Daily Show Prep: Monday, July 25

Daily : , July 25


Bombshell: Possible Fraudulent Images Used In Key Alzheimer’s Study Has Misled Research For Years, Report Says

: . Arthur Laffer

Interview: Jonathan Lindsey

Hour 2

NEW: Twitter Bans ‘Groomer’ Insult

Multiple Trans Activists Arrested for Sex Crimes Involving Children

COVID expert Deborah Birx says she ‘knew’ vaccines ‘were not going to protect against infection’

Hour 3

Interview: Run

Lunatics with Nazi flags driven away from TPUSA conference by attendees

WATCH: Ben Carson says ‘hard to convince people’ monkeypox is serious after COVID-19

Daily Show Prep: Tues, June 21

Daily : Tues, 21


Twitter Board Unanimously Approves Elon Musk’s $44 Billion Takeover Bid

‘We need to go in’: Uvalde footage reveals officers had guns, shields, tools – but no clear orders

Journalists and parents kicked out of Uvalde City Council meeting on school shooting

BREAKING: Uvalde shooting could have been stopped in ‘three minutes’: Texas police

Uvalde hires private law firm to block footage and audio from school shooting

“If there’s kids in there, we need to go in”: Officers in Uvalde were ready with guns, shields and tools — but not clear orders

Supreme Court rules Maine tuition program violates First Amendment for excluding religious schools


No, this does not violate Establishment Clause. compare oranges to dogs Toobin.

Gretchen Whitmer and Her Board of Education Look To Crush School Choice in Michigan

Hour 2

Yikes: DNC slashes price for photo with Harris at fundraiser due to weak demand

Indiana gas tax set to reach record high in July


Biden is considering supporting a gas tax holiday. Here’s how much drivers would save

YIKES: This Federal ‘Stimulus’ Program Cost Taxpayers $850k Per Job Saved, Study Finds

Joe Biden Officially Becomes the Most Unpopular Second-Year President in Recorded History

CNN Considers Major Staff Shake-Up Amid Tanking Ratings: Report

Hour 3

Catholic bishop kicks Catholic school out of the church after it flew LGBT and BLM flags

GOP Rep Reveals Frightening Possibility as Biden’s IRS Makes Unprecedented Purchases of Ammunition

If you need a reason to oppose “red flag” gun laws, this writer’s harrowing 12-year tale of terrifying stalking and harassment might just do the trick

Senate panel advances $858 billion bill that supports Ukraine, Taiwan, boosts munition production, kills the A-10, and requires women register for draft

Daily Show Prep: Monday, June 20

Daily : , 20

Hour 1


‘This tweet aged WELL’: Biden staffer & Jen Rubin’s past bike-related mockery of Trump has resurfaced

WFB Exclusive: Why I Busted Joe Biden’s Elderly Ass on Father’s Day Weekend


A “socialist high school teacher” from Hawaii said anti-grooming Republicans want to “show kids porn.” What happened next is … well, I guess it’s not surprising.

Report: ‘Socialist’ Hawaii Teacher Arrested for Having Sex with 13-Year-Old Student and Sharing Video

Hour 2


Democrats put in ‘awkward position’ as Stephen Colbert staffers charged with illegal entry

Stephen Colbert Crew Let Into US Capitol by Adam Schiff Staffer: Rep. Davis


Red flags suggest police could have prevented Jan. 6, and that Capitol security remains lax


Canceled: Swimming’s Governing Body Bans Lia Thomas from Competing Against Females

Texas GOP Passes Resolution Declaring Biden ‘Not Legitimately Elected’

Hour 3

Disney’s Woke ‘Lightyear’ Bombed All over the World

Actor Chris Evans says critics of Lightyear film’s gay couple kissing are “idiots” who will “die off like dinosaurs”

Khashoggi’s ties to extremists face new attention as D.C. renames street after him

Yeah, insulting Saudis before over there to beg for help with isn’t winning strategy. Also, wasn’t a , he was a government for .

: Bombshell: New Info Says Khashoggi Was A Foreign Influence Agent

France enacts lockdowns due to heatwave

Lifelong Donor Barred From Giving Blood Because He Refuses To Say If He’s Pregnant

Daily Show Prep: Tues, June 21

Daily : Thurs, 9


School resource officer shoots, kills ‘suspicious person’ outside Alabama school

‘Highest ever recorded’: Average gas prices surpass $5 per gallon in US

GOP Senators Release Documents Showing Biden Admin Lied About Disinfo Board

Ex-Dem Congressman Who Took Abscam Bribes Admits To Rigging Philly Elections

Protesters Return To Kavanaugh’s Home Night After Murder Attempt

‘Playing With Fire’: Rubio Shreds Democrats For ‘Encouraging’ Would-Be Kavanaugh Assassin

Democrat Says She Thinks She Is Only Rep Who Has Been A Victim Of Gun Violence, Appears To Forget Steve Scalise Was A Victim Of Gun Violence

Liberal Media Predictably Downplays or Ignores Threat to Justice Kavanaugh

Joy Behar Claims Gun Laws Will Change ‘Once Black People Get Guns’ — But Nearly 1 In 4 Already Do

Hour 2

After Sending $40 Billion To Ukraine, US Officials Are Only Now Raising Red Flags

The US Military Is Almost Completely Dependent On China For Key Mineral Used In Ammunition: REPORT

Buttigieg: Republicans’ Answer to Inflation Is ‘Going to War with Mickey Mouse’


Hour 3

WSJ, ABC News: FDA knew about baby formula whistleblower complaint in February … 2021

As gas prices surge, Michigan sheriff asks deputies to manage some dispatch calls by phone

Here’s the economic data Biden doesn’t want you to see


Support For Banning Semi-Automatic Long Guns Hits All-Time Low: Left-Of-Center Poll


‘Feels Like A Threat’: Sydney Sweeney’s Tiny Outfit At Award Show Riles Up ‘Body Positivity’ Activists

FBI Raids Home Of Michigan GOP Gubernatorial Candidate And Whitmer Challenger, Takes Him Into Custody: Report