover to prosecute ideological campaigns. While social media platforms are private companies, anti-discrimination laws generally allow legislators avenues to address businesses that exhibit unacceptable biases in how they treat the public.

Source: It Isn’t Your Imagination: Twitter Treats Conservatives More Harshly Than Liberals