Tuesday, August 1 – Hour 1 Podcast


Foreign workers being used to build auto plants in U.S. – CBS News

Foreign have received billions of dollars in and to build factories in the U.S. and create American jobs.

Report: At least 45,000 Illegal Votes In 2016 Election – The Burning Truth

A new bombshell study released by the shows why President Donald Trump‘s has such an important job ahead of it.

Judge mocks opponents of Trump voter commission – Washington Times

A federal judge Tuesday shot down the latest attempt to derail President Trump’s voter integrity commission, saying there wasn’t enough evidence that Americans’ rights are being violated by the request for voters’ information.


Tuesday, July 25 – Hour 2 Podcast


BREAKING: Appeals Court Strikes Down D.C. “Good Cause” Handgun Carry Ban – Firearms Policy Coalition

Today, the struck down Washington, D.C.’s ‘good cause’ handgun carry rule that plaintiffs in 2 cases argued constituted a ban on the right to keep and bear arms.

Snopes on the Verge of Collapse as They Beg For Money on GoFundMe

“We’re hoping [the $500K goal] can get us by until the end of the year,” he said, cautioning that specific dates or numbers hadn’t been thought out. “We’re just trying to cover operating expenses, it’s all very standard: salaries, we have 16 staff that work at Snopes, various kinds of overhead, travel, that kind of thing. There’s no telling how much we’re going to have to end up frittering away on legal fees.”

San Jose businesswoman pleads guilty to H1-B visa fraud

A San Jose businesswoman who secured H1-B visas for skilled by telling immigration officials they had job offers from Cisco Systems Inc. when they did not has pleaded guilty to visa fraud, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Michigan fruit growers say ‘Trump effect’ is making their life harder | MLive.com

Migrant workers in the Great Lakes region were being paid an average of $12.28 an hour this spring, a 5.5 percent increase over the same time last year, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture statistics.

Grades going up, SAT scores down: Experts say grade inflation is to blame – Red Alert Politics

A tougher SAT makes the painful rite of passage even more grueling, but it also makes it easier for colleges to differentiate between applicants. A more difficult test means that the bell curve of scores will be more spread out, making it easier for colleges to differentiate between candidates.