Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, March 19

Daily : , 19


Supreme Court rules Texas can enforce law allowing police to arrest migrants

Trump: Will Cassidy Hutchinson be rebuked for ‘fake stories’ to Jan. 6 committee?

Tithe with

Illegal Immigrant Can Carry Guns: Federal Judge

Hour 2

Democrat senator tells reporters how to do their job, instructs them to lie about Donald Trump — but it blows up in his face

Go Green: Hertz Replacing CEO After Bet on Electric Vehicles Falls Apart

Gubernatorial candidate Jamie Reitenour lambasts debate, forum hosts for exclusion

High school track coach in Indiana forbids student-athletes to gather for prayer before meets: Lawsuit

Hour 3

George Stephanopoulos finds out why he shouldn’t have claimed Trump was found ‘liable of rape’: ‘Clear defamatory statement’

Google ‘interfered’ 41 times in US elections to help ‘left-wing’ candidates: Watchdog group


Daily Show Prep: Monday, March 18

Daily : , 18

Hour 1

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Case Alleging Government Censorship of Social Media

Supreme Court rejects appeal from Indiana parents who lost custody of transgender teen

Study finds ‘woke’ people more likely to be unhappy, anxious, and depressed

Pence Refuses to Give Irrelevant Endorsement to Ex-Boss Trump

Remember when was angry wouldn’t call her ‘Dr. Jill?’

Hour 2

The Treasury Department says Biden is lying.

Recipe for Economic Train Wreck: Biden’s FY ’25 Budget’s 10 Massive Tax Increases

Hour 3

Leaked Audio Exposes FBI Dirty Dealings With Key Informant, Architect of Whitmer “Kidnapping Plot”

As you can see from the ‘s data below, still ‘t the leading cause of for kids the . Not even close.

Screenshot Wisqars.cdc .gov 2024.03.18 14 25 44
Screenshot Wisqars.cdc .gov 2024.03.18 14 26 45

America’s Drunk Driving Limit May Be Changing

FBI Must Answer for $2,000 it Stole from Safe-Deposit Box, Judge Rules

Daily Show Prep: Tuesday, March 19

Daily : , Feb. 29


Despite legal rulings, John Rust again turns to court for GOP Senate primary ballot access



Elkhart/Goshen joins Fort Wayne and Lafayette area as top emerging housing markets

The Story of the Self-Immolating U.S. Serviceman Just Took a Strange Turn

Hour 2

Panera Bread exempt from California’s $20 minimum wage law after owner donated to Gov. Newsom: report

In Bump Stock Arguments, Constitution-Hating Justices Prove They Have No Idea How Guns Work

Leave it to NPR to helpfully explain how a fun Leap Year tradition is “actually intended to ridicule women” with “false empowerment”


Hour 3

: .

A Willy Wonka “immersive experience” turned out to be a partially decorated warehouse. Some parents were so angry, they called the police.

In win for Paxton, court declares $1.7 trillion federal omnibus was passed unconstitutionally

What were members of the U.S. Congressional Progressive Caucus doing in Havana?

Group aiming to defund disinformation tries to drain Fox News of online advertising

Advertisers won’t be guilted into funding news

Study Finds Majority of Patients With Long COVID Were Vaccinated

Daily Show Prep: Tues, January 9

Daily : Tues, January 9


‘Go Bloo:’ Kellogg’s celebrates U of M championship with limited edition cereal box

Epps, accused of being FBI informant on J6, sentenced to one year probation

Defense Sec Austin was being treated for complications from prostate cancer, Walter Reed hospital

Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations

Tithe with

Hour 2

Judge dismisses Notre Dame professor’s defamation lawsuit against student newspaper

Appeals Court Hits ‘Off’ Switch on Biden’s Dishwasher, Washing Machine Regulations

The 4 Reasons a Staggering 38% of Companies Say They’re Likely to Have Layoffs in 2024, Survey Shows

DOJ Allows Biden-Tied Firm to Register as Foreign Agent 8-Yrs Late, in Contrast to Manafort

Hour 3

‘A Stain On Our Society’: Record Number Of Police Shot In 2023, Report Finds

Chinese Firm Deletes Website After Communist, Military Ties Exposed

Report: The Biden admin DRAMATICALLY lowered standards related to immigrants from China, reduced number of questions asked from 40 to 5

eviscerates for selling .

