Report: to Face over Hoax

This had all the hallmarks of the standard and commonplace hoax we’ve become accustomed to. So on today’s show, I’ll again do the obligatory ‘at some point the media and public have to start being skeptical of these cases, right?’ segment.

On Saturday, Chicago police revealed that the focus of the had “shifted.”  crime and justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz reported that authorities now believe that Smollett actually paid two men to fake the attack, both of whom were now cooperating with law enforcement.

According to law enforcement officials who spoke with TMZ, a will hear the case next week to examine its credibility. The police sources also provided details on why Smollett’s claims seemingly lacked credibility.

“The sources say there were red flags from the get-go,”  reported. “Cops were extremely suspicious when Jussie took them out to the area where he said he was attacked and pointed to an obscure camera saying how happy he was that the attack was on video. Turns out the camera was pointing in the wrong direction. Cops thought it was weird he knew the location of that camera.”

Source: Report: Jussie Smollett to Face Grand Jury over Hate Crime Hoax


Monday, July 30 – Hour 3

Flashback: Remember it was former CIA director John Brennan who targeted journalists for the Obama administration.

Ninth Circuit rules that open carrying a gun is protected by the Constitution.

says school districts can ban guns.

Another restaurant scam is uncovered.

Potential fake hate incident in has Governor Holcomb calling for a hate crimes bill.

Therapists say Anxiety Disorder is a real thing. They mispronounced Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Tuesday, August 29 – Hour 2 Podcast


In Brutal Takedown, Judge Boots #BernieBackers Fraud Lawsuit Out of Court | Law News

The Plaintiffs asserting each of these causes of action specifically allege that they donated to the DNC or to ‘s campaign.  But not one of them alleges that they ever read the DNC’s charter or heard the statements they now claim are false before making their donations. And not one of them alleges that they took action in reliance on the DNC’s charter or the statements identified in the First Amended Complaint (DE 8). Absent such allegations, these Plaintiffs lack standing.

Liberals attack restaurant for adding ‘minimum wage surcharge’ on receipt – Red Alert Politics

Social justice warriors lashed out against one of the most successful restaurant conglomerates in the nation over a new surcharge instituted at one of its chains.

(2) Casey Hendrickson – Radio Talk Show Host – Home

EPA Mismanaged A Program To Insolvency | The Daily Caller

The Environmental Protection Agency () botched the operation of its Voluntary Leave Bank Program, making federal investigators question the program’s solvency and integrity, the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) reported Monday.

This ‘Endangered Species’ Story Was Government-Sponsored Fake News

Leave it to the federal government to make a costly mistake, obscure it for decades at taxpayer expense, and then try to claim it was a success.

Free college is more expensive than Oregon planned – Red Alert Politics

Last year, declared free tuition for new students at community colleges. This year, the state is walking back its promises.


Wednesday, June 28 – Hour 3 Podcast


Trump EPA to Dump ‘WOTUS’; Frees 247 Million Acres of Farmland – Breitbart

The Environmental Protection Agency () announced Tuesday, to the delight of rural America, that the administration is moving to rescind the Obama era’s “Waters of the United States” () regulatory rule.

‘Covfefe’ License Plates Banned in Georgia – Christine Rousselle

People got license plates–except in Georgia, where it’s apparently been banned as a prohibited term for vanity plates, along with things like racial slurs, “KKK,” and sexual references. Interestingly enough, variations of “,” such as “c0vfefe” and “c0vf3f3,” are also banned.

Under investigation: Bernie Sanders doesn’t want to talk about it [VIDEO] – Red Alert Politics

Sen. (I-V) ducked questions from a Fox reporter regarding the ‘s into his wife, and instead pivoted to talk about healthcare.

Video: Bernie Really, Really Doesn’t Want to Talk About That FBI Investigation – Guy Benson

Appearing on last night, an agitated Sanders deflected and distorted when asked about the situation by anchor Erin Burnett.  He laughs derisively when the subject is first broached, interrupts the question, refuses to answer it (twice), then claims this was all cooked up by a Trump supporter to “attack” his wife — which he calls “pathetic.”

Democrats Accuse Republicans of Mass Murder –

So the Democrats, after opposing in the 2016 election partly out of what they claimed was concern about his incivility and coarseness, are now pursuing a debate about health care legislation in Washington by characterizing the Republicans who disagree with them about policy details as mass murderers.

Listen up: Gun ‘silencers’ are as loud as rock concerts (and have very practical uses) – Red Alert Politics

This should dispel the myth of a “silencer,” unless you think that a rock concert is silent.