James By Former Intelligence Contractor For Hiding Surveillance


A former intelligence contractor is suing former FBI Director James Comey for hiding all of on he was warned about.

Remember, the recently said ‘s was constantly breaking the law, illegally spying on Americans, and illegally transferring that information to third parties.

This former intelligence contractor corroborates exactly what the court confirmed James , and , did. Only on a much larger scale.


FISA says James ‘s was constantly breaking – Podcast

Former FBI Director James Comey headed during a when declassified documents and the says the FBI was constantly breaking the law, and violating the constitutional rights of . The media is still yapping about without any evidence, and can’t be bothered to give this story any attention.

breaks down the activity that Comey’s FBI.

Thursday, April 20 – Hour 3 Podcast

Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump | The American Spectator

Seeking to retain his position as director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump’s candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

Obama, Comey Relied On Discredited Dossier To Obtain FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign | Zero Hedge

last year used a dossier of allegations of Russian ties to Donald Trump’s campaign as part of the justification to win approval to secretly monitor a Trump associate, according to officials briefed on the investigation.

FBI Admits It Was Not The Russians – Launches Manhunt For “Insider” Who Leaked CIA Docs To WikiLeaks | Zero Hedge

As CBS reports,  a manhunt is underway for a traitor inside the Central Intelligence Agency.

State Department Employee Arrested and Charged With Concealing Extensive Contacts With Foreign Agents | OPA | Department of Justice

A federal complaint was unsealed today charging Candace Marie Claiborne, 60, of Washington, D.C., and an employee of the U.S. Department of State, with obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements to the FBI, both felony offenses, for allegedly concealing numerous contacts that she had over a period of years with foreign intelligence agents.

Lawmakers reach tentative agreement on roads funding package – 95.3 MNC

A sticking point had been the House Republicans’ desire to send revenue from the current sales tax on gas entirely to roads. Bosma says the Senate capitulated its opposition to this provision. But a cigarette tax House Republicans wanted is dead for the session.

Americans for Prosperity Disappointed in Gas Tax Hike Conference Report – Americans for Prosperity

While the conference report calls for moving gas sales tax revenues to infrastructure funding, does not do so for several years, while immediately hiking the gas tax.