Fake : No One Is Paying Protesters $2500 A Month

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Casey Breaks Down The Hysteria – Thursday, December 8 – Hour 3 Podcast

Casey breaks down so everyone can understand what the debate is about, what fake is, how to identify it, and why it’s suddenly an issue.

Poll: People Still Don’t Know What Fake News Is | The Daily Caller

Voters are unsure of what exactly constitutes fake news, according to a Thursday poll published by Morning Consult.

What Is Fake News? Even Journalists Don’t Know | The Daily Caller

Forbes contributor Frank Miniter argued that some liberals are using the “fake news” controversy to invite “government control over First Amendment-protected speech or by asking Facebook and Twitter to become even bigger censors of certain views.”

‘Fake News’ Outrage Is All About Restoring Power To Elites | The Daily Caller

Who’s ready for another outrage cycle over fake news?

The MSM Fake News History: “Leave The Lying To Us!” | VDARE – premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

The leftist media “ushered in a world without facts” and was retailing fake news long before Donald Trump ran for president.

Pizzagate – Fake News & Left | National Review

craziest thing about the “pizzagate” story isn’t the fantastical idea that Rodham Clinton is a bland bespectacled lady who secretly runs a ritualistic child-sex ring in a subterranean torture chamber, but that it isn’t even the craziest story about a bland bespectacled lady who secretly runs a ritualistic child-sex ring in a subterranean torture chamber.