Dems Pass New Stimulus And It’s A Mess – Monday, March 8 – Hour 1

Hour 1

A third stimulus check is in the Covid relief bill. Here’s how to get your full payment.

Dems Agree to Provide ‘COVID Relief’ Checks to Prisoners and Illegal Aliens

Sen. Cotton Decries Death-Row Murderers Getting Stimulus Checks

South Bend gives convicted felon $7,000 grant. He takes and shares naked photos of homicide victim

FLASHBACK: EEOC case detailing sexual harassment targets St. Joseph County Dem. Chair

St. Joseph County Democrats give Stan Wruble four more years as party chair

Daily Show Prep: Monday, March 8

Hour 1

A third stimulus check is in the Covid relief bill. Here’s how to get your full payment.

Dems Agree to Provide ‘COVID Relief’ Checks to Prisoners and Illegal Aliens

Sen. Cotton Decries Death-Row Murderers Getting Stimulus Checks

South Bend gives convicted felon $7,000 grant. He takes and shares naked photos of homicide victim

FLASHBACK: EEOC case detailing sexual harassment targets St. Joseph County Dem. Chair

St. Joseph County Democrats give Stan Wruble four more years as party chair

Hour 2

Mich. Judge Reinstates Voting Fraud Case Following Forensic Probe Of Dominion Voting Machines

Biden Signs Executive Order To ‘Provide Voting Access’ To Citizens In Federal Custody

Court Denies Father Interim Custody of Kids Because Of His Anti-Masking Beliefs

Holmes Norton: Capitol Security ‘Approaching Being Overdone’ – ‘Can’t Keep Being Afraid in Our Own Capitol of Our Own People’

California Bill Would Ban Boys And Girls Sections In Large Retail Stores

Hour 3

Pin Posts

REPORT: Biden Still Separating Migrant Children from Family Members at Border

Texas surges resources to border amid migration ‘crisis’

Super-Spreader Joe Biden Is Releasing COVID Positive Migrants into US Interior

Greyhound bus company requesting all migrants be COVID-free while traveling

Arizona Border Sheriff On Border Crisis: Biden ‘Owns This,’ ‘We Had It Under Control’ Under Trump

Andrew Cuomo to sign bill stripping his own emergency COVID powers

Cuomo Misled The Public Using Nursing Home Figures His Top Aides Manipulated

BREAKING: Cuomo administration revealed to have doctored report proving nursing home deaths

Pelosi-ordered review of Jan. 6 riot calls for 24/7 ‘Quick Reaction Force’ at U.S. Capitol, report


Daily Show Prep: Wed. Oct. 7

Hour 1

Trump: I’m Authorizing Total Declassification Of All Docs Related To Hillary’s Alleged Plan To Smear Me

Intel Chief Declassifies CIA Documents Regarding Alleged Clinton Plan To Link Trump To Russia’s Hacking

Caught Red Handed: Brennan’s Handwritten Notes Prove Obama Was Briefed on Scheme to Set Up Trump

Hillary Clinton behind plan to tie Trump to Russia, CIA warned Comey, Strzok

Memo: Chuck Schumer PAC Spending Millions to Save Gary Peters in Michigan

GOP voter registrations outpace Dems in swing states: report

Poll: Trump Takes the Lead in Maine’s Second District

Hour 2

McCloskeys Indicted By Grand Jury On Felony Weapons, Evidence Tampering Charges

Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge ‘Erika’ Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania — Including Tampering with Ballots

Restaurant-Goers In California Told To Wear Mask ‘In Between Bites’ By Governor’s Office

NBA will stop pushing BLM message on the court after ratings plummet

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Apologizes To Ilhan Omar For Pushing Voter Fraud Report After Witness Said He Was Bribed

Biden Flees Podium Before Reporters Can Ask Questions After Dark and Divisive Speech in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (VIDEO)

Biden says there shouldn’t be second debate if Trump still has COVID-19

Massive Hollywood-Style Trump Sign Placed on the 405 in Los Angeles.

Trump poses stand alone bill for $1,200 stimulus checks, after ending talks with House Democrats

Hour 3

BUSTED! USPS Employee Arrested After Election Ballots Found In Dumpster in New Jersey

BREAKING: Republicans in the House Join Senate Republicans- Ask FBI to Investigate Joe Biden, His Son Hunter and His Brother for Criminal Financial Activities

‘Creepy’ Joe Biden, 77, tells group of ‘beautiful young ladies’ he wants to ‘see them dancing when they’re four years older’ during campaign stop in Miami

California Bureaucrats Knocked Down Giant Trump Sign On Private Property, Claimed It Was A Safety Hazard



Daily Show Prep: Thursday, Sept. 24

Hour 1

Calls to boycott ‘woke’ Costco after it pulls popular Palmetto Cheese from 120 stores because dairy company founder slammed BLM as ‘a terror organization’

FBI finds mail-in ballots discarded in Pennsylvania. All of them were cast for President Trump.

BREAKING: US Mail Found in Ditch in Rural Wisconsin — Included Absentee Ballots

Report: Republicans Plan to Appoint Electors if Vote Results Delayed

Hour 2

Man Gobbles Down So Much Black Licorice, He Dies

Hour 3

Florida AG Refers Bloomberg To FBI For Criminal Investigation After He Pledged To Pay Felons’ Fines So They Can Vote In Apparent Attempt To Boost Biden

EXCLUSIVE: BLM Communist Who Pointed a Gun at Random Drivers in Louisville Identified as Robin Crandel – Is Linked to Soros-Funded Organization

Louisville man FIRED after pointing his legally owned gun at an armed BLM protester who is also a convicted felon

U-Haul Seen Distributing Shields, Potential Weapons to Louisville Rioters Rented to Holly Zoller of Soros-Connected Louisville Bail Project



Daily Show Prep: Thursday, May 14

Hour 1

Gretchen Whitmer: State Police ‘Monitoring All of the Conversations’ of Capitol Protesters

Gov. Whitmer admits she has no proof to back up her claims that anti-lockdown protesters are spreading the virus to rural areas

Many Americans say enough is enough with social distancing and business closures, poll says

Here’s why the media is ignoring the obvious facts and pushing the ‘stay at home forever’ narrative

DOD study raises a tantalizing question: does flu shot increase vulnerability to coronaviruses?

Hour 2

Cop who hid behind his car during Parkland high school massacre wins his job back

Report: NYC Health Commissioner Rebuffed Call For 500,000 Police Masks: ‘I Don’t Give Two Rats’ A**** About Your Cops’

Study: Over 100,000 Small Businesses Have Closed Forever As Result Of Coronavirus Pandemic

Former Emory Professor Pleads Guilty to Hiding Role in Chinese Program Deemed a ‘Threat to National Security’

Gowdy Explains Which Part of Flynn Unmasking Is a Felony

Biden camp responds to Flynn ‘unmasking’ report — and blames racism for the outrage

Samantha Power Caught Lying Under Oath, Testified She Had ‘No Recollection’ of Making Unmasking Request Related to General Flynn

Graham to probe origins of Russia inquiry; won’t call Obama