White House Report Card: Losing on most issues, Biden targets MAGA in reelection

Common Veterans Podcast Episode 9: Valhalla

Common Episode : Valhalla

Common Veterans Podcast

Episode 9: Valhalla

The belief that dying in battle brings soldiers to the table of Odin. The Common Veterans take on the sensitive topic of suicide and .

** WARNING ** This episode discusses a very sensitive subject with Common Veterans. This episode discusses suicide, religion, the different beliefs of certain religions, and triggers that could be hard to handle.

I. Introductions

a. Which of us has experienced someone that has suicided or attempted suicide

i. Fred

ii. Jeff

iii. Tony

iv. Kenny

II. Let's talk about .

a. Being a Veteran means that one has signed a blank check to the government for them to cash, up to life itself

i. Being killed in combat is not suicide

ii. Suicide is in the military

1. Suicide is illegal in most of the United States and goes against the Constitution of the United States – “Pursuit of happiness…”

b. Cannot separate body and soul

i. Separating the soul from the body is death

1. Souls go where the body has been commended to

a. Heaven

b. Hell

c. Purgatory (?)

c. Religions do not condone suicide

i. Christianity

1. Martyrism – certain death, but saving lives

ii. Muslim

1. Suicide to certain sects gets them Virgins

iii. Judaism

1. Assisted suicide from a doctor to maintain

iv. Shinto

1. Only as an act of selflessness

III. Valhalla

a. Valhalla, Old Norse Valhöll, in Norse mythology, is the hall of slain warriors who live there blissfully under the leadership of the god Odin (Encyclopedia Brittanica)

i. Modern Day Interpretations are that this is the “Warrior’s Heaven”

1. Dying in combat sends you to Valhalla

a. This was the old Norse thought

b. Valhalla today is not always “combat related”

IV. Modern Day Valhalla

a. The interpretation often for modern-day Valhalla is that Valhalla is for anyone who sees combat and dies regardless of their death.

i. This often includes suicide with the response of “Til Valhalla!”

1. This frequently glorifies suicide and states that you’ll be in a Heaven type environment once your soul is separated from your body

2. As we discussed earlier there is no religion that condones suicide

b. Many people discuss that for it to be suicide you have to be in the right headspace and timing

i. Anyone that creates suicide are not in the right headspace

1. Mental health illness is very and usually puts people in the wrong frame of mind

2. Being depressed does not make you suicidal

V. Suicide is Selfish

a. Suicide is a selfish act and it doesn’t only take away from the suicided, but the family and love ones of the suicided

i. Makes things difficult for people who loved the suicided

1. Trauma for whomever finds and/or cleans up the mess made

2. Loved ones wonder why

a. Even with a suicide on why there is often something left and the reason is never really ever uncovered

b. No suicide note = never having closure

i. Speculation only

ii. Renders any act of selflessness useless

1. Committing suicide is selfish and any aid that was given to others makes it useless

VI. Closing up

a. Review what has been discussed

i. Life

ii. Separation of Body and Soul

iii. Religions


v. Selfishness

b. Where to get help

i. National Suicide Hotline

1. 988

2. 1-800-273-TALK(8255)

ii. Veteran Suicide Hotline

1. 988 Option 1

iii. VetCenter

iv. FreedomSystem.org

v. 22 Until None

vi. Veteran Organizations

VII. Next Episode: Episode 10 Friends in Low Places

a. VFW, DAV, Legion, Marine Corps League, and other fraternal organizations are out there for Veterans. This of the organizations talks to members and the benefit of the camaraderie that these programs provide. The Common Veterans represent FreedomSystem.org’s martial arts and mountain bike association.

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