Monday, April 3 – Hour 1 Podcast

Indiana House panel to allow Ricker’s to sell cold beer…for now – 95.3 MNC

An House panel has approved a bill allowing Ricker’s convenience stores to temporarily continue selling .

LOL! You don’t have the authority to pass a bill to allow a business to continue to adhere to current law you idiots.

Fake News: Trump Breaking Century-Old Tradition By Not Throwing First Pitch

“The last president to throw out a in Washington in his first post-election spring,” Steinberg observed, “was Richard Nixon — in 1969. That was 48 years ago! That’s almost half the length of this supposed 100-year-old tradition!”

Now the Left Thinks Pence’s Rule to Never Dine Alone With Women Besides His Wife Is Illegal – Leah Barkoukis

On Friday, not only has the dust not settled on this non-story, but Vox ran a piece suggesting Pence’s practice is “probably illegal.”

Of course, the line in question (below) never makes mention of a work environment. Rendering the idiot’s column about legality completely moot.

Karen Pence is the vice president’s ‘prayer warrior,’ gut check and shield – The Washington Post

In 2002, told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won’t attend events featuring without her by his side, either.