Greta Van Susteren and take APART with fine print from on ‘broadcasting false content’

I’ve told you about this for nearly a year. It’s good to see other members of the bring it to light.

Media will definitely feel this. Yikes.

Source: Oh DAAAMN! Greta Van Susteren and Sharyl Attkisson take media APART with fine print from FCC on ‘broadcasting false content’

This FCC rule is why you always see the media use plausible deniability. It’s why I keep telling you to focus on the specific words they use, and how they use them. They are aware they are breaking the law and violating the terms of their license. Remember, this isn’t a First Amendment issue … this is an FCC license issue.

They have to say they made a ‘mistake’ even if they intentionally lied to their audience because the latter is illegal.


CNN’s Says He Didn’t Touch Staffer, Video Proves Otherwise

I’m frankly surprised (though not really) that in the era of #MeToo we have CNN’s Jim Acosta saying he didn’t lay a hand on a White House staffer during a tense exchange with President Trump this week. Even more unsettling is that so many verified ‘journalist’s’ social media accounts are saying he never laid a hand on her.

Oh really?

Barbaro works for the New York Times by the way.

For Barbaro’s claim to be evaluated we need two things.

First, we need the dictionary definition of ‘palm.’

palm noun (2)
1 : the somewhat concave part of the human (emphasis mine) between the bases of the fingers and the wrist or the corresponding part of the forefoot of a lower mammal

So, according to the English language and basic , the palm is a part of the human hand. I know this was confusing for some of you. I’m glad to have cleared that up. After all, biology is not biology anymore.

Second, we need the video of the incident. The incident happens at 1:30 of the video.

I shared the direct video from C-SPAN’s own channel because there’s a conspiracy theory that this video is doctored, or that a third party has made the video more ‘violent’ than it actually was. C-SPAN has not altered any video of the event that I’m aware of. So their video is not in dispute.

Let’s look at ‘s chop (Karate chop, knife hand strike, hurray pop culture referenceto the woman’s arm in a loop:

You can clearly see Acosta Judo chop her arm with his palm. We’ve already established that the palm is a part of the human hand. Therefore, Acosta laid a hand on this woman and used some force in doing so. Something the video clearly shows. It’s undeniable. Yet, is being shamefully denied by members of the . One might call that denial !

actually shared a link with the video that proved his claim wrong for crying out loud.

Remember when Trump aide Corey Lewindowski was charged with ‘unwanted touching’ for grabbing reporter ? Remember how she lied about what happened and the media crucified him? She wasn’t injured either and he used similar force to Acosta.

Wouldn’t this qualify for ‘unwanted touching?’

Shouldn’t the media come down on Acosta like they did Lewindowski? Acosta violated the rules, refused to give up the , rebuffed several passive attempts she made to get the microphone back, and finally, Judo chopped her arm when she attempted to forcefully get the mic from someone refusing to obey the rules. She was just doing her job and he, in fact, laid a hand on her.