Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 27

Daily : , 27


Carlson on Dem Reaction to Dobbs: ‘Don’t Lecture Us Ever Again About the Sanctity of Our Institutions’

‘I Didnt Realize I Was a Target’: American Woman Says She Was Sexually Assaulted at Mexican All-Inclusive Resort

Ex-NFL star dishes on Colin Kaepernick’s Raiders workout, saying he heard it was ‘a disaster’

Hour 2

Second Pfizer Jab Taken After Shorter Interval May Have Higher Myocarditis, Pericarditis Risk, Doctor Says

West Point graduates sign letter challenging leadership of military academy

Grocery store worker charged with assaulting Rudy Giuliani over abortion ruling

Former USA Today editor says company retaliated after he claimed that only women can get pregnant

Hour 3

Facebook Caught Allowing ISIS Content While Censoring US Conservatives


Biden Is Terribly Wrong on Abortion and International Norms


High court allows football coach’s prayer as private religious expression

Report: GOP Gaining 1 Million+ Voters as Democrats Bleed Support

Daily : Tuesday, Sept. 15




Florida Dems ‘Aghast’ at Biden’s Performance With Latinos

Pin Posts

Hour 2

Interview: Tony Katz on Recovery Rye whiskey


VA HACK: Personal Info Of Roughly 46,000 Veterans Exposed

A bug in Joe Biden’s campaign app gave anyone access to millions of voter files



Joe Biden Counters Evidence, Claims ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Would Save Lives

Hour 3




Arrest on tape shows need for de-escalation, city leaders say


Monday, September 26 – 2 Podcast

ARCAN CETIN: Cascade Mall Killer Praises Allah and ISIS Leader Baghdadi on His Tumblr Page

Five people were shot dead Friday night at Cascade Mall Burlington, Washington north of Seattle. Turkish born Arcan …

Notre Dame fires defensive coordinator Brian VanGorder

Defensive analyst Greg Hudson assumes role

Clueless iPhone 7 owners destroy mobiles after drilling headphone jack

cruel tutorial tricked hapless iPhone lovers into creating their own DIY with a 3.5mm drill Apple released its slick handset without an earphone portal.



Transgender man sues over Indiana law blocking name change

A granted asylum by the U.S. last year is challenging an Indiana law that prevents him from changing his first name to a male name that matches his gender identity.


Show : Thurs, . 15

Army Secretary’s Comments on Equality Spark Debate Over Female Draft Registration – Ben Swann’s Truth In Media

“If we find ourselves as a at large where men and have equal opportunity, as I happen to believe they should, serving in combat positions at least on a formal basis … then ultimately the question of extending the requirements to women as well will have to at least be discussed,” said Sec. McHugh

Texas football coach denies ordering players to hit referee | Fox News

Texas high school sports officials have punished two football players and coaches involved in an intentional hit on a referee, showing some leniency to a former assistant who denied allegations he ordered the players to blindside the game umpire.

Aunt who sued nephew over exuberant hug: It’s a claim against the insurance company, nothing more « Hot Air

“This was meant to be a simple homeowners insurance case,” she said. “Connecticut law is such that I was advised by counsel that this is the way a suit is meant to be worded.”…

Congressional Review Of Copyright Law May Threaten Drudge | The Daily Caller

Congress may update digital affecting aggregator sites, like the and Clear Politics, along with news sites in the near future.

FAA Now Has The Tech To Hijack Your Drone In The Air | The Daily Caller

The Federal Aviation Administration now has the technology to hijack drones in the middle of the air, adopted as part of an effort to keep personal and commercial drones away from sensitive areas.

Here’s What Americans Are Most Afraid Of | TIME

Corruption of government officials (58.0%)

Follow the Money: Biggest Campaign Contributors 2016, by Company and Industry | The Daily Caller

“The importance of money flows from it being a link between the present and the future.” ~ Economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1943) Campaign contributors 2016: Politicians famously fail to follow through on their campaign promises once elected. Just look at the track record of our current leadership…

Lobbyists for Clinton’s ‘Enemies’ Are Bankrolling Her Campaign

Asked to name the enemies that she is most proud of during Tuesday’s Democratic presidential debate, Hillary Clinton cited industries represented by lobbyists who are among her top campaign fundraisers.

A Veteran Publicly Confronted Someone He Thought Was Committing an Act of Stolen Valor, but Now He’s Facing a Disciplinary Investigation | Video | TheBlaze.com

A Wisconsin graduate student and Iraq war veteran is surprised that he is under disciplinary review, barred from campus outside of attending classes, a confrontation in which he accused a classmate of stolen valor.

California Trains Kids To Ask For Consent Every 10 Minutes During Sex

A look at the new landscape of education published by The New York Times contains an eye-opening anecdote: In California, teachers are telling kids to get consent every minutes during sex to avoid committing rape.

Anti-Rape Activist Resigns After Raping Somebody | The Daily Caller

A racial equality officer, gay rights, and -rape activist at Oxford University is resigning her positions after admitting she engaged in “not consensual” sex while at a student conference